
Space Lord in Anuria

Alex, a normal middle-aged man working in a publishing company, unexpectedly meets a tragic end when he is struck by a truck while crossing the street. But instead of an afterlife, he finds himself reincarnated as a baby in a magical world named Anuria. Anuria is a realm where mages and swordmasters coexist, wielding the powers of magic and aura. As the eldest son of a Duke , Alex begins his new life with seemingly ordinary beginnings. However, it soon becomes evident that he possesses unique talents - the ability to control space and exceptional skill in swordsmanship.

MoneyBoss · Fantasie
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42 Chs

Unleashed Power

Chapter 11: Unleashed Power

As the day of the grand reunion with his parents approached, Alex's heart brimmed with excitement. He had spent years honing his skills and mastering the Dual Time and Space Art with Ariana, and now it was time to show his family just how far he had come. With his heart pounding, he stood before his parents in the vast courtyard of the Valeria household.

His mother and father gazed at him with pride, knowing that their son had grown into a formidable force. Alex took a deep breath and with a confident smile, he spoke, "Father, Mother, I have reached the pinnacle of my training in both swordmanship and magic."

His parents exchanged knowing glances, understanding the significance of his words. His mother, a mage of extraordinary power herself, nodded and said, "Show us, my dear. Let us witness the strength you have acquired."

With a flick of his wrist, Alex unsheathed his sword, and an aura of raw power enveloped him. The air crackled with energy as he channeled his magic into the blade, making it gleam with an otherworldly radiance. He was now a Champion Swordmaster, a master of the sword whose every movement exuded deadly grace and precision.

But that was not all. Drawing upon his magical prowess, Alex summoned a swirling vortex of wind around him, displaying his rank of Archmage. The wind danced with ethereal beauty, a testament to the potent control he had over the element.

His father, Duke Angor, looked on with a mixture of amazement and pride. "Well done, Alex. You have truly become a force to be reckoned with," he said, admiration evident in his voice.

But Alex's heart was set on something more. He wanted to test his newfound abilities, to push his limits, and there was no better sparring partner than his father. With a nod, he said, "Father, let us spar. I wish to know how my skills fare against a Zenith Swordmaster such as yourself."

Duke Angor's eyes gleamed with excitement. He unsheathed his own sword, a legendary blade passed down through generations, and the air around him seemed to thrum with power. They faced each other, father and son, the winds of destiny swirling around them.

Under the azure sky, Alex and his father, Duke Angor, faced each other, swords drawn. Their eyes locked in a moment of silent understanding. The wind whispered through the mountain range, a prelude to the tempest of power that was about to be unleashed.

They began their duel with a burst of speed, their blades clashing in a symphony of steel. Alex's sword felt light and responsive in his hands, an extension of his very being. He felt the energy flowing through him, connecting him to the world around him.

With every parry, their swords collided with a force that sent sparks flying. The clang of metal echoed through the valley, matching the rhythm of their heartbeats. Alex felt the thrill of battle coursing through him, pushing him to new heights.

The terrain around them became their arena, the mountain range a canvas for their artistry. With each step, they danced nimbly across the rocky landscape, using it to their advantage. Duke Angor's mastery of wind manipulation allowed him to glide effortlessly over the terrain, while Alex utilized his newfound Space element to create pockets of advantageous positions.

They circled each other, like a dance of two celestial beings. Duke Angor's strikes were swift and precise, each blow imbued with the power of the wind. Alex countered with calculated movements, utilizing the principles of spatial manipulation to outmaneuver his father.

With a powerful swipe, Duke Angor unleashed a torrent of wind, forcing Alex to dig his heels into the ground. The gust howled around them, threatening to push Alex back. Yet, with a deft twist of his wrist, Alex channeled his Space magic, creating a localized field of nullified pressure. The wind harmlessly brushed against the sphere, leaving him untouched.

Their battle intensified as their powers clashed. Alex's aura blazed around him, giving his strikes an ethereal quality. Duke Angor's mastery of wind allowed him to strike from any direction, his blade a whirlwind of deadly precision.

Each movement held a unique finesse—a glimpse into the essence of their respective elements. The clash of their swords sent shockwaves through the air, distorting reality itself. Alex's mother, the Duchess, and Ariana watched in awe, witnessing the awe-inspiring display of power.

A momentary lapse in concentration left Alex vulnerable to a flurry of strikes from his father. But in the face of adversity, he found strength. He tapped into the Dual Time and Space Art that he and Ariana had learned, slowing time just enough to counter his father's attacks.

Their swords clashed once more, causing a shockwave to ripple through the terrain. The mountain range shook as if bowing to the power they unleashed. For a moment, it seemed as though the very essence of the elements obeyed their commands.

As the duel progressed, it was clear that Alex had grown immensely in skill and power. Duke Angor, despite his advantage as a Zenith Swordmaster and limiting his power to 50%, found himself evenly matched with his son. A grin of pride touched the corner of his lips, acknowledging Alex's progress.

The sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the mountain range. Sweat glistened on their brows, and their breathing was heavy, yet the father-son duo showed no signs of fatigue. It was a testament to their unyielding spirit and love for the art of combat.

