
Space Lord in Anuria

Alex, a normal middle-aged man working in a publishing company, unexpectedly meets a tragic end when he is struck by a truck while crossing the street. But instead of an afterlife, he finds himself reincarnated as a baby in a magical world named Anuria. Anuria is a realm where mages and swordmasters coexist, wielding the powers of magic and aura. As the eldest son of a Duke , Alex begins his new life with seemingly ordinary beginnings. However, it soon becomes evident that he possesses unique talents - the ability to control space and exceptional skill in swordsmanship.

MoneyBoss · Fantasie
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42 Chs

A Shattered Hope

Chapter 24: A Shattered Hope

As the sun set over the grand kingdom of Valeria, an air of anticipation filled the halls of the Cariel estate. Duchess Alexia paced nervously, her hands clasped tightly together, while Duke Angor stared pensively out the window, his thoughts consumed by worry. Ariana, Alex's beloved wife, sat with a heavy heart, her eyes never leaving the entrance to the estate.

Their anxiety reached its peak when Emperor Altair himself arrived at their doorsteps. The emperor's presence commanded respect and reverence, and the couple greeted him with a mixture of hope and trepidation.

Emperor Altair entered the estate, his regal aura emanating authority and wisdom. He took a moment to exchange pleasantries with Alex's parents before they all settled in the grand sitting room. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as the emperor prepared to recount the events of the fateful meeting.

He spoke with a measured and somber tone, detailing the alliances and discussions that were underway between the various kingdoms and empires. The hope for a unified front against potential threats had been strong, and the potential for peace and prosperity seemed within reach.

But then came the moment that shattered that hope. Emperor Altair's expression darkened as he recounted the sudden appearance of the black portal during the meeting at the Kingdom of Solara. He described how three enigmatic figures clad in black emerged from the portal, exuding an oppressive aura that defied comprehension.

"Their power was unlike anything we've ever encountered," Emperor Altair said gravely. "They called themselves the Eclipsed Order. They disrupted the meeting with their chilling presence and declared their intention to prevent any alliance from forming between the kingdoms and empires."

Duchess Alexia clasped her hands to her mouth in shock, unable to fully grasp the gravity of the situation. Duke Angor's eyes blazed with anger, the thought of his son facing such a threat fueling his determination to protect him.

Emperor Altair continued, recounting how the emperors and Alex, as Marshal of Valeria, had stood defiantly against the Eclipsed order. A fierce battle ensued, one that shook the very foundations of the Kingdom of Solara. The Eclipsed Order were formidable opponents, their dark powers wielding an unyielding force that sent tremors through the land.

As the emperor described the intensity of the battle, Ariana's heart sank. Fear gripped her as she imagined her husband, the man she loved, facing such unimaginable danger. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she remained resolute, holding on to hope that he would return to her safely.

"And then, in a moment of swift treachery," Emperor Altair's voice lowered, "one of the intruders, a powerful mage, created a portal behind Alex. Caught off guard, Alex was thrown into the portal before any of us could react. The portal vanished, leaving no trace of him."

The room fell into a heavy silence, the weight of the situation pressing down on everyone present. The Cariel family and the emperor shared a bond of concern for Alex, and the sense of loss and uncertainty was palpable.

Emperor Altair's gaze met Ariana's, and he spoke with empathy, "We will do everything in our power to find Alex and bring him back safely. The Harbingers must be stopped, and I will personally lead the investigation into this matter."

Ariana nodded, her determination matching that of the emperor. "Please, Your Majesty, bring him back to us. We cannot bear the thought of losing him," she pleaded with tearful eyes.

The emperor solemnly placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I promise you, we will find him. Valeria stands united with you in this time of uncertainty."

As the emperor departed, the Cariel estate was left shrouded in a mixture of fear and hope. Duchess Alexia, Duke Angor, and Ariana clung to each other, drawing strength from their love for Alex and their belief that he would overcome any challenge that lay ahead. In the face of adversity, they held on to the belief that their family would be reunited once more, no matter the trials they had to endure.




As the grand doors of the Cariel estate closed behind Emperor Altair, Ariana found herself consumed by a whirlwind of emotions. Fear, grief, and uncertainty clashed within her, threatening to overwhelm her resolve. She clung to the hope that Alex was still alive, but the fear of the unknown gnawed at her heart.

In the dimly lit sitting room, Ariana felt a mixture of comfort and anguish as she was embraced by Duchess Alexia and Duke Angor. Their bond, forged through love and shared concern for Alex, offered solace during this trying time.

Her mind replayed memories of her beloved husband, his smile, his laughter, and the warmth of his touch. She remembered the night they met, the stars shining bright in the sky as they danced under the moonlight. They had faced challenges before, but this, this was an ordeal like no other.

"Stay strong, my dear," Duchess Alexia whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "We will find him. We will bring him back to us."

Ariana nodded, wiping away tears with determination. "I believe in him. He's strong, he's resilient. He will come back to us."

