
Sovereign Of Void

Meet Ye Chen, an orphan with nothing but an unyielding spirit and a mysterious past. In a world where power is everything, Ye Chen discovers he's got the ultimate jackpot: the Void Physique and the Immortal Emperor's Bloodline. Yeah, he's basically destined to be a legend. [Ye Chen's Awakening] > "Who knew getting beat up by bandits could unlock the strongest physique in existence?" Ye Chen's journey kicks off with a bang when a life-threatening encounter triggers his hidden powers. Suddenly, he's absorbing energy like a sponge, and his enemies? They don't stand a chance. [Joining the Sect] > "A small village can't contain me. It's time to see the world!" Leaving his humble village behind, Ye Chen joins a powerful sect. He faces rivalries, undertakes dangerous missions, and quickly rises through the ranks. His adventures are filled with face-slapping moments where he crushes arrogant opponents, proving he's not just lucky—he's unbeatable. [Epic Tournaments and Fierce Battles] > "Bring it on. I'm not here to play nice; I'm here to win." Ye Chen's fame skyrockets as he dominates inter-sect tournaments, facing and defeating the best cultivators from around the world. Each victory brings new challenges, powerful allies, and formidable enemies. But no matter how tough things get, Ye Chen always comes out on top. [Unlocking Ancient Secrets] > "What's this? Another ancient artifact? Looks like today's my lucky day!" Exploring ancient ruins and unlocking hidden secrets, Ye Chen uncovers the true potential of his bloodline and physique. Each discovery makes him stronger, preparing him for the ultimate showdown against cosmic threats. [Building Alliances and Facing Global Threats] > "United, we can conquer everything. Divided, we fall by nothing." As Ye Chen's power grows, so does his responsibility. He forms alliances with top cultivators and powerful beings from different realms, ready to face interdimensional threats that endanger the entire universe. [The Ultimate Battle] > "This is it. The final showdown. Let’s end this once and for all." In an epic climax, Ye Chen faces the most powerful villain the universe has ever seen. With everything on the line, he transcends reality itself, becoming the eternal guardian of the multiverse and leaving a legacy of peace and power. "Sovereign of the Void" is packed with jaw-dropping battles, mind-blowing discoveries, and a protagonist who never loses. Ye Chen's journey from an orphan to the most powerful being in the universe is one you won't want to miss. Get ready to dive into a world of cultivation, adventure, and epic face-slapping moments that will keep you hooked from the first chapter to the last. || •My Other Works:— "Ascension Of Malachor","Bitten By Vampire Princess, I Was Forced To Transform". •This Novel Is Participating In "Webnovel Spitity Awards".

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29 Chs

3. Promotion To Inner Disciple.

Ye Chen walked through the gates of the Azure Sky Sect, the Azure Lotus secure in his pack and a sense of accomplishment warming his chest. The journey through the Misty Forest had been a grueling test of his skills and resolve, but he had emerged victorious, stronger and more determined than ever. As he approached the main hall, Liu fell into step beside him.

"The elders will be pleased with your success," Liu said, a note of admiration in his voice. "The Azure Lotus is a rare and powerful herb. It's a testament to your abilities that you were able to retrieve it."

Ye Chen nodded, feeling a swell of pride. "I couldn't have done it without the training and support of the sect. I'm ready to take the next step in my cultivation journey."

Liu smiled. "And take that step you shall. But first, you need to present the Azure Lotus to the elders."

Ye Chen entered the hall where the elders awaited. The white-bearded elder's eyes gleamed with approval as Ye Chen approached, holding the Azure Lotus out for them to see.

"Elders, I have completed the trial and retrieved the Azure Lotus," Ye Chen announced, bowing respectfully.

The elders exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of surprise and respect. "You have done well, Ye Chen," the white-bearded elder said, his voice filled with pride. "This achievement proves your dedication and potential. You are ready for the next phase of your training."

Ye Chen's heart swelled with determination. "Thank you, elder. I am eager to continue my journey and unlock my full potential."

The elder nodded. "We have decided to elevate you to the rank of inner disciple. With this promotion comes greater responsibilities and more advanced training. You will also have the opportunity to learn from the sect's top cultivators and access our most valuable resources."

Ye Chen's eyes widened with excitement. "I will not disappoint you, elder. I will strive to become the best."

The elder smiled. "We have no doubt that you will. Now, go and rest. Your training resumes tomorrow."

Ye Chen bowed once more before leaving the hall. As he walked back to his quarters, he couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration. He had come so far in such a short time, and he was determined to keep pushing forward.

The next morning, Ye Chen rose early, eager to begin his new training regimen. The air was crisp and cool as he made his way to the training grounds, where the inner disciples practiced. The area was larger and more advanced than the outer disciples' training grounds, with a variety of training dummies, obstacle courses, and meditation areas.

As Ye Chen approached, he noticed a group of inner disciples gathered around, watching two cultivators sparring in the center of the grounds. The speed and precision of their movements were incredible, and Ye Chen felt a surge of excitement as he watched them.

One of the disciples noticed Ye Chen and approached him. "You must be Ye Chen, the new inner disciple," he said, extending a hand in greeting. "I'm Lin Feng. Welcome to the inner circle."

Ye Chen shook his hand, grateful for the warm welcome. "Thank you, Lin Feng. It's an honor to be here."

Lin Feng smiled. "We've heard about your exploits in the Misty Forest. Retrieving the Azure Lotus is no small feat. You'll fit right in here."

As they talked, the sparring match ended, and the disciples dispersed. Lin Feng offered to give Ye Chen a tour of the inner disciples' training grounds, showing him the various areas where they practiced martial arts, honed their Qi manipulation, and studied ancient texts.

