

Ken : Wtf? You have a basement which is connected to an elevator that leads us to the center of the earth?! No way. Sounds like a kidnapper to me

Haru : Hahaha, there's no way you think that. (smile fades away in pain)

Ken : Of course I don't ... ( Stares at haru )

*Haru and Ken enter the elevator and go down to the center of the earth*

Haru : Ken? Ken? Celestial to Ken??

*Ken is in absolute shock he stands there quiet for a second*

Haru : Hey! Snap out of it!

So, how do you like my place?

Ken : You can't be serious! Wtf?!

Haru : C'mon, atleast give me a better reaction, you're such a buzz kill.

Ken : Sure, whatever.. But what are we doing here? Won't the other celestials find us?

Haru : No, we are here to meet "the fallen angels" (with a smirk on his face)

Ken : Who are the fallen angels?

Do you worship Satan?

Haru : No, no! (starts laughing gently)

The fallen angels, or Daten-shi, is what they call themselves.

Rushi sora - the leader (has space time powers but can't use them).

Samakori - the clown (has ice powers but weak at using them).

SefirKuro - the stupid one (has the powers of warping reality, but to a very small extent).

*Suddenly the room starts shaking.

Ken witnesses teleportation for the first time.

Ken is absolutely shocked and can't believe his eyes*

3 people enter out of a dark hole in a funny pose.

Ken stares at them for a while.

Rushi : C'mon, we put so much work into it.

Haru : I know, right?! You guys looked cool.

Ken : You guys looked more like a circus act.

Kori : That doesn't make sense, no? I'm the clown, not everyone? I should fix my English, it's so hard to understand your language, human.

Kuro : (turns to Ken) Do you like candy?

Ken : Am I supposed to be working with these guys? (in utter disappointment)

Haru : Well, these 3 were weak, and useless enough to get kicked out of the celestial void, so we have to work with them.

But, hey.

You also have me.

The genius master mind.

Ken : Sure, that sounds fun, so what do we do now ?

Haru : We train.

Ken : Wait, that's it, that's your answer?! Damn. I thought you were supposed to be a smart genius.

Haru : Haha (in pain again) well, that's my answer - we train.

Ken : But, even if we do train, won't we get caught by the other celestials since we are under their supervision?

Haru : This is where my work comes into play. I've already created a force field where they can't sense what we're doing. I hope you have no more questions because we have only 6 more months (until Ken's birthday)

It's September 17th 2023 right now.

We have time until March 11th.

Next chapter

Is a surprise