
Take Me Home

Irene arrived at the veterinary clinic to get the injured puppy after a week of rehabilitation. Thankfully, the puppy gained weight since the last time she saw her. The puppy was extremely emaciated but is now looking a lot better.

The puppy is happily sitting in the passenger's seat while Irene drives on the way to her favorite coffee shop to get the puppy's first ever puppuccino. Irene quickly glanced at the puppy who was looking cute while wearing the seatbelt.

When they arrived in the coffee shop's drive thru, Irene came to a halt when she was asked by the staff as to what the puppy's name is. Now that she thinks of it, she has not even named the puppy yet.

"Oh, wait for a moment," She motioned her hands to the impatient staff as her mind hurriedly thought of a name. Irene turned to check the very docile puppy and a name instantly popped into her mind.