
Spellbound and Enchanted

Kenzie_Wernigk · Fantasie
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10 Chs

The Dream

I wake up covered in sweat, panting, shaking. Ive had the same dream on the same night for the last 5 years. The night before my birthday. Roanoke was attacked and burned to the ground by neighboring colonies, I ran until eventually I passed out from smoke inhalation and I was found by an elderly couple, who did their best to raise me make me the mostly proper lady I am today, give or take the traumatizing event i went through. I sigh as i run my fingers through my mess of long dark curls "Victoria! Get up! Let's go! We need to start preparing for tommorrow!" an older lady come busting through the door or at least trys too, seeing how her over the top dress won't allow her to. "Morning Mary", "Aunt. Aunt Mary, don't forget deary" she winks at me. " Now get up we need to get you and the house ready for your party tommorrow. We have suitors coming, seeing how as of tommorrow your 18 and its time to get you married off. I sigh " Must i get married so soon? I still have some baggage to deal with..." Mary sits down beside me and hugs me. " I know sweetheart.. maybe you should go back there today.. you can take your uncles horse so maybe you can feel better about the fate of Roanoke? I nod not wanting to go back there, but I feel compelled to go back there.. maybe it'll stop the nightmares..