
Spatium temporis

The Start Of Time Manipulation Era And The History Of Time

JassIsAMale · Fantasie
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9 Chs


Miyazaki Nods and both of them get in the portal They Reached The Unkowns World... Miyazaki Asks Jay For The Pills but Jay Refuses saying "We don't know what the pills would do to us in this world " Miyazaki nervously puts his foot on the ground slowly but he doesn't feel anything so he tells them they could come in Jay and Mikoto comes with Miyazaki But Floyd Refuses And Eat Some Pills, Jay is confused saying "Why" Floyd Laughs and say " Its gonna be fine Don't Worry " soo floyd comes with them exploring the planet as they walk they find a lot of weird things from uncanny valley humans and animals, this place is disturbing as they walk suddenly a sharp plate cut jay cheek a little so he goes into fight position and summons his bow

Jay : " you're dead... "

As jay shoots an arrow that kept on cloning itself and by each clone it becomes stronger the stranger pulls plates and start blocking the arrows with the plates like he is using telekinesis only on the plate , he says

The stranger: " the kitchen table "

A huge amount of sharp plates shows and start gathering making a circular table protecting him from Jay's arrows

Floyd : " you need any help ? "

Jay : " i hate to say it but we are here for a mission soo take care Floyd, Lets Go Guys "

Everyone leaves and Floyd fights the stranger

Floyd : " alright let's do this "

Both of them get in fight position suddenly Floyd disappears and shows up behind the stranger saying in his ears " boom " and explodes a huge explosion as Floyd waiting for the dust to go away to see what happened he sees the stranger protected himself with his plates before the explosion happened Floyd laughs saying " FUN FUN FUN " the guy gets mad and says " I'm gonna kill you " and start attacking with his plates while Floyd blocking with his bombs Floyd rushes and says " trapped stadium" but nothing happens but in Floyd eyes the place has been filled with explosives connected to each other any move from the stranger and all of the explosives gonna deploy the stranger laughs and pulls out 2 colored plates and suddenly they move around the place at a crazy speed cutting all the wires in the bombs , Floyd shocked

Floyd : " you seem a strong one huh, THIS IS FUN! "

The stranger : " you're a dead man "

Floyd rushes towards him both of them attacking and defending its crazy till Floyd gets injured and the pill he swallowed throws up so floyd connects a trap to his shoes without the stranger noticing then kicking him with it the stranger man explodes and falls away confused he says " how ? "

Floyd : " oh it's easy your plates only detect the energy powers so I just mixed it with my shoes that has the normal power and went through your protection, now die haha "

Floyd covers himself with trap bombs and rushes to the stranger exploding to him Floyd get out of it since it's his own energy the stranger crashes into a store crying repeating " he's gonna kill me " floyd looks at him confused he says " i'm not gonna kill you " the stranger talks saying " Its not about you before he kills me and my family know that my name is Kyou, The World notorious Enemy Is Dare... Dare demonai Do Not Trust Him, i hate my powers i wish i never had them " Kyou Looks At The ground And Cries desperate to save his family Floyd says " ill help you follow me " suddenly someone attacks Kyou Instantly Blocks It Making A sphere protecting them Floyd Tries To Go Outside To Fight With The Person Kyou Says " Dont He is wayy to powerful for us " Floyd Laughs And Says " Don't Worry I Am Strong " and leave instantly Kyou Tries to stop him but he cant The First Thing Floyd Saw When He Left The Sphere The World Has Changed it went dark and he can hears a song plays in his mind its like from the 60s he sees a masked person away Floyd Feels Something Wrong He Tries to get closer to the person but every inch he moves towards him he feels his body getting heavier his breath getting heavier his looking at the person in confusion not even afraid just confused floyd says " FUN! " And Tries To Get Closer Making His Way to the person every time he gets closer the song gets louder and the man sound in the song gets more aggressive by time Floyd thinks in his mind This Is The End I prefer Dying while trying not While Crying And Laughs And Finally gets close to the person when Floyd Touches The Person His Mind Takes the Picture Of Weird eyes the conjunctiva is red the Cornea Light Blue around the pupil is orange then everything disappear the song the world everything it feels like it was all hallucinations Floyd Falls Tired Thinking That Everything happened was cause of the pill he swallowed but how didn't he threw it up whats going on it might be the world ? he forgets about everything and goes to Kyou Sphere knocking on it telling him everything is safe he can get out , slowly the sphere deattach and kyou shows up he is confused but sees Floyd Tired He nods Floyd takes Kyou in cuffs since he thinks Kyou was Lying About Everything Kyou Accepts knowing its for Floyd Safety