"You'll find that the training here is much more intense than what you experienced as an outer disciple," Lin Feng explained. "But with your talent, I'm sure you'll excel."

Ye Chen nodded, absorbing everything Lin Feng told him. "I'm ready for the challenge. I want to become as strong as I can be."

Over the next few weeks, Ye Chen threw himself into his training with renewed vigor. He spent hours practicing his swordsmanship, perfecting his techniques and pushing his body to its limits. He meditated for long periods, focusing on his Qi and learning to control the immense power within him. The other inner disciples quickly took notice of his dedication and talent, and he earned their respect through his relentless effort.

One day, as Ye Chen was practicing his sword forms, he noticed a commotion near the entrance of the training grounds. Curious, he sheathed his sword and made his way over, joining the crowd of disciples gathered around a group of strangers. The newcomers were cultivators from another sect, their presence commanding attention and respect.

"Who are they?" Ye Chen asked Lin Feng, who stood beside him.

"They're from the Scarlet Moon Sect," Lin Feng explained. "They're here for the annual inter-sect exchange. It's a chance for disciples from different sects to learn from each other and test their skills."

Ye Chen's eyes lit up with interest. "That sounds like a great opportunity. Do we get to spar with them?"

Lin Feng nodded. "Yes, there will be friendly matches and joint training sessions. It's a good way to see how we measure up against other sects."

As the exchange began, Ye Chen watched the Scarlet Moon Sect's disciples with keen interest. Their techniques were different from what he had learned at the Azure Sky Sect, and he was eager to see how his skills compared.

The first day of the exchange was filled with introductions and demonstrations. The Scarlet Moon Sect's disciples showcased their unique martial arts and Qi manipulation techniques, impressing the Azure Sky Sect's members with their prowess. Ye Chen observed closely, noting the strengths and weaknesses of each technique.

On the second day, the sparring matches began. Disciples from both sects paired off, testing their skills against each other in friendly but intense bouts. Ye Chen was excited to participate, eager to prove himself and learn from the experience.

When it was Ye Chen's turn, he stepped into the sparring ring with a determined look. His opponent was a tall, muscular disciple from the Scarlet Moon Sect named Zhang Wei. Zhang Wei's reputation as a skilled fighter preceded him, and Ye Chen knew he was in for a challenging match.

"Good luck," Lin Feng said, giving Ye Chen an encouraging pat on the back. "Show them what you're made of."

Ye Chen nodded, his focus sharpening as he faced Zhang Wei. The two bowed to each other before taking their stances. The air was thick with anticipation as the crowd watched, eager to see the clash of talents.

Zhang Wei made the first move, launching himself at Ye Chen with a flurry of swift punches and kicks. Ye Chen parried and dodged, his movements fluid and precise. The two exchanged blows, their movements a blur of speed and power.

Ye Chen could feel the intensity of the match, his heart pounding with exhilaration. Zhang Wei was a formidable opponent, his strength and technique impressive. But Ye Chen had a secret weapon—his Void Physique. He tapped into the power within him, feeling the surge of Qi enhance his speed and strength.

As the match progressed, Ye Chen began to gain the upper hand. His attacks became more powerful, his movements more precise. Zhang Wei struggled to keep up, his defenses weakening under Ye Chen's relentless assault.

With a final, powerful strike, Ye Chen disarmed Zhang Wei, his sword clattering to the ground. The crowd erupted in cheers as Ye Chen stood victorious, breathing heavily but grinning with satisfaction.

"Well fought," Zhang Wei said, bowing to Ye Chen. "You are indeed a worthy opponent."

Ye Chen returned the bow, feeling a sense of camaraderie and respect. "Thank you. You fought well too."

The sparring match was a turning point for Ye Chen. It not only boosted his confidence but also earned him the admiration of both the Azure Sky Sect and the Scarlet Moon Sect's disciples. He continued to participate in the exchange, learning new techniques and forming valuable connections with cultivators from other sects.


As the days of the exchange turned into weeks, Ye Chen's skills and knowledge grew exponentially. He trained tirelessly, absorbing every bit of information and experience he could. His reputation as a talented and dedicated cultivator spread, and he became a respected figure among the disciples.

One evening, after a particularly intense training session, Ye Chen sat with Lin Feng and a few other disciples, discussing their experiences and sharing stories. The camaraderie and sense of belonging filled Ye Chen with a warmth he hadn't felt in a long time.

"You've come a long way since you first arrived," Lin Feng said, clapping Ye Chen on the shoulder. "It's impressive how quickly you've advanced."

Ye Chen smiled modestly. "I've had a lot of help from all of you. I couldn't have done it alone."

"True, but your determination and talent are what set you apart," another disciple added. "You have the potential to become one of the greatest cultivators in the sect's history."

Ye Chen's heart swelled with pride and gratitude. He knew he had a long way to go, but he was more determined than ever to reach his full potential. The path of cultivation was challenging, filled with obstacles and dangers, but he was ready to face them head-on.

As the exchange came to an end, the Scarlet Moon Sect's disciples bid farewell, leaving behind a sense of mutual respect and friendship. Ye Chen watched them go, feeling a mix of sadness and excitement. He had learned so much from the experience, and he was eager to continue his journey.

The Azure Sky Sect returned to its normal routines, but for Ye Chen, things would never be the same. He had tasted the thrill of true competition, and he was hungry for more. He knew that greater challenges awaited him, and he was ready to face them with unwavering determination.

His journey was far from completion.

—To Be Continued