

In a mystical realm teeming with legends of deities, a tale unfolds of a zombie-infested apocalypse. As humanity struggles to survive, Adam becomes a beacon of hope. However, he grapples with his own internal conflicts, battling demons within. With unwavering support from loyal companions, they embark on a perilous quest to rescue their world from impending doom.

ShawnGuh · Fantasie
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70 Chs


Amidst the fierce battle, the Sea Gull and the Hippo continue their rapid spin. Suddenly, the Sea Gull disengages the Hippo from its lower body, propelling the Hippo with even greater force. The Hippo collides with the Monkey so forcefully that it forcibly separates the Monkey from the Dog monster, sending them crashing into the forest. The Robot regains its footing and delivers a devastating uppercut that pierces through the Dog's stomach, hoisting it into the sky, while the Sea Gull employs its claw to crush the Dog's head. Subsequently, the Robot powers down after releasing the lifeless Dog monster.

The Monkey monster clamps its jaws onto the Hippo's head, violently tearing it from the Hippo's body. It then plunges its arm into the Hippo's carcass, extracting the spine and employing it to snatch the Sea Gull closer. With a savage move, the Monkey lunges onto the Sea Gull, relentlessly pounding it with its limbs. Kayla's anguished cries fill the air as Jean stirs within the Monkey monster's spiritually , experiencing an out-of-body moment that renders him a mere spectator to the Monkey's brutal assault on the Sea Gull. Jean desperately calls out to the Monkey to cease its vicious actions, but the Monkey persists, unrelenting in its assault. Within this gruesome tableau, Jean implores Kayla's name as the Monkey forcibly tears open the Sea Gull's chest, revealing Kayla within the monstrous creature.

As Jean helplessly observes, Kayla weeps, apologizing for her inability to stop Jean. Spiraling into despair, Jean acknowledges that the responsibility rests on his own shoulders, cursing his own weakness for failing to break free from the monster's clutches. Tears streaming down his face, Jean watches in torment as the Monkey devours Kayla's body. In a triumphant outburst, the Monkey releases a deafening roar and unfurls wings from its back. Soaring into the sky, Jean's spiritual pledge echoes: he will never forgive himself, vowing that once he regains his freedom, he will stop at nothing to exact vengeance upon Henry.

In the midst of the ongoing battle, Michael finds himself kicked around by Henry. Rune and Simbad join the fray as Henry's fury intensifies, vowing that they all will meet their end by his hands. Suddenly, numerous rat heads emerge from Henry's body, unleashing a flurry of miniature explosions across his form. Rune recognizes the imminent danger, prompting him to pull Simbad out of the battle just as a colossal explosion engulfs the area, sending Michael crashing into Mai's van. Mai rushes to retrieve Michael, attempting to drive away, but Henry intervenes, delivering a kick to the van, causing it to roll into a nearby building.

Determined to continue his pursuit, Henry is about to follow when Jarvis suddenly appears through a magical doorway. Jarvis bows and expresses concern that Henry's actions will lead to overexhaustion, jeopardizing their plans for the coming week. Fueled by hatred, Henry pays no heed to the warning and releases a laser beam from his rat head arm towards a nearby building. A rocket intercepts the laser, detonating it before impact. Stella emerges with a bazooka and fires five rockets at Henry, but he deflects them in different directions. Tearfully, Stella vows to be the one to end Henry for being responsible for Agustin's monstrous transformation. She opens fire with her firearm, prompting Henry to evade the bullets and prepare for a lethal strike.

In a sudden turn of events, Ezzy intervenes, plunging a knife into Henry's neck. Jarvis retaliates by firing his firearm, striking Ezzy multiple times in the chest and arm. Henry removes the knife from his neck, and Stella attempts to reload her weapon. In response, Henry uses a rat head arm to bite off Stella's arm, causing her to scream in agony as she splatters her blood onto Henry's eyes, temporarily blinding him. Mai, injured and bleeding from her head, emerges from the building and unloads several shots into Henry, targeting his chest and head. However, the bullets merely graze his heart and brain. Jarvis seizes the opportunity, stabbing Mai in the stomach with his spear and hurling her against the wall of a nearby building.

Rune springs into action, engaging Jarvis in combat as their weapons clash. Jarvis commends Rune as a worthy adversary, someone he could engage in an honorable fight under different circumstances, but now is not the time. Simbad joins the battle, but Jarvis swiftly strikes Simbad's nose with the hilt of his spear, causing him to stagger back with a bloody nose. Henry extends his arms and propels Simbad far away. Meanwhile, Jarvis and Rune continue their intense duel, showcasing remarkable competitiveness. Henry joins the fray and deploys his rat-like arms to bite Rune from behind. Jarvis capitalizes on the distraction, slashing Rune across his chest. Subsequently, Henry hurls Rune through a window of a nearby building.