Duke Angor's jaw was set with a steely resolve. "And we will be there for him, every step of the way."

Hours turned into the dead of night, but Ariana couldn't find solace in slumber. She clung to the glimmer of faith in her heart, praying that somehow, Alex would find a way back to them. The fear of the unknown realm he had been thrown into haunted her thoughts, but she refused to let despair consume her.

Morning came, casting a weak light through the windows. Ariana decided she could not remain idle while her husband's fate hung in the balance. She resolved to do what she could to aid the emperor's efforts.

As she stepped outside the estate, the grandeur of Valeria surrounded her, but her thoughts were drawn elsewhere. She found herself standing before the grand statue of Valerius the Great, the founder of Valeria and the first emperor. She closed her eyes, feeling a connection to the man whose legacy had shaped their kingdom.

"Valerius," she whispered, "grant us strength. Guide us through this darkness. Bring Alex back to us, please."

With a heavy heart, Ariana made her way to the palace where Emperor Altair was leading the investigation. As she entered the palace, she noticed the bustling activity as emissaries from various kingdoms arrived to offer their support and condolences.

In the midst of it all, Emperor Altair greeted her with a somber expression. "Ariana, I promise you, we are doing everything we can to locate Alex and thwart the Harbingers."

"I want to help," Ariana said, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her.

The emperor nodded, appreciating her determination. "Your courage is admirable. We will need all the help we can get."

Over the following days, Ariana threw herself into the investigation, seeking any clues or insights that could lead to Alex's whereabouts. She spent hours poring over ancient tomes and consulting with scholars and seers, hoping for a glimmer of hope.

The support from the people of Valeria was unwavering, their prayers and well-wishes carrying on the winds of hope. The kingdom united in their determination to bring their marshal back home.

As the days turned into weeks, Ariana's resolve remained unyielding. She knew that somewhere, Alex was fighting for his life, and she vowed to do the same, fighting alongside him with her unwavering faith.

Though darkness loomed over their lives, Ariana clung to the belief that love, strength, and unity would guide them through. She prayed for the day when Alex would return to her arms, and together, they would face whatever challenges the world had to offer. Until then, she would be the beacon of light, the unwavering support, and the eternal flame of hope that burned brightly in the heart of Valeria.


Pov:Duke argon


The days had become a blur for Duke Angor, a relentless stream of worry and sleepless nights. His world had been turned upside down ever since the news of Alex's disappearance reached his ears. As the sun rose and set, he found himself grappling with emotions he had never known before – fear, helplessness, and a burning desire to bring his son back home.

In his study, Duke Angor sat alone, surrounded by ancient tomes and maps of the realms. He was no stranger to strategy and warfare, but this was an enemy unlike any he had faced before – an enemy lurking in the shadows, leaving nothing but questions and uncertainty in its wake.

"My son..." he murmured, his voice breaking as he clutched a small wooden figurine of a dragon – a trinket that had once belonged to Alex when he was a child. The memories of their time together flooded his mind, from teaching Alex how to wield a sword to the pride he felt when his son took up the mantle of marshal.

He thought back to the moment when Emperor Altair had delivered the news, the anguish etched on the emperor's face mirroring the pain in Duke Angor's heart. The emperor's promise to find Alex had brought some comfort, but it was not enough to ease the torment of a father's worry.

Determined to do something, anything, Duke Angor had thrown himself into supporting the investigation. He had dispatched scouts and spies to gather information from every corner of Valeria. He consulted with the most skilled strategists and scholars, hoping to uncover any leads that could bring them closer to their missing marshal.

The door to his study creaked open, and Duchess Alexia stepped inside. Her eyes were heavy with concern, and she approached her husband with a gentle touch.

"Angor, my love," she said softly, "you must take care of yourself. Alex needs us to be strong for him."

Duke Angor took a deep breath, his hands still tightly clutching the dragon figurine. "I know, Alexia, but I cannot rest until our son is safe."

"We will find him," she assured him, her voice steady with determination. "We will bring him home."

As the days wore on, Duke Angor's resolve only grew stronger. He refused to let despair consume him, knowing that he had to remain strong for his family and his kingdom. He spent sleepless nights poring over maps, trying to piece together any clues that could lead them to the truth.

In the quiet moments, when the world seemed to stand still, Duke Angor would go to the balcony of the Cariel estate and gaze at the stars. He would whisper his hopes and fears to the night sky, seeking guidance and solace from the heavens above.

The people of Valeria rallied behind their duke, offering their support and prayers. Duke Angor found strength in their unwavering faith, knowing that they too longed for the return of their beloved marshal.

But even in the darkest of times, a flicker of hope remained. Duke Angor refused to give in to despair, knowing that somewhere, Alex was fighting with all his might. He clung to the belief that love, determination, and the unyielding spirit of Valeria would guide them through this trial.

With every sunrise, Duke Angor renewed his determination to bring his son back home. He would not rest until Alex was safe in his arms once more, and the light of hope would shine brightly over the kingdom of Valeria once more.