

One of the most loveable, funny and always optimist hero Spider-Man is always there to help out. To deliver true justice to anyone in need of it. It doesn't matter to him whether they are good or evil he equaly serves justice as in to quote his uncle "With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility." This is a story of a Person who reincarnated into the Body of Peter Parker. He doesn't have any clue what kind of universe he was born into. He has watched a lot of anime, read a lot of manga and Light Novels and Even Fanfiction. He has some expectations that this might turn out to be a not so normal world. But due to some mishap during his transfer to a new body something unexpected happens that changes our Protagonist's thought process. So we get to watch a new Peter Parker that has experienced a life before, which might just change his whole prospective on his uncle's saying " With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility. " [ First Volume Is Strictly MCU with slight changes. Like some of the Marvel comics characters that have a role to play in Peter Parker's or in Spider-Man's lives. ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Many people will be put out by the mc being able to turn from guy to a girl. I think people just don't specifically go looking for guy on guy or Guy turned girl with a guy action. But i just did this cause look how many lesbians or bisexual girls there are in Marvel. Felicia Hardy, Gwen Stacy and i think i read one where even Mary Jane was so hot and bothered for gwen but had to hold herself back cause she was with Harry at that time. Even when he turns into a girl , its just so the girls who just don't like guys will be comfortable with him around. So i'm saying right now No gay stuff with our mc guys.] [ People will be mad i added an A.I. system that doesn't get along with the MC, I wanted to say this now i hate those tropes that have a system making MC's life miserable so don't worry . I just want a lot of character development in this fic thats why i added that. I don't want a M.C that just goes " I wish i could be a superhero too, and because the system is his bi*ch it goes "Oh sure here you go be the hero" and I find monotone systems a lot more boring than one with personality. Like the one of solo leveling. Think of it like his inner voice, he is the good angel and system is his bad angel.] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note. This is my first time writing anything for the public so please bare with me on the grammatical errors or the loop holes in the story. I wanted to read a good spiderman fanfic but the one's i really enjoyed reading well let's just say those stories author's went out to get milk. I have a lot of ideas for this story enough to like write 100 chapters easy but i don't have enough time in my day to do so , But i will try my best. I'm going to use a lot of different plots from a lot of different fics and original stories so please don't get offended . This Peter Parker's powers are going to be OP but he would never be able to wield his powers to his full potential because of different limitations. And there's gonna be a lot of time and space travel in the story. (I'mma use it to cover plot hole's , like when a smart person does'nt use a weapon or some op abilities that can insta k.o. pete so yeah.) _________________________________________________ Neither the cover pic nor are any of the characters are mine they belong to there original CREATORS.

Reality_warper004 · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

Host has Finished the Tutorial

As i am done with all my skills for now, I came to a conclusion that i will be spamming some of these skills alot and some i won't or couldn't be able to use for a while.

' Can i use two skills together? ' as i try to activate my only two safe skills together, i get some system messages.

* Host has used the skill [ Observe ] on "Linear Equations". *

* Skill [ Observe ] is being deactivated. *

* Host has used the skill [ Minor Healing Factor ].*

* Skill [ Minor Healing Factor ] is being deactivated. *

* Host has used the skill [ Observe ] on "Linear Equations". *

And on and on and When i finally got confused why that didn't work i lost concentration and the skills stopped.

' Ok , System? '

* Host this a final repeat of this message. System cannot help the host with his skills. They are yours to play and mess around with. System doesn't even have a level counter for skills.

' Shut up, Shut up , Shut up, Idiot. ' *

I sigh as it looks like I have a lot of IQ but my EQ went down to that of a childs.

Ok, Calm mind, Observe and Adaptability are the three skills i will be spamming alot to get used using skills instinctually so i can learn to use two skills together.

Crafting and Minor Healing Factor are the skills i will be using if i have any need. I will try to get any raw scrap metal or waste material to practice crafting skill in my free time.

Now the main problem is Enhanced Mind. One of if not, the best skill i have till now. I can probably only use this skill subconsciously. I will try to activate it with calm mind but thats not possible right now.

Ok , Finally I think i have a proper read on my status. Now its time to man up and act like a proper child.

I think to myself as i put the book back , go into the toilet. And i stand on the closed toilet seat and lean onto the sink to look into the mirror.

I wanted to check if i had anymore blood on my face.

But the moment i looked into the mirror i realised that this was the first time i was seeing my new appearance.

I had light Brown hair, Brown eyes and a chubby face.

I was 3.4 foot tall (107cms) and i was thin.

