
Space Lord in Anuria

Alex, a normal middle-aged man working in a publishing company, unexpectedly meets a tragic end when he is struck by a truck while crossing the street. But instead of an afterlife, he finds himself reincarnated as a baby in a magical world named Anuria. Anuria is a realm where mages and swordmasters coexist, wielding the powers of magic and aura. As the eldest son of a Duke , Alex begins his new life with seemingly ordinary beginnings. However, it soon becomes evident that he possesses unique talents - the ability to control space and exceptional skill in swordsmanship.

MoneyBoss · Fantasie
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42 Chs

A Journey to Daemon

A month had passed since I delved deeper into my training with Lilith and Azrael, and the power of the Dark Essence surged within me like a tempest waiting to be unleashed. As I practiced my skills, my connection to this malevolent energy grew, and I marveled at the raw might at my fingertips.

One day, as Lilith and I exchanged thoughts and experiences in our serene training ground, she proposed a visit to the nearby city named Daemon. It piqued my curiosity, for I had yet to explore the realms beyond our training sanctuary.

"Sure, let's go. But how?" I asked, wondering how we would reach Daemon.

Lilith's response left me astounded. She revealed a small figurine of a carriage, which she casually tossed to the ground. To my amazement, the miniature carriage transformed into a grand 4-meter-tall behemoth of obsidian-colored wood and stone, adorned with a rich dark purple hue that resonated with the malevolent power I had come to know.

But that wasn't all. Lilith produced two wooden figurines resembling horses and threw them onto the ground, causing them to transform into massive, 3-meter-tall steeds. They possessed explosive muscles on their hind legs, their purple hair and red obsidian eyes with tints of purple giving them an ethereal aura.

"How did you do that?" I asked, my mind reeling from the enchanting display of magic.

With a playful smile, Lilith replied, "Secret," placing a finger on her lips as if to maintain the mystery of her abilities.

Excitement and curiosity coursing through my veins, I, Lilith, and Azrael embarked on the grand carriage. The interior was a sight to behold, adorned with intricately woven tapestries depicting scenes of Eldoria's history, illuminated by soft, purple-hued crystals that glowed like celestial stars. The plush, dark velvety seats cradled us comfortably as we embarked on our journey.

As the carriage set in motion, I gazed out the window in awe. Eldoria's landscapes unfolded before me, bathed in the ethereal light of the Dark Essence. The flora and fauna seemed to dance in harmony, resonating with the malevolent energy that permeated the realm.

Curious about Daemon, I questioned Lilith, prompting her to reveal that the city was a melting pot of cultures and ambitions. Its streets were alive with merchants peddling exotic wares, and its taverns echoed with laughter and tales of adventure.

"Daniel Daemon, the city's ruler, holds the rank of Umbral Viscount," Lilith continued. "His power is immense, and he commands the respect and loyalty of the city's inhabitants."

My mind filled with questions, and I inquired about the noble families in Daemon. Lilith's eyes gleamed with knowledge as she unveiled the three noble families, each holding the rank of Obsidian Knight.

"The House of Nightshade, led by Lady Isabella Nightshade, masters dark arts and can summon and control malevolent creatures with deadly precision," she explained.

"Then there is the House of Shadowspire, ruled by Lord Damien Shadowspire. They manipulate shadows into deadly, blade-like forms, making them formidable in close combat."

"Lastly, the House of Emberfall, led by Lady Seraphina Emberfall, conjures devastating waves of dark energy that can obliterate enemies within a significant radius, leaving the terrain scarred and ravaged."

As the carriage continued its journey, my mind raced with excitement and trepidation at the prospect of encountering such formidable beings. I knew it would be an opportunity to test my own abilities and learn from the experiences of others.

The journey to Daemon was not without adventure. On the way, we encountered a group of malevolent bandits who sought to take advantage of our presence. Their eyes gleamed with greed as they surrounded our carriage, blocking our path.

Lilith's eyes glinted with mischief as she addressed the bandits, "Are you certain you want to take on three Dark Essence wielders?"

The bandits hesitated but were undeterred. One of them, with a wicked grin, said, "We've dealt with our fair share of Dark Essence users. You won't scare us."

Lilith's response was a chilling smile. With a swift motion of her hand, she summoned tendrils of darkness that snaked around the bandits' feet, immobilizing them. The obsidian tendrils squeezed tighter with every futile struggle, their faces turning pale with fear.

"Your actions have consequences," Lilith warned, her voice cold as ice.

The bandits pleaded for mercy, but Lilith showed them none. With a single gesture, the tendrils tightened their grip, silencing the bandits forever. The dark energy dissipated as quickly as it had come, leaving no trace of the confrontation.

We continued our journey, my heart pounding in my chest from the adrenaline rush of the encounter. Lilith assured me that such incidents were rare, and most people of Eldoria respected the power wielded by Dark Essence users.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the city, we arrived at the entrance of Daemon. The gates were guarded by warriors donning resplendent red armor, each bearing the emblem of a purple dragon. Their eyes were vigilant, scrutinizing all who approached.

"We are here to visit the city," Lilith calmly declared, presenting a red card emblazoned with a magnificent golden dragon, its deep blue-red eyes hinting at the immense power it represented.

The guard's eyes widened with surprise and a hint of fear, trembling in the presence of Lilith. He wanted to address her as "princess," but Lilith playfully silenced him with a gentle "shhh."

The guard motioned for us to enter, and we stepped through the gates. The city of Daemon unfolded before us like a tapestry of wonders. Buildings crafted from dark purple stones reached toward the sky, casting eerie shadows that seemed to dance with the malevolent energy in the air.

As we strolled through the city, I marveled at the beauty and power that surrounded me. The journey to Daemon had not only granted me a glimpse into the daily lives of its inhabitants but also shown me the immense diversity and strength that existed in Eldoria.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the city, I knew that this was just the beginning of my adventures in the realm. With Lilith and Azrael by my side, I was eager to embrace the enigmatic power of Eldoria and unravel the mysteries that lay ahead. The journey to Daemon had only deepened my resolve to become a force to be reckoned with in this malevolent realm.