Nhia and Xai watches from the sidelines, paralyzed by fear and unable to intervene. However, Kiren emerges, bearing severe injuries but determined to confront the adversaries. He raises his arms, prepared for combat, and calls out to Jarvis, inquiring about Duke's whereabouts. Jarvis grins and reveals his intentions to use Duke as a means to approach Megan. Kiren vehemently opposes this, declaring that he won't allow such an outcome. As the self-proclaimed hero says "THE HERO HAS ARRIVE!", Kiren focuses his powers, generating a small magical aura around him. Suddenly, he conjures his magical hammer and shield, in which surprises him but he then quickly charges forward to confront Jarvis.

In the midst of the confrontation, Kiren deflects a spear thrust from Jarvis and retaliates with a powerful hammer strike to Jarvis's head. Michael makes his entrance, releasing an electric shock that propels both Henry and Jarvis away, causing them to crash into a series of street poles. Subsequently, Michael crawls over to Mai, attempting to provide aid and staunch the bleeding from her wounds.

Henry swiftly regains his footing, unleashing a swarm of rat-like heads from his body, which launch a barrage of attacks towards Kiren. Kiren manages to deflect most of the attacks, but a couple of rat heads successfully bite into his body. Simultaneously, Jarvis hurls his spear, impaling Michael in the chest, causing him to collide with a nearby wall. Michael coughs up copious amounts of blood and is preoccupied with Mai's condition.

Stella recovers from her earlier fall and fires her firearm at Henry, hitting him on the side of the head. In response, Jarvis intervenes, kicking Stella's gun into the air and forcefully knocking her to the ground. He seizes her firearm and fires a shot at Stella's head, narrowly missing her as she evades the bullet. Stella counterattacks by kicking Jarvis in the groin, causing him to drop the weapon. She swiftly regains her footing and, with her torn-off arm, punches Jarvis in the face, driving her bone fragment into his cheek. In retaliation, Jarvis grabs her by the throat and slams her onto the ground.

Ezzy, despite her critical condition, manages to shoot her firearm, hitting Jarvis in the collarbone. Jarvis promptly evades further shots from Ezzy. Meanwhile, Henry overwhelms Kiren with numerous rat bites, causing Kiren to fall to his knees, bleeding profusely. Henry approaches Kiren, bringing his face close, and challenges him to remind him of who has arrived. With a bloody smile, Kiren defiantly proclaims once more that the hero has indeed arrived.

Suddenly, Henry is alerted to an immense, overpowering magical energy emanating from the Robot. Before he can react, Adam has already seizes Henry by the head, swiftly and decisively detaching it from his body. In a crushing grip, Adam annihilates Henry's head, leaving the rest of his body stunned. Jarvis promptly intervenes, seizing Henry's body, and they both vanish into a magical portal, leaving the scene. Witnessing Adam's transformation back into his adult self, Kiren is overcome with emotion and tears, reaffirming that their hero, their symbol of hope, has indeed returned. As Adam surveys the critical conditions of those around him, Barbra, now aged over a century, approaches. He implores her to use her remaining magic to heal the wounded, a request she had already intended to fulfill. Barbra channels a formidable healing energy, mending the injuries of those in her vicinity.

Most wounds closes and pain diminishes for Ezzy, Mai, Kiren, Rune, and Simbad. Michael harnesses the newfound vitality from the healing to extract the spear lodged in his chest. Stella, however, gazes down at her absent arm, an irreplaceable loss. Mai clutches her stomach in discomfort and points out that the healing wasn't entirely restorative. A hesitant Kiren rises, attempting to hug Adam, who gently pushes him away, his gaze fixated upon the sky.

They all become aware of a shadow cast over the entire town, directing their attention upwards. The Winged Monkey Monster looms overhead, having already charged a colossal energy ball, its size matching that of the entire town. Rune peers out a window and foresees the impending devastation this attack could destroy the entire town. While the others remain in a state of shock at the sheer magnitude of magical energy gathered by the monkey in the sky, Kiren alone breaks into laughter.

Amidst the tension, Kiren declares with confidence that their Hero has come to their rescue. In a swift motion, Adam propels himself with remarkable force from the streets, soaring towards the Monkey Monster. The creature discharges the massive energy ball towards the town. Adam, reaching the energy sphere, confronts it with both his hands. With a thunderous roar, he channels his formidable strength to steadily reduce the size of the town-engulfing energy ball. As moments pass, the energy sphere diminishes in Adam's grasp, eventually condensing to a minuscule size, which he crushes with ease.

