
Heavy Conversation

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6 May 2013. Ten o'clock in the morning.

Underwater lab.

Dr Octopus.

Otto was studying the schematics of the Raft. Final adjustments were being made to the plan, Beetle was waiting for the command. But everything had to be thought through. The meeting place, the method of transporting all potential allies, and...the means of persuasion in case of resistance.

A good leader studies his allies, their strengths and weaknesses, but a truly superior leader is able to control and manage his soldiers. Octavius has studied the strengths and weaknesses of the future members of Project Sinister Six and if need be, he will use them.

The secret communication line rang. There was only one person using it.

- Otto, hello," came the voice of Norman Osborn.

- Dr Osborne, greetings. How's Europe?

- Fresh. Very helpful for concentration, especially now, with the need to guide the company through the agony of establishing itself in a newly occupied land.

- How's the cocktail? - Otto asked.

- It helps, thank you. How's your retribution project coming along?

- I intend to execute it soon.

- Excellent, but remember, Dr Octavius Spider is needed alive.

- And then I get Orn?

- Of course, Otto.

- That's good.

-There's something else that needs your attention. -I hope it won't take too long.

- I hope this won't take too long. - Octavius said, slightly irritated.

- How long will it take you to incorporate the personality-altering technology into an object?

- With nanobots? Six hours.

- In the absence of nanobots, but with more prehistoric technology?

- Longer, but with the resources available, anything is possible. What's the experiment, Dr Osborne?

- A subordinate of mine is what you might call the perfect spy. I need him to become even more perfect, can you arrange that, Dr Octavius?

- Perfection is what I do. Is he on his way?

- I've given him the lab coordinates, he'll be here in less than two hours.

- We'll have to adjust the plan.

- I'm sure you'll be fine, Otto.

The call has ended.

- Don't play games Norman, I'm not a tame dog," Octavius said, but began to prepare the necessary equipment.


6 May. 11:35

Shield aircraft carrier.

Nick Fury.

The director of Shields was looking through the file of his old friend, currently in the punishment cell. Gustav was a very good field agent, but he was truly indispensable in the lab.

A genius with a capital letter, a true uncut diamond. Maybe realising that is what led Firs down a crooked path. At least Richard and Mary were there for him, like family. And yet Gustave had betrayed them. All of them. And most likely responsible for the Parkers' deaths.

Nick still felt out of place. Lying, not telling the truth, using secrets for his own ends - it wouldn't be the first time, but to do that to the son of his old friends. It was unpleasant in the least. And yet he admitted to himself that he was hiding this secret deliberately. Nick couldn't allow Peter to doubt, to take risks in training, to jeopardise his talent. He couldn't risk such a unicum, such a soldier.

There was a knock on the door.

- Director Fury,' Maria Hill's voice came from the other side.

- Come in, Agent Hill.

The right hand of the organisation's leader walked to the desk, wiggling her hips gracefully.

- Serious information?

- 'Information on Project Renaissance,' the woman handed her boss a clipboard.

- How's he doing?

- Still in stasis, but the science department says it's making some serious progress.

- And the artefact?

- Still the same.

- All right, well, let's look into it. What about Stark?

- Unfortunately, we don't have the best spy network in Afghanistan and local support for the Ten Rings. I'm afraid things have gotten complicated.

- Keep digging.

- Yes, sir.

- Is Parker ready?

- Agent Parker's been studying the files you sent him for days, I'm sure he'll be here as soon as you tell him to.

- All right,nick turned away,all right.


Underwater lab.

Dr Otto Octavius.

Three hours later.

The submarine docked with the base and Otto waited for Agent Osborn to arrive.

A few minutes later, a man of medium height entered the room, and, of note, he was wearing a white mask.

- I assume you're Dimitre....

- Just Chameleon," the man replied indifferently.

- Well, as you wish. Our employer has informed me. Would you demonstrate the technology?

The spy undid the buttons of his jacket, lifted his shirt and removed a seemingly ordinary leather belt. He pressed a button and the accessory took on a more futuristic appearance.

- Intriguing, camouflage technology. So the elements of this device need to be implanted in you.

- Director Osborne said you'd perform the operation.

- Of course," Otto stepped back to the computers. - Tell me, why do you work for Mr Osborne?

- I could ask you the same question.

- My goal is simple: revenge.

- I do the bidding of whoever's paying.

- So you're just a mercenary? - Octavius said disappointedly.

- Just a mercenary," he said in the same neutral tone.

- All right, then. Please take your seat.


At the same time.

Shield aircraft carrier.

Peter Parker.

"Never tire of boarding."

"I can only be glad my body is resistant to motion sickness."

"Oh, come on, Raj. You like adrenaline."

"But not from flying in a metal box you can't control."

I enter the deck under escort of several agents. First time here as a civilian. Though this is my second time on an Aircraft Carrier at all.

"Isn't flying in a Quinjet the same thing?"

"Not exactly."

- Mr Parker?

An agent I didn't know at all stepped forward.

- Yes, Agent?

- Smith.

- Just like that?

The man gives me a puzzled look.

- Yes, it's that simple. I'll take you to the captain's bridge.

Convoy traffic resumes.

