
Space Lord in Anuria

Alex, a normal middle-aged man working in a publishing company, unexpectedly meets a tragic end when he is struck by a truck while crossing the street. But instead of an afterlife, he finds himself reincarnated as a baby in a magical world named Anuria. Anuria is a realm where mages and swordmasters coexist, wielding the powers of magic and aura. As the eldest son of a Duke , Alex begins his new life with seemingly ordinary beginnings. However, it soon becomes evident that he possesses unique talents - the ability to control space and exceptional skill in swordsmanship.

MoneyBoss · Fantasie
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42 Chs

Start of the Meeting

Chapter 19: Start of the Meeting

Two hours had passed since the meeting had concluded, and the grand palace of Valeria was abuzz with excitement and anticipation. Emperor Valerius and Alex found themselves seated in the opulent study, surrounded by towering shelves of ancient tomes and enchanted artifacts. The room's walls were adorned with tapestries depicting the kingdom's illustrious history.

The morning light filtered through stained glass windows, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the room. Alex was clad in his marshal outfit, the deep blue fabric adorned with golden embroidery that glimmered with each movement. The emerald pendant gifted to him by Ariana hung around his neck, a token of love and protection.

As they engaged in conversation, the emperor's wise gaze studied Alex intently. "You've grown into an exceptional leader, Alex," Emperor Valerius praised warmly. "The Council and I couldn't be prouder of the marshal you've become."

"I owe it all to the guidance and support of Valeria and its people," Alex humbly replied. "I am merely a reflection of their strength and determination."

As the time drew near, the Council of Valeria gathered in the study. Each member brought unique expertise and wisdom to the group, and they took their places around the table.

Lady Elara, the High Mage: Her silver hair cascaded down her back, and her piercing violet eyes held the knowledge of countless spells and incantations.

Lord Cedric, the Commander of the Royal Guard: Towering and steadfast, his scarred face spoke of battles won and challenges overcome.

Lady Lysandra, the Grand Diplomat: Graceful and eloquent, her golden hair seemed to shimmer like the sun's rays.

Lord Thorian, the High Strategist: With a gaze that could size up any situation, his tall frame conveyed an aura of strength and intelligence.

Lady Evangeline, the Minister of Commerce: Her shrewd eyes and calculating smile revealed her keen business acumen.

Lord Percival, the Keeper of Lore: Wearing spectacles perched on the bridge of his nose, he had a demeanor of scholarly wisdom.

Lady Isadora, the High Healer: A gentle and empathetic aura surrounded her, and her touch conveyed a sense of healing magic.

Lord Alistair, the Master Enchanter: Veiled in an air of mystery, his cloak was embroidered with ever-shifting symbols of arcane power.

Lady Seraphina, the Minister of Agriculture: Clothed in earthy tones, she had an earthy connection to nature and its abundance.

Lord Alaric, the Spymaster: His sharp features and calculating eyes hinted at the secrets he held in confidence.

As the grand study filled with the Council of Valeria, there was an air of anticipation and seriousness. Lady Elara, the High Mage, initiated the conversation, her voice carrying a hint of excitement.

Lady Elara: "Marshal Alex, the amount of mana and control you have over it is amazing."

Alex: "Thank you, Lady Elara. Your guidance and wisdom in honing my magical abilities have been invaluable."

Lord Cedric, the Commander of the Royal Guard, chimed in with a knowing smile.

Lord Cedric: "I trust you'll be keeping our Valerian guards close during the meeting, Marshal? It's crucial to ensure your safety and that of the delegation."

Alex nodded in agreement, appreciating Lord Cedric's concern for his well-being.

Alex: "Of course, Lord Cedric. Our guards will be vigilant and ready to protect our interests."

Lady Lysandra, the Grand Diplomat, leaned forward, her golden eyes shimmering with determination.

Lady Lysandra: "Let us remember the importance of tact and diplomacy. Our words and actions will carry the weight of Valeria's reputation."

Alex understood the gravity of her words, knowing that the success of the meeting depended on how well they presented Valeria's interests.