Enraged, the Monkey Monster descends and aims a punch at Adam. In a matter of seconds, their fists collide, obliterating the creature's arm. Adam then quickly dives into the Monkey's chest, breaches its magical defenses, retrieves Jean, and escapes as the creature dissolves into magic. Adam descends gracefully from the sky, holding Jean tenderly in his arms, bathed in the radiant sunlight. The townspeople, survivors of the crisis, watch in awe, perceiving Adam as a godlike figure. Filled with reverence, they offer prayers to Adam. Adam places Jean into Kiren's care and informs him that he requires a new body to renew himself, as his current form bears the scars of past ordeals. Kiren, puzzled by Adam's words, receives assurance that everything will be fine upon his return. Adam erupts in magic as it swirls in a circle to form a giant, gleaming egg. Kiren gently touches the luminous egg with his face, affirming that their hero seeks a new vessel and will return in due time. 

A multitude of survivors gather around the giant egg, kneeling in unison, and offer fervent prayers for Adam's imminent return. Mai, wiping away her tears, finds solace in the long-awaited arrival of their Special Star, who came just in time to rescue their town. Barbra, with regret in her eyes, expresses her apology to Stella for her inability to restore her lost arm. In a heartfelt embrace, Ezzy consoles Barbra and says that the sacrifice made to save Adam has caused Barbra to age significantly.

Kiren gazes around him, continuing his praises about Adam, deeply moved by their hero's actions. Rune and Simbad exchange glances and agree that they must strive to enhance their powers, recognizing the growing strength of their adversaries. Mikey, clutching his wound, joins the scene and declares that with the Special Star, they possess the means to emerge victorious in this war.

Mai, approaches the giant egg, addresses the assembled crowd and offers her heartfelt apologies for the loss of so many lives today, deeming herself unfit to continue as the leader of Old Berry Town as all the deaths today is too much for her to bear. She announces Ezzy as the new leader of their town and expresses her belief that Ezzy will make the right decisions to guide them towards victory in their battle against the Riders. With a resolute stance, Ezzy asserts that the Riders will be held accountable for their actions, vowing to bring an end to the war and rebuild their town. The crowd erupts in cheers as Mai and Ezzy share a warm embrace.

Nakao arrives on the scene and observes the striking resemblance between Adam and Conor, affirming their father-son relationship. Nakao then ask Stella to please teach her how to fight. Meanwhile, Michael reaches the Robot and channels some of his lightning magic into it. The Robot reactivates and returns to the town, reverting to its Robo Mall form. Rex emerges, fatigued, and expresses his relief that he didn't die in battle. Michael catches him, and they share a moment of relief. Rex then offers his apologies to Barbra, admitting that he was aware she and Adam were still in the third floor of the mall when he used Robo Mall to combat the monster.

He inquires how they managed to avoid injury during the fight. Barbra explains that they did sustain injuries with their unconscious bodies colliding with the mall's walls, but she has acquired new healing powers, allowing her to mend her injuries at will. She produces an magic apple and reveals that she gained access to this ability after rescuing Adam, clarifying that it only accelerates the healing process and doesn't restore stamina or magic. Kiren expresses amazement and suggests that these apples are a part of Adam's powers, commending Barbra for her newfound blessings, effectively granting her immortality.

Jean then regains consciousness in Kiren's arms, causing a sudden commotion among the group. Concerned, Ezzy draws her pistol, fearing that Jean might undergo another transformation. However, she soon notices that Jean appears to be in control of his own body. Jean then demands that he needs to see Agustin as soon as possible. Nhia and Xai mention that they are already one step ahead, having brought Agustin's body with them. Jean places his hand over the scar on Agustin's chest, tightly squeezing his hands until it bleeds, allowing a few drops of blood to fall onto Agustin's scar, which briefly emits a faint glow. Mai inquires about Jean's actions, and Barbra comprehends the situation, explaining that when Adam retrieved Jean, he must has put some of his blood into Jean's body to counteract Henry's cells and to have better body control. Jean nods in confirmation, adding that Adam instructed him to also pass it to anyone else affected by Henry's monster cells.

Jean then breaks down and reveals that Kayla has died, and he blames himself for her death. This revelation deeply affects Simbad, who shares a strong bond with the children. Simbad embraces Jean and reassures him that it isn't his fault, emphasizing that Henry is responsible for Kayla's death. Despite the comforting words, Jean continues to cry, lamenting that if only he had been stronger, Kayla might still be alive. Rune is also deeply hurt by the news and, overwhelmed by his emotions, he decides to step away from the group, expressing his determination to intensify his training. Simbad calls out to him, urging him to wait, while Jean and Simbad make an effort to catch up with Rune.