
Spellbound and Enchanted

Kenzie_Wernigk · Fantasie
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10 Chs

It begins...

Its to dark to see anything. I run through the woods. I inhale deeply, smoke fills my lungs, I hear the screams of the villagers behind me. I run harder holding back my tears. My long dress catches a mess of Cats Claw, I let out a cry as I fall to the ground. I punch the ground in frustration, Roanoke was supposed to be safe. But no, when founder of Roanoke left he took most of the witches with him. Leaving us protectionless! That blasted bloody fool. He knew of the growing tension between us and the land around us and he left us without protection the only witches left were too young to know anything and to old to do anything. I shoot straight up when i hear a stick crack behind me. " Who's there?" no reply. I back up slowly and i feel two large hands wrap around my waist.. and i scream.