Alex: "You're right, Lady Lysandra. I'll ensure that our interactions are respectful and diplomatic."

Lord Thorian, the High Strategist, offered his insight on the potential alliances.

Lord Thorian: "Consider the strengths and weaknesses of the other realms, Marshal. Aligning with the right kingdom can greatly benefit Valeria's security and trade."

Alex took in Lord Thorian's advice, recognizing that strategic thinking was key in forging alliances.

Alex: "I'll keep that in mind, Lord Thorian. Finding common ground and mutual interests will be crucial."

Lady Evangeline, the Minister of Commerce, brought her business acumen into the discussion.

Lady Evangeline: "Trade agreements can significantly boost our economy. Be vigilant in negotiating favorable terms for Valeria's merchants."

Alex admired her astuteness, knowing that economic prosperity was vital for the kingdom's growth.

Alex: "I'll work to secure advantageous trade deals for our merchants, Lady Evangeline."

The other council members added their perspectives, discussing matters ranging from cultural exchange to environmental cooperation. Lady Isadora, the High Healer, reminded Alex to prioritize alliances that supported environmental preservation, which aligned with Valeria's values.

As the conversation continued, Lord Alistair, the Master Enchanter, offered some magical insights that could foster collaboration among the realms.

Lord Alistair: "There might be an opportunity for magical research exchange, Marshal. Sharing knowledge can lead to great advancements."

Alex appreciated the potential for magical cooperation, realizing that mutual benefits could be gained from such endeavors.

Alex: "That's a great idea, Lord Alistair. We'll explore the possibilities of magical collaboration."

Finally, Lord Alaric, the Spymaster, provided a word of caution.

Lord Alaric: "Keep your senses sharp, Marshal. Not all emperors may have the purest intentions. Be wary of hidden agendas."

Alex took Lord Alaric's advice to heart, knowing that not all alliances might be as they seemed.

Alex: "I'll be cautious and observant, Lord Alaric. Safety and awareness will be prioritized."

Emperor Valerius, who had been observing the council's discussion, stepped forward to address them and Alex.

Emperor Valerius: "Council members and Marshal Alex, your dedication to the kingdom of Valeria is commendable. I have faith that your combined efforts will ensure our interests are well-represented in this meeting of realms."

The council members bowed respectfully to the emperor, acknowledging his words.

Lady Elara: "Your Majesty, we will do everything in our power to ensure that Valeria's voice is heard with clarity and strength."

Lord Cedric: "Indeed, Your Majesty. Our guards will stand vigilant to protect our marshal and the kingdom's honor."

Lady Lysandra: "We shall employ diplomacy and tact in our interactions, Your Majesty. Valeria's reputation will remain unblemished."

Lord Thorian: "Strategic alliances will be sought with precision, Your Majesty. We'll consider every aspect for the kingdom's benefit."

Lady Evangeline: "Trade agreements will be negotiated with care, Your Majesty. Valeria's merchants will thrive."

Lady Isadora: "Environmental preservation will be a priority, Your Majesty. We'll advocate for cooperation in this aspect."

Lord Alistair: "Magical collaboration will be explored, Your Majesty. We hope to foster knowledge exchange."

Lord Alaric: "Safety and vigilance will be maintained, Your Majesty. Hidden agendas will not catch us unawares."

Emperor Valerius: "I have full confidence in each of you. Valeria is in capable hands. Marshal Alex, you have my support in this endeavor, and I am proud to have you as the face of our kingdom."

Alex: "Thank you, Your Majesty. I am honored to serve Valeria and to have the guidance of the council and your wisdom."

Emperor Valerius smiled warmly, his eyes filled with pride.

the disccusion ended and they were ready.

As the council members and the emperor engaged in a final discussion, they reviewed the agenda for the meeting, ensuring they were well-prepared for any diplomatic challenges that might arise. Alex listened intently, absorbing their knowledge and insights.

When the time came, they harnessed their magical abilities, the room crackling with energy as they prepared for departure. With a nod from the emperor, they lifted off the ground and soared into the skies, the winds carrying them swiftly towards the Kingdom of Solara.

