
Popular family

Suzy : Let me introduce myself. I am Suzy Clarinet and this is my big brother.😊

Kenny : Sup. I am Kenny Clarinet.

Fang : ( Thinking ) wa..wait dont...tell me..

Boboiboy: what Fang? You know them?

Fang : You are from the "guardian warriors " family!?😲

Suzy: Yep you are right.

All except Fang: What does that mean?

Kenny: Let me say Clarinet family is a popular family in the galaxy. And they work as guardian warriors for superpower holders like you guys.

Yaya: Mmn. So you mean you two are guardian warriors too?

Suzy: Yeah and we are you fives guardian warriors. We came from Bubble planet to protect you all.

( suddenly a video call from captain Kaizo came and Fang picks up)

Kaizo : Fang! i just got a info about a spaceship landing near Tok abas shop. Why didnt you inform me?😡

Fang: Sorry captain. They say they came from Bubble planet.

Kaizo : (Looks at them) Greetings "Guardian warriors "

( politely )

Suzy and Kenny: Hello Kaizo😀!

Fang:Captain, you know them??😕😕

Kaizo: Heh. How can i not know them. Miss Clarinet (honorific) is one of the powerful swordfighters and her brother is the galaxys no.1 gunshooter.😏😏


Suzy: Kaizo how many times i will have to tell you to call me and big bro by our name? You and big bro are childhood friends.

Boboiboys group : Childhood friends???

Kenny: Yes cause our parents were friends. So we know each other since childhood except for Fang.😮


Kaizo: Ok now back to businesss. Fang why did you call me earlier?

Fang : Captain there seems to be some problems with Boboiboys power.😐

Kaizo: Hm.. ok i will come to earth tomorrow. So keep Ochobot ready cause we will need his power.

Fang : Roger that Captain!!

(After that Kaizo deleted the call)

Suzy: What does that mean?

Fang: After Boboiboys fight with Vargoba he has some problems with his elemental powers.So Captain will help him with his power.

Suzy: So thats how it is.😓😥

Kenny: Can we help too?🙂

Boboiboy and others: Sure😁😁!