

The combination of Gavrael and Evie's powers was incredibly strong. It gave out a low humming roar like it had a life of its own as it left them and sped towards their target. 

Upon contact with Thundrann, his body was flung against the walls. The potency of that combined magic must have been very powerful as Thundrann flew through the air effortlessly, not being able to resist nor use his own powers to reduce the impact. He had initially created a barrier to counter the attack but despite that, the combined power of Evie and Gav was just too overwhelming. It just dispersed Thundrann's magical barrier like a hand brushing away a spider's webbing, slamming him hard into the ancient stone wall in the blink of an eye.

Galleous's body inside the crystal then released an even darker and stronger dark magic. It leaked out from the base of the crystal and crawled around on the ground like a shifty and creepy miasma.