
Space Lord in Anuria

Alex, a normal middle-aged man working in a publishing company, unexpectedly meets a tragic end when he is struck by a truck while crossing the street. But instead of an afterlife, he finds himself reincarnated as a baby in a magical world named Anuria. Anuria is a realm where mages and swordmasters coexist, wielding the powers of magic and aura. As the eldest son of a Duke , Alex begins his new life with seemingly ordinary beginnings. However, it soon becomes evident that he possesses unique talents - the ability to control space and exceptional skill in swordsmanship.

MoneyBoss · Fantasie
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42 Chs

The Master swordmaster's Revelation

The journey to the capital city of Cariel was an arduous one. The road stretched on for miles, winding through lush forests and fertile plains. Alex and his entourage rode in carriages, flanked by his loyal guards, each wearing the crest of the Valeria family. The scenery shifted as they approached the towering walls of the capital, a testament to the grandeur of the Valerian kingdom.

At the city gates, the guards recognized Alex and quickly granted him passage. The bustling streets of Cariel greeted him with a cacophony of sounds and colors. Merchants peddled their wares, and citizens went about their daily routines.

The Valeria Manor in Cariel was equally impressive, with its towering spires and sprawling gardens. As they entered, the servants and guards bowed in respect to the young master. Alex acknowledged them with a nod, his heart swelling with a mix of pride and responsibility.

After reporting to his father, Duke Angor, Alex was eager to immerse himself in the training plaza. The sight of a thousand soldiers engaged in rigorous drills filled him with anticipation. He exchanged nods with the commanding officer, a seasoned Champion Swordmaster named Krooger, and joined the formation.

The drills commenced, and Alex sparred with each soldier in turn. The clang of swords resonated in the air as he honed his skills. The soldiers were formidable opponents, pushing him to the limit. But with each parry and strike, Alex felt a deeper connection to his sword, as if it were an extension of his very being.

The aura within him stirred, guiding his movements with an ethereal grace. His senses heightened, allowing him to anticipate his opponents' attacks before they even struck. Time seemed to slow as he engaged in the dance of the sword.

As he sparred, Alex noticed a pattern in his opponents' movements, a subtle hesitation before an attack. With newfound insight, he exploited their weaknesses, countering their strikes with calculated precision. He felt a surge of exhilaration with each successful parry, a thrill that only the art of the sword could bestow.

However, amidst the flurry of swordplay, Alex found himself facing hardships. Some opponents proved more skilled than he initially anticipated, catching him off guard with their speed and strategy. He suffered a few defeats, a bitter taste of humility washing over him. But rather than dampening his spirits, these losses fueled his determination to grow stronger.

With each spar, Alex pushed himself harder, dedicating extra hours to training and seeking guidance from the seasoned Champion Swordmaster. Krooger, in particular, took Alex under his wing, providing valuable advice on technique, strategy, and mental fortitude.

Despite the setbacks, Alex remained resolute, viewing each loss as an opportunity for growth. He studied his opponents' movements, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses, and strategized ways to overcome their defenses. Slowly but surely, he began to show improvement, the fruits of his labor evident in the fluidity of his movements and the precision of his strikes.

As the weeks passed, the soldiers noticed Alex's progress and newfound determination. They respected him not only as the young master of the Valeria family but also as a fellow warrior who shared their passion for the art of the sword.

Yet, in the midst of his training, Alex's responsibilities as the heir to the Valeria family weighed heavily on his mind. He had to balance his pursuit of the rank of Master swordmaster with the diplomatic duties and political matters that came with his title.

On one occasion, he was called upon to mediate a dispute between two noble families, whose rivalry threatened to escalate into violence. It was a delicate task that required tact, empathy, and a keen understanding of the intricacies of Valerian politics.

As the young mediator, Alex navigated the negotiations with grace and diplomacy, offering compromises and finding common ground between the feuding parties. The experience tested not only his diplomatic acumen but also his ability to remain impartial in the face of pressure and manipulation.

Despite his efforts, not all disputes were easily resolved. Alex encountered resistance from some members of the noble families, who doubted his ability to mediate effectively due to his young age. Their skepticism and dismissive attitudes stung, and Alex found himself grappling with doubts about his qualifications as a leader.

However, with the unwavering support of his family and the counsel of his father, Duke Angor, Alex pressed on, refusing to be deterred by the naysayers. He poured his heart into each negotiation, tirelessly seeking resolutions that would benefit the greater good.

In the midst of his diplomatic duties, Alex never forgot his goal of attaining the rank of Sword Master and the aspiration to become an Archmage. Every spare moment he had, he retreated to the training plaza, where he sparred with the soldiers, honing his skills, and perfecting his swordplay.

Each day brought new challenges and revelations. Some sparring sessions were intense, with the soldiers pushing him to his limits. He suffered bruises, cuts, and occasional defeats, but he rose each time, his resolve strengthened by the adversities he faced.

There were moments when the burden of expectations felt overwhelming. Doubts crept into his mind, and he questioned whether he could truly live up to the legacy of the Valeria family. In those moments of vulnerability, Alex turned to the "Emperor of Magic" for guidance, seeking solace and wisdom within its pages.

The ancient tome became a source of comfort, reminding him of the long lineage of powerful mages that came before him. He learned from the struggles and triumphs of those who had walked the path of magic, finding inspiration in their stories of perseverance and resilience.

As time passed, Alex's efforts began to bear fruit. His skills as a Sword Master sharpened, and his understanding of Mana manipulation deepened. The blue line in his mind's eye became clearer and more pronounced, guiding him with greater precision during his spars.

One fateful day, as the sun set over the training plaza, Alex faced Krooger in a sparring match—a showdown that would test the culmination of his training. The seasoned Chiampion swordmaster demonstrated formidable skill, matching Alex blow for blow. The clash of their swords echoed through the empty training grounds.

Their duel was intense and fierce, each fighter displaying a mastery of the sword. Yet, as the spar progressed, Alex found himself drawing upon his aura and Mana manipulation with newfound clarity. He sensed the ebb and flow of energy around him, moving in harmony with the blue line etched in his mind.

With a swift and calculated move, Alex disarmed Krooger, his blade knocking the seasoned warrior's sword to the ground. The duel ended in a stalemate, both fighters realizing that they were evenly matched.

Krooger smiled, a glimmer of pride in his eyes. "You've done well, Alex. Your skill as a Sword master has surpassed even my expectations."

Alex bowed respectfully to Krooger. "I owe much of my progress to your guidance, Krooger. You have been an invaluable mentor."

With that, the seasoned warrior,Krooger, nodded in approval, recognizing Alex's growth and acknowledging him as a true Sword elite. As the sun dipped below the horizon, Alex felt a surge of satisfaction and pride in his accomplishments.

Word of his progress spread throughout the Valerian kingdom, earning him admiration and respect from both soldiers and nobles alike. His resilience in the face of hardships and dedication to his training made him an inspiration to all who witnessed his journey.

But even with his successes, Alex knew that the path to becoming an Archmage was still long and challenging. He embraced the uncertainty, knowing that each step brought him closer to the truth hidden within the captivating realm of Anuria. With his sword in hand and the "Emperor of Magic" as his guide, he was prepared to face whatever fate had in store for him.

And so, the legend of Alex, the young Master swordmaster and Magus, continued to unfold. In the captivating realm of Anuria, where magic and destiny intertwined, he stood as a beacon of hope, forging his own destiny with every step he took. The captivating realm awaited the mark he would leave on its history