Taking advantage of my advantage, I study the entire Aircraft Carrier as we walk to the main room. Last time, I was too busy following Firs and listening to my gut. Now I can relax before a serious conversation and just observe.

I don't know how soon I'll be able to hack into Shield's servers without compromising myself, so I can only dream about the blueprints for the Aircraft Carrier.

We're passing a lab, or one of many here. The transporter's built like a beehive, lots of compartments, all intertwined. A very efficient design, if the Aircraft Carrier is stormed and the main cabin is occupied, the many independent centres will be preserved and the agents can continue to fight the enemy.

We pass a few corridors and come out to a familiar place. The door opens. Inside is the same atmosphere, most of the technicians are behind monitors, making sure the world doesn't collapse. A few agents scurrying back and forth with documents. And at the centre of it all is the unwavering director, taking a clipboard from the hands of his loyal assistant.

- Sir, Mr Parker has arrived," my escort reported.

- Peter, it's a pleasure to welcome you,' Nick turned round.

- Mr Fury.

- I hope you're ready?

- Is it normal for me to be a little scared? - Almost out of character.

- Yeah, it's okay, kid,' the menacing spy looks a little softer. - I'll take you to the prison section if you don't mind,' Nick looks at the convoy, 'you're no longer needed, thank you.

The soldiers obeyed their commander's order and, having missed us in the corridor, left.

Fury and I spent the rest of the journey in silence. It wasn't until we reached the cells that the Director spoke.

- If you're not ready...

- I know what I need to do," I looked at the man, "I'm fine Nick.

Fury only nodded.

We went inside Fierce's private cell.

- He's here, Gustav, as I promised.

The prisoner, however, preferred to stare at the wall of his cell without turning towards us.

- I take the hint, I'll leave you to it," the one-eyed eagle preferred to leave the cage.

Only when the door closed behind Fury did Fierce turn round.

We study each other in silence for a while, but as soon as I decide to speak, the captive is ahead of me.

- You look like your father," Fierce says, "Mary has a few traits too, but I think they'd be more noticeable if you smiled. Mary liked to smile. Can you smile?

- I didn't come here to make a fool of myself, Mr Fierce," I said, trying to hide my excitement behind detachment.

- Doctor, if you don't mind.

- What can you tell us about surviving the crash, Mr Fierce?

- 'Oh, that shill,' the man smiles, 'Richard was the same, but only Mary could change his mind when Rich was stubborn. Your parents were good friends of mine.

- And you betrayed them.

- No," Fierce spoke a little more sharply than usual, "not them. THE SHIELD. That organisation has outlived its usefulness, Peter, I saw another way, I was going to tell them, explain it to them, but they didn't want to listen.

- How.... how did they die? - I ask the question in an overly excited tone of voice. Fool.

- 'Sorry, my boy, too soon,' Fierce regained his look of an all-controlling mad scientist. - I'm sure Fury gave you the cases I've been working on.

- I have enough data.

- You're a very interesting young man," Gustav stepped as close to the glass as possible, "no wonder the Shield is interested in you, but tell me, why do you need them, Peter?

- I beg your pardon?

- Why would you agree to be a part of this farce?

- Apart from the fact that Shields is a secret service?

- So you're here by force?

- 'I'm here,' I state irascibly, 'to talk to the man who last saw my parents alive.

- Huh," Fierce smiles coldly, "interesting. Thank you, Peter, we're done for the day," the scientist steps back to the couch, "come back again.



Fury's office.

- What were you thinking with that reckless dialogue with Fierce? - Nick would have liked to get a lot more angry at Parker, but for some reason he was holding back.

- What were you thinking? I conducted the conversation exactly as I intended," Pete steadfastly ignored the piercing stare.

- Explain.

- Firs wouldn't say anything unless he wanted to. He's had sixteen years and God knows what he's spent it on, and he's probably got an informant in the Shield.

- The mole is nothing new to us, but you haven't explained your tactics.

- We need to get Firs to trust me. He was probing in our first conversation and technically he was right. Officially, Peter Parker and Shield have nothing to do with each other.

- Except working for your parents' organisation," Fury interrupts.

- And that's why I'm here, even if Fierce thinks I'm a lost guy blinded by anger over my family's fate.

- You played it very believably," Fury said suspiciously.

- Espionage is in my blood, isn't it? - The boy stared back confidently.

- You're dismissed for the day, Agent Parker. As soon as Fierce matures, we'll call on you again.

- Director," Parker got ready to leave.

- The team will be formed without you,' Fury turned away and muttered.

- Excuse me? - The brown-haired man asks incredulously.

- We'll give them additional training, get them acquainted with each other, see how they perform, get them sparring. There are no important missions on the horizon and they can stay like this for a while.

- You've been training me for over six months," Peter says with restraint, looking Fury straight in the eye, "recruited me to be the leader of this team.

- You're useful both as a close agent and while you're busy on this mission. This conversation is over," Nick clicked on the terminal and several soldiers entered the office. - Escort Mr Parker to the lift.

- We're not done," the door closes behind Spider-Man.

- "No, we are," Fury activates his communicator, "Maria, have the 'castling' protocol ready for review.