
Part 1: hell bound for the better

Tori Yazama sat on her bed hoping for another solution to come and fix her problems but of course it didn't this isn't a game it was real life no plot convenient solution would come out of nowhere. Tori had somehow lasted this long but it wasn't safe to be around her. That was the reality her mental state was horrible she was insane so what she had to do was clear she had to give in and listen to the voices in the back of her head she had to kill herself. Thankfully Tori was smart this was the best option there was a chance her son would survive and he would become powerful and live a life where he was troubled by a weak mental state and he had no worries about being weak he would be strong if he survived. If he didnt he would go to a better place her husband would have to work that terrible job where they pay him nothing and treat him like shit he would be rich and get all the money from the life insurance policy that she had put on herself. This plan was fool proof but she had to make it clear that this was suicide she couldnt have her husband thinking it was murder or an accident those could both have horrible outcomes he could become as parinoid as she was or set his life on looking for a killer that dosent exist. Still with all these conditions there were many options but she would make it unique she filled the bath, sniped the wire of a bunch of appliances and threw them in the bath it quickly became a cesspool of electricity. She made it a point to do it about a minute before her husband got home from work, this was well planned to give her son a fighting chance as well she did this all a few days before she was expected to deliver the child. Tori couldn't stall any longer or her husband would get here in time to stop her she jumped it the bath head first making a loud thump she was starting to die she was only there for about 5 minutes before she was found by her husband but she was long gone it was to late she had been cooked to a blackened crisp. Koshi Yazama started to scream as the realization of what he was seeing started to sink in and his beloved was dead sadly in this world of powers not one had emerged that could revive the dead he called 911 and explained what happened so medics came after about 20 minutes. When they got to where Tori's body was they saw that she was dead there was no question but the child may have survived depending on his power. The baby was still alive he absorbed the electricity but this wouldn't have worked if the wires kept emitting electricity but they stopped after about a minute but this didn't explain how he kept breathing in that enclosed space. The best assumption is that if he absorbed the electricity he may have used it in place of air this was incredible he had become one of the children to survive this. For some reason that can't be explained by science for a long time these powers have existed they slowly spread and now everyone has them you get different power depending on the cause of death. So far it appears to be random the power weakens when spread to someone without powers so there was a time when the powers almost stopped spreading but the tragic death causes the power. The baby has to survive with the power it's given but this doesn't happen most times a lot of the children just die with their parents normal deaths don't affect the power it's something to do with emotions there's still so much unknown though. Koshi was angered that at a time like this they felt the need to give him a lesson he learned in middle school but what they said was necessary for the next thing they had to explain only known to few that when 2 people who already have power have a child it will make a new power from the parents but- Koshi screamed out in rage and stormed out of the room they just keep telling him stuff he already knew so he refused to listen any longer to the nonsense they were spewing but they were trying to tell him was important. From this point on Koshi only did was required of the law he didn't want to hear what these medics had to say he felt they were mocking him, so he would never know that his childs power was boosted because his mother died in this way and the reason his mother knew of this was because she was the product of another situation like this and survived. This meant her power was already boosted this had never really happened before but since Koshi wouldn't cooperate they never really knew anything about the Tori since she was burnt beyond recognition this wasn't a problem because Koshi knew that she had no family alive they didn't really go too hard on him they understood where he was coming from. Only a few days later Koshi was on his way home with his child. He got home and was still in shock from losing his wife but he realized that this was all his fault. Koshi knew the condition Tori was in but still wanted kids knowing that he didn't have enough money to take care of a kid naturally this would stress out Tori this was his fault but he was starting to lose mental condition he was losing his mind so as a defence meqinzim his brain decided it was all the child's fault, this was the beginning of how Koshi started to go insane and spiraled into depression.

This is my first real project tips and feedback are appreciated

NANI_THE_FUCKcreators' thoughts