' I think i am a little skinny and a little short for a six year old. '

I should really get started on that training as soon as possible.

As i look and see no blood under my nose, I practice a bit in front of the mirror by making different faces.

' Happy face , Sad Face , Puppy Dog eyes , Jojo Pose , Hoo are you approaching me ?

Nonono I'm getting sidetracked. Ok i think its time to face the music. ' I sigh and go out to the living room. And already started spamming observe on all people.

* DING. . .Host has used [ Observe ] on "Benjamin Franklin Parker ". *

* Benjamin Franklin Parker , Age : 36 Years 5 Months 9 Days 1 Hours. Currently : Happy, Anxious, Worried. *

" Uncle Ben! " I say as i run to hug him.

It wasn't the fake emotions. I do feel slightly awkward with interacting with all of them. But the childish EQ is working full-time here so i seriously feel familial love towards all of them. It is also the reason why my emotions are all over the place because i understand something bad is happening to my parents and its making everyone anxious even me. But what can i even do about it, even with all my skills i can't do jack for them right now.

" Ohhoh, Hey their champ. How are you? Don't you miss your favourite uncle, that you didn't even come to visit in so long? Hum? " Asks uncle ben as he bends down a little to hug me too.

Ok here we go game face baby its show time.

" Hehe, That's so silly you're my only uncle, how can you not be my favourite? Uncle Ben. " I giggled as i said.

' Wow thats cringe. I hope they bought it. '

As i look up at everyone's faces i see little smiles on everyone's faces. ' They bought it, Holy shit i am a genius actor. Ha Ha Ha '

" Well for saying that I was your favourite , I'll give you a gift i bought just for you. " Uncle Ben said as he moved toward the room i just came from.

" Ben !? Sigh i hope it isn't something expensive. "

Mom said with a sigh of defeat.

As i watch uncle ben going into the room while acting giddy to show my happiness for the gifts.

I started to think what it could be.

' Oh, yeah the books! I completely forgot about them. '

I then remember my promise to play with my parents. I mean i don't really want to play childish games with them but it would feel odd since pinky promise is kind of a big deal for a child right.

' Well i guess i'll just have to suck it up and just do it. '

"Mom, Dad can we play now you promised you'll play with me remember! " I whine to my parents.

" Ok, Son we did promise so what do you want to play ? " As dad said that Uncle Ben comes out of the room carrying three books.

" Here you go kiddo , I know how much you like your books so i bought these for you." Says Uncle Ben.

" Whoa, Are those for me ? Thanks Uncle Ben these are awesome! " I acted like a pro. It wasn't like i was genuinely happy about the books. Not one bit.

I look at the same books i saw on the bedside table in the room. Periodic Table, Linear Equations, A.B.C Solutions.

Two books of Chemistry and one of Maths.

" I'll read them later with mom, But i wanna play chess with dad for now. Thanks for the books Uncle Ben " I said to Uncle Ben as i hold the books to my chest. ' My precious '

" Ok, kiddo. Go on get the board from inside. And I'm glad you like the gift. " Says Uncle Ben while he roughs up my hair.

After some time after my headache was gone the whole day was fun. I played chess with dad and had mom read one of the chemistry books with me, one of the ones Uncle Ben gave me. I even learned two new chemical blueprints till the end of the day. It also helped lighten the gloomy mood a little as i was ever energetic.

Mom and Dad said i was staying here for a few days as they had to go meet a friend but i knew they were going to go do something dangerous, So i hugged them both as a good luck from my side.

I wasn't just goofing around the whole day i also spammed observe on everyone , It only showed their ages and emotions. Ages i already knew, Mary : 27 , Richard : 29 , May : 35. As for the emotions they all were already anxious and worried , the only one that kept fluctuating was the last one. It was sometimes Happy, determined or Proud.

I used Adaptability during my chess matches with Dad and even beat him a couple of times.

And used Calm Mind to memories the book faster.

I was dead tired at the end of the night both physically and mentally.

Just as i was about to fall asleep, I heard that annoying ding once again. As i look towards the system screen and read the message all my sleep was blown away.

*DING. . .Host has completed The System's Tutorial. Host has unlocked access to Inventory and Quest functions. *

* DING. . .Quest Tab has been updated. *



• Traning : 20 sit ups

20 push ups [ REPEATABLE ]

5 km run

[ Time limit : 00:23:59 ]


• Stop Mary Parker and Richard Parker from leaving. [ Time Limit : 00:20:00 ]



"You shouldn't have killed my mom and squished my Walkman."

-Peter Quill, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