Amidst the azure sky and the grandeur of the mountains, Alex and Duke Angor continued their fierce duel, each stroke of their blades fueled by the passion to grow stronger and to challenge their limits. The landscape echoed with the clashing of steel, and the wind carried their breathless grunts and determined shouts.

As the battle reached its climax, Duke Angor unleashed a ferocious gust of wind, seeking to overpower his son. But Alex stood his ground, his feet firmly planted, as he gathered his own strength. In a surge of determination, he called upon the Spatial magic he had honed with Ariana's guidance.

With a flourish of his sword, Alex created a pocket of warped space around Duke Angor, distorting the flow of wind. The gust, now caught in the temporal anomaly, weakened its force. Seizing the opportunity, Alex lunged forward with a burst of speed, his sword aimed at his father.

Duke Angor's eyes widened with surprise as he found himself momentarily trapped in Alex's spatial web. But his mastery over the wind was not easily subdued. He maneuvered with lightning reflexes, summoning a gale of wind to break free from the spatial grasp.

In a flash of steel, their swords clashed once more. The impact sent a shockwave through the air, and both combatants were momentarily pushed back by the force of their collision.

Their breathing was heavy, and the expressions on their faces were a mix of exhaustion and admiration. The wind around them seemed to echo their inner turmoil and the unbreakable bond between father and son.

Duke Angor smiled warmly at his son, his eyes filled with pride. "You have truly become a master, Alex," he said, his voice tinged with admiration.

Alex bowed respectfully, acknowledging his father's praise. "Thank you, Father. Your guidance and support have been instrumental in my journey," he replied gratefully.

Ariana and the Duchess approached, both beaming with pride and love. They congratulated Alex and Duke Angor on their awe-inspiring duel, celebrating the strength of their bond as father and son.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the family stood together, a united force, their hearts filled with love, pride, and the joy of witnessing each other's growth. The journey of a Champion swordmaster and an Archmage had only just begun, and they knew that their future held many more adventures, challenges, and victories—all to be faced together.

With the adrenaline of their epic duel still coursing through their veins, Alex, Ariana, and their families made their way to the grand main hall of the Cariel household. The hall was adorned with elegant tapestries and shimmering chandeliers, the atmosphere befitting the celebration of their martial prowess.

Chefs and cooks had prepared a lavish dinner, a feast of delectable dishes from all corners of Valeria. The tantalizing aroma filled the air, whetting their appetites after the exhilarating battle. The family members sat around a long, ornate table, their eyes filled with pride and love for each other.

As the laughter and conversation flowed, Alex and Ariana regaled their families with tales of their journey together over the past two months. They spoke of their training in the Valerian mountains, their discovery of the Dual Time and Space Art, and their commitment to growing stronger together.

Ariana's eyes sparkled with joy as she shared her progress in mastering Time magic. "I have become a Sorceress in magic," she said with a radiant smile. "It has been an incredible journey, and none of it would have been possible without Alex by my side."

Alex nodded in agreement, his heart swelling with pride for his wife. "Ariana's dedication to her training has been truly inspiring," he said. "Her mastery of Time magic is unparalleled, and I am honored to be her partner in this magical journey."

The Duke and Duchess listened attentively, their hearts brimming with happiness for their son and daughter-in-law. "You two make an extraordinary couple," the Duchess said, her voice filled with affection. "Your love and dedication to each other have unlocked incredible powers."

Duke Angor, still marveling at the display of power during the duel, added, "Indeed, witnessing your battle today was awe-inspiring. Alex, you have become a Champion swordmaster and an Archmage, a testament to your incredible talent and hard work."

Alex blushed modestly, humbled by his father's praise. "Thank you, Father," he replied. "But I must credit Ariana as well. She has been my rock, my inspiration, and together, we have grown stronger in every sense of the word."

Amidst the laughter and camaraderie, the evening passed in a blur of joy and celebration. The meal was savored, and the conversations carried on long into the night. They spoke of their dreams for the future, of the adventures that awaited them, and the bonds that tied their two families together.

As the moon shone brightly overhead, Ariana stood up, her eyes glimmering with a mischievous twinkle. "I have a surprise for everyone," she announced with a playful grin.

She clapped her hands, and the hall was filled with enchanting music. The smooth melody invited everyone to the dance floor. Hand in hand, Alex and Ariana led the way, their laughter echoing through the hall.

As they danced, their bodies swayed to the rhythm of their love. It was a dance of two souls, in perfect harmony, united in their dreams and aspirations. They twirled and swirled, their movements graceful and elegant.

The families joined in, and the hall came alive with joyous laughter and jubilant celebration. It was a night of love and unity, a night to cherish the bond between two extraordinary individuals who had found each other amidst the magic of Valeria.

As the night drew to a close, Alex and Ariana exchanged a private glance, their hearts overflowing with happiness. They knew that the journey ahead was filled with challenges and wonders, but with their love and the support of their families, they were ready to face it all—together. The realm of Champion swordmaster and Archmage was just the beginning of their epic tale, and they were eager to embrace whatever the future held for them.