
Speed-run Civilization

A young man was trying to finish his high school project when a fire killed him. He thought this is the end but fate had something planned for him. He was reincarnated as young prince who is abandoned on an Dessert Island. How will he survive? How will he make this deserted barren land into an overpowered kingdom with his future knowledge? ====================================================== Author's thoughts: Mc is not a simp but the FL is, and also it's a sentient System Novel. Early chapters have some mistakes but I am fixing them slowly. This is a single Fl story not a harem, I will be writing other stories as harem but not this one. This is my first novel so.. I have lot to learn. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Author Note : The person in the Cover is Aria. Instagram - shorturl.at/nxNR0

KN_Aditya · Fantasie
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133 Chs


Coal has been running out in Jola City because of all the projects and steel they have been making and now Eugene had to do something about it before it ran out. He has been reading lots of things and writing them down on prachements for more than a week now, his head was feeling a bit dizzy from all the work but he was not going to stop till he found a way to solve all these problems.

"Aria bring up information on the petroleum reservoir and extraction process"

(Here you go)

"No no do you think I can do all this? we are not in 21st century, it's not possible to extract oil like that"

(You don't have enough information to search for other ways to extract Darling)

"Ha this is so frustrating"

(Calm down darling)

I was thinking what to do, sitting in my room on my bed alone , all the books were scattered around the bed. I have been here doing my study for 7 days now, my whole room was a mess.

Slowly the door opened and Alice came in with fries and some sort of soupe in her hand.

Alice: "Your Majesty you have you been in your room for the past seven days"

Eugene: "Yeah, I'm trying to figure out how to solve Jola's problems."

Alice: "You look exhausted. Maybe you should take a break and come out for some fresh air."

Eugene: "I can't. I need to find a solution fast."

Alice: "Okay, but just promise me you'll take a break soon, okay? I'm worried about you."

Eugene: "I will. Thanks, Alice."

With that she left. Alice really is like a big sister to me and Hughes is like a big brother I guess anyway I need to think of something.

"we can dig it out and take out the oil but it will just evaporate there is no way I can extract petrol or anything to burn at high temperature" I said

(Oil that has risen to the surface would mostly evaporate, leaving behind bitumen - the tarry component of the mixture of hydrocarbons it is composed of. This has been used for thousands of years as a waterproofing agent, for plumbing, boat building and brick bonding.)

"I know I already read that! WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME THIS AGAIN!? Wait, what is this substance called in the modern era?"


"AH.. search how much heat does Asphalt release when burned also search more about Asphalt"

with this we found a good alternative for coal, however the petroleum reservoir is near the Northern shore which will take at least a 2 weeks travel on this era's normal ships. But that won't be a problem for us. I will ask Neil to fix one of the steam engines onto a ship so that we can reach the reservoir in like 2 days or something, then we can extract tar in barrels and bring it home to burn. Now I solved one of my headaches but there are still so many more problems left.

We have fuel now but nothing to burn for I mean iron is also running out. I know I can extract iron filling from iron sand from a few days ago but the problem is how am I going to make a huge magnet?

"Aria bring everything about magnets"

(On it)

hence my other long research begins.


`somewhere between the border of Yodan and Notopia: Imperial Army Camp`

When everyone was sleeping the pirates came in and started to kill people. They went around and slit people's throats or stabbed them in the chest. The emperor and the nobles were killed. They left no one alive and looted the camp for anything of value. It was a bloody massacre and the pirates showed no mercy. They slightly finished their job without a single slip up.

The place looked like a scene from a horror movie. There was blood everywhere, and bodies strewn about the camp. It looked like a slaughterhouse, with guts and entrails littering the ground. The pirates had taken everything of value, and the camp was in ruins.

Just like that the Great Emperor Alec Ewan was killed in sleep without even knowing how he died.


Eugene: Hey Hughes, how's the campaign to recruit volunteers going?

Hughes: Not too bad. We've managed to get a few hundred people to sign up so far.

Eugene: That's great! We're going to need all the help we can get if we're going to make this island our home.

Hughes: Absolutely. I'm just glad that we didn't have to fight with 4000 people but we can't be sure . Eugene: Yeah, it's been a long time coming. Finally we can have a real army.

We talked for a while. Hughes dropped all formalities because we were alone with Alice having an afternoon meal in my room.

after a while both of them left then I went back to my research

(You should sleep you know you have been awake for almost 48hr now)

"I will after one more hour ok?"

(Nope! You are sleeping now. I will not let you search anymore!)

"Ha.. alright I will"

as such I had an afternoon nap.


The Tequila Empire is under attack by a secret organization bent on destroying it. This organization has developed a new weapon that is specifically designed to destroy tequila. This weapon is a virus that attacks the agave plant, the primary ingredient in tequila. This virus is highly contagious and difficult to control. It has already spread to several agave plantations in the Tequila Empire and is causing widespread destruction. The Tequila Empire is trying to fight back, but it is unclear how long they can hold out against this new threat.

They don't know what this disease is nor do they know how it got to their empire. They have kept this news from spreading to other Empires in eastern continent but now that the disease has spread to the capital they no longer are able to keep this a secret.

`Capital City Empire of Tequila`

Emperor Florio: My ministers, I have grave news. A new disease has been discovered. This disease is highly contagious and difficult to control. It has already spread to several agave plantations in the Tequila Empire and is causing widespread destruction. We are trying to fight back, but it is unclear how long we can hold out against this new threat.

Minister 1: Your Majesty, what can we do? This disease could destroy our entire empire.

Emperor Florio:

We must find a way to stop it from spreading. We need to find out where it came from and how to stop it. We also need to keep this news from spreading to other empires. If they find out about this disease, they may try to take advantage of our situation.

Minister 2:

Your Majesty, we will do everything we can to find a solution. If we don't do anything, all our plantations will die out leaving us with no food.


`Capital City Demogus Empire`

The capital city of the Demogus Empire is a bustling metropolis filled with people from all walks of life. The streets are lined with shops and vendors selling everything from food to weapons, and the air is thick with the smell of spices and sweat. The city is home to a large number of temples and shrines, as well as the imperial palace, and it is said that there is always something going on in the city, no matter what time of day or night it is.The city is a chaotic and dangerous place, but it is also full of life and energy. It is a place where anything and everything can happen, and where people from all corners of the empire come to trade, worship, and live.

As a vendor in the city, one's life is constant hustle and bustle. They wake up early in the morning to set up their stall or shop, and then they spend the day trying to sell their goods to the never-ending stream of customers. At the end of the day, they pack up their wares and head home, hoping to make enough money to get by. It is a hard life, but it is also a rewarding one. Vendors in the city are constantly surrounded by people, and they get to see and experience all the different aspects of life in the empire. They are a part of the city's heartbeat, and they would not have it any other way.

Such a Vendor was Vinsect however something was different about him that was he is spy for Tequila Empire and today he learnt of a very sensitive information about Demogus condition.

The Demogus Empire is facing a new threat in the form of a virus that is attacking the agave plant. This plant is the primary ingredient in Demogus, and the virus is causing widespread destruction. The Demogus Empire is trying to fight back, but it is unclear how long they can hold out.

If he sends this information back home, he can finally return home and meet his family again after more than 6 years of working undercover in Demogus.

As soon as the sun setted in the west he wrote a letter informing about this new development in Demogus.

Yes I am back!! I will be posting steadily again ᕙ⁠(⁠ ⁠ ⁠•⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠•⁠ ⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕗ

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