
Oh my god

Suzy: What is in this box (opening)..... omg!! Arcepin!!

Kenny : Arcepin mah baby!! Come to me🙂!

Suzy: No Dont touch her! she is mine😡!

Kenny : She is mine too!

( pinches each others cheek )

Mrs.Clarinet: Ok kids no fighting. Now go.😧

Suzy and Kenny : Ok mom and dad bye.

Suzys POV

It took us 4 hours to reach earth. After that we were walking around Rintis island. Than we saw a shop and went there to ask something.

Suzy and Kenny: Hello mister.

Tok aba: Hello young kids. How can i help you?

Kenny: Can you tell us where can we find the five superheroes?

Tok aba: Wait a bit.Boboiboy! Come here with your friends!

(then Boboiboy,Fang,Ying,Yaya and Gopal came)

Boboiboy: What is it grandpa?

Tok aba: They are here to meet you and your friends.( points at Suzy and Kenny)

Suzy : Hi Boboiboy.😊

Fang : Careful Boboiboy!! They are aliens !!😠😠

All except Fang : What !!😲

Suzy : Dont worry we are not your enemy.

Yaya: How can you prove that?

Ying : Yeah show us the prove.