Meanwhile mikoto and the others were walking through the world and they found a city its kinda different from the others it feels like its too perfect? Mikoto feels its a trap but suddenly jay checks his tablet and checks on floyd heartbeat its fast but he is still alive he calls him to check on him and Floyd Answers

Jay : " Hey Floyd is everything Alright?, Your Heartbeat Is High it feels you've went to a crazy fight " 

Floyd : " This Place Isn't Normal The Guy I've Been fighting called Kyou And Have Been Used By Someone That Has His Family Somehow but question Jay Did you guys felt anything weird like Hallucinations ? "

Jay : " No, Why Is Everything Alright? "

Floyd : " Leave The World Now Ill Send a Special Unit To do this Mission Instead Of Us... " 

Jay : " Why? "

Floyd : " Don't Ask Questions This Is A Command Leave This World Now " 

Floyd Hangs up Leaving Jay Confused miyazaki Asks Of Whats Going On

Jay : " Thats weird Theres Something That Made Floyd Wants To leave this world we gotta go "

miyazaki : " why "

Jay : " he said No questions lets go now " 

mid there conversation Mikoto Calls them noticing a weird person spying on them all of them hides instantly ready to attack, Mikoto And Jay Attacks they rush into the person while mikoto grabbing dirt turning it to fire and controlling it to attack the person suddenly in a blink The World changes into a black world the same song that played with floyd it played again inside there minds everyone is confused and they a crazy pressure in them like they gonna explode miyazaki Tries To run but The Person Catches Him And kick him away Jay got mad and now everyone is running towards the weird person ignoring the pressure but he keeps on dodging there attacks miyazaki over there knocked out cause of the kick but he dreams that Mikoto the one got kicked he realizes its a dream so he keeps searching for the exit he didnt find the exit and the person started moving miyazaki attacks him with all he got his punch went really fast that it touched the person for a split second and he disappeared miyazaki saw the same eyes floyd saw and went back to the normal world miyazaki runs to ask jay why isnt he moving but he finds him dead... miyazaki knew no matter what keep moving before he dies he remembers he got knocked out and kills himself in the dream to wake up he does and woke up seconds away from death he shouts " DONT STOP MOVING NO MATTER WHAT, AND TRY TO TOUCH THE WEIRD PERSON " everyone is moving towards the person but he keeps on dodging the notice the glow in the person eyes is moving like crazy it feels like he is reading there moves so they go faster and faster trying to touch him at least but they cant he keeps on dodging miyazaki gets mad cause they are not doing any progress and screams and starts to get faster that the barely see him while the person is dodging suddenly miyazaki sweeps the person and smash his head to the ground but before the person his the ground it explodes on them everyone is tired on the ground miyazaki checks on the person body and realize its just a clone he falls desperate , tired he looks in front of him and sees the weird person rushes into him and grabs miyazaki 

miyazaki : " what do you want from us " 

The Person : " What you thought going to my world is a good idea ?, you are pathetic... " 

miyazaki gets mad and move his leg around the person arm and breaks it and the person looks at his broken arm didnt say anything and left the place they somehow they survived the pressure everyone in the ground tired till Floyd Arrives 

Floyd : " Stop slacking off like seals GET UP! " 

everyone gets up and floyd opens a portal making everyone get in even Kyou and they finally arrived back to TVD everyone went back to the hotel to sleep except Floyd And Kyou, both of them have stayed up all night doing Kyou papers and researching his powers to find a way to stop it...