For two hours, they journeyed with unwavering determination, traversing diverse landscapes of icy peaks, golden deserts, and lush forests. The Council of Valeria flew in a formation, their magical prowess synchronized, a testament to their unity and solidarity.

Upon reaching their destination, they beheld the grandeur of the Kingdom of Solara's palace. It stretched magnificently over the horizon, with grand spires reaching towards the heavens. The emperors of the various kingdoms and empires awaited their arrival, each one exuding a distinct aura of regal authority and nobility.

The atmosphere was filled with anticipation, and the emperors and rulers of the various kingdoms and empires arrived, each exuding a distinct air of royalty and power.

Emperor Valerius of Valeria stood tall and regal, flanked by Marshal Alex and the council members. Around them, the other emperors and rulers assembled, their appearances as diverse as the lands they represented.

Emperor Solarius of the Empire of Solaria was a commanding figure with golden hair that shimmered like the desert sands, and eyes that glinted like the sun itself. His presence radiated a sense of authority, and he carried himself with the grace befitting a ruler of such a vast and ancient empire.

Next to him stood High Druidess Seraphina of the Republic of Aetheria, adorned in flowing green robes that seemed to blend seamlessly with the surrounding nature. Her eyes held a wisdom that came from communing with the spirits of the forest, and her aura exuded a tranquil serenity that commanded respect.

Floating above the ground, Emperor Zephyr of the Dominion of Caelum presented an ethereal sight, his silvery hair and billowing cloak mirroring the clouds that surrounded him. His eyes, the color of the clearest sky, revealed a boundless curiosity and inventiveness that defined his kingdom.

At the front of the group, Emperor Ignitus of the Kingdom of Solara stood tall and proud. His dark eyes blazed with the fiery intensity of the volcanoes that defined his kingdom, and his crimson robes shimmered with the essence of molten lava.

The air was charged with a mix of curiosity, formality, and a subtle sense of rivalry among the rulers. As they exchanged glances, nods, and brief greetings, the anticipation for what was to come hung in the air.

Emperor Valerius took the initiative, approaching Emperor Solarius with a courteous nod.

Emperor Valerius: "Emperor Solarius, it is an honor to meet you again."

Emperor Solarius: "The honor is mine, Emperor Valerius. I trust Valeria has thrived under your guidance."

Emperor Valerius: "Indeed, and I believe the Empire of Solaria has continued to prosper as well."

They exchanged cordial words, discussing matters of their respective lands, and the economic and magical advancements each kingdom had made in recent times.

Meanwhile, Marshal Alex engaged in conversation with High Druidess Seraphina, his genuine interest evident as they spoke about the wonders of nature magic and the protection of their realms' natural resources.

Marshal Alex: "I have always admired the Republic of Aetheria's commitment to preserving the balance of the forest. It's truly inspiring."

High Druidess Seraphina: "Thank you, Marshal Alex. The harmony between nature and our people is a delicate one, and we must be vigilant in maintaining it."

At the same time, Emperor Zephyr and some of the council members of Valeria conversed about the innovative floating cities of the Dominion of Caelum and potential avenues for magical collaboration.

Emperor Zephyr: "Your kingdom has mastered the art of air and wind magic, Marshal Alex. I must say, I am intrigued by the possibilities of what we could achieve together."

Alex: "Indeed, Emperor Zephyr. The Dominion's ingenuity and our own mastery of elemental magic could lead to remarkable breakthroughs."

As the conversations unfolded, the atmosphere became less tense, and a sense of camaraderie began to form among the rulers. They may have come from different lands with unique cultures and magics, but they all shared a common goal – to forge alliances and ensure the stability and prosperity of their realms.

With their discussions concluded, they entered the grand palace together, each ruler taking their designated place around the wide table, where the future of their kingdoms and empires would be decided in the meeting that lay ahead. The air was filled with anticipation, as the fate of Anuria rested on the decisions and negotiations that would unfold within the magnificent walls of the palace.