
Sovereign Dragon System

Long ago humans ruled the world as the dominant race, well that was until mana was introduced and elves suddenly rose to the top of the race tree. Humans had mediocre mana mastery and plummeted down to become the lowest race, even goblins sat above humans. --------- Aaron Plight a human slave who was constantly been sold off to the elves since he was six until he finally settled with the Aeravansels, An elven family who ruled over a little human village called "Bryxlyn". On one unfaithful day, Aaron got himself into a pinch and was thrown into an underground dungeon and was constantly been punished for months. He had become the embodiment of despair and self-loath as he could no longer stomach the pain of being below all races. Well, that was until he heard a light-sounding bell in his head and a message popped before his face. [Ding! You've met the requirements for a race reset... Would you like to proceed?]

KhingOfPages · Fantasie
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Aaron Plight.

Long ago before the time of your progenitors, the human race stood above all races and was at the peak of the hierarchy. But that all came crumbling down when mana and magic got introduced into the world.

Humans are the most populated race making up 63% of the world's population.

But they lacked the tendency to manipulate mana and hence couldn't perform S-tier magic.

In a world governed by mana and magic, what do you think would happen to that one race who possesses mediocre skills?

In less than a year the elves had taken control of the world, changing the world's order. For it was now the era of any race that had the greatest mana manipulation.

The elves had godly mastery of mana and could perform even SS-tier magic.

Rumor has it that some high elves could even perform SSS-tier sorcery.

Even the lowest of elves were considered nobles to the other races.

Don't get me wrong races like Orcs, ogres, giants, hobgoblins, lizard folks, etc had upper beginner stage mana mastery, but that seemed like child's play compared to the elves.

The other races began hunting humans, whiles most of them were sold off to the higher echelons of race as laborers

some were also taken in as slaves.

And among those slaves bought by an elven family was a young man who went by the name Aaron Plight.

"Aaron!!!... Get your filthy self over here immediately" Eleanor yelled.

Eleanor's the only daughter of the Aeravansel family who governed over Bryxlyn town, a small human village that paid monthly tribute to the Aeravansels for protection, not because they admired them but because the village would be wiped out if they didn't.

Blonde smooth hair that flutters at the slightest of wind, smooth fair skin, light blue eyes, bright pink charming lips, and a well-endowed figure, Eleanor was what any elf would like to have as a wife.

Elves usually have modest chests and hips but Eleanor was blessed by the hourglass figure goddess.

'Eleanor is a pretty elf even I can't refute that' Aaron thought to himself as he knelt before his mistress.

"How dare you keep me waiting you slug," Eleanor said as she laid her feet on Aaron's face.

'Yeah, she's pretty on the outside but her soul's rotten to the core... Just like all the other pointy-eared crones' Aaron thought.

"I'm sorry my lady but I got here as fast as I cou-" Aaron's reply was cut short by his mistress feet crashing into his face.

Aaron is an eighteen years old slave who was sold from one elf lord to another at a very young age.

With noodle arms, dark hair, brown eyes, and ribs that could even be seen vividly through his ragged clothes.

"Now massage my feet right up to my thighs, it aches." Stretching her legs to her human slave the elf noble demanded.

Eleanor had smooth and tender legs, it felt like you were rubbing your hands against silk if one ventured to touch them, well except Aaron who had daily privileges to massage such legs accompanied by occasional kicks to his jaw.

whiles massaging Eleanor's legs Aaron tried to look up at his mistress, but instead accidentally caught a glimpse of her pink striped panties under the flurry dress she had on.

Having seen what his mistress had on under her dress coupled with massaging those smooth and slender thighs, Aaron didn't notice his hose had risen quite a bit.

'Eeeekkk!!!' Eleanor shrieked catching a glimpse of her servant's log as it gradually raised its head.

Aaron immediately used his hands to cover his rising Loch Ness. "I'm terribly sorry, I had no idea my body was acting up... Please forgi-"

Not allowing him to complete his sentence she stood up and in anger kicked Aaron's face with all her might.

Aaron stumbled on the floor holding his nose which was leaking blood as he tried to get up but ended up slumping.

"I'm truly sorry my lady... Please forgive me," he profusely apologized.

"Shut up you creep, how dare you get aroused by my body?." Eleanor let out as she walked towards the slave who was laying on the floor desperately trying to stop his nosebleed.

"Is this it?... This is it right?" She asked whiles poking Aaron's risen wood with the tip of her toe.

Before Aaron could reply, she raised her right leg and he could see his mistress panties one last time before her feet came crashing into his family jewels.

"Aaaaarrrrrgggggg!!!!" Aaron let out an agony-imbued scream.

His mistress kept stomping on his family marbles repeatedly ignoring the young man's screams and pleas.

No matter the sort of pain you were in, no matter what an elf did to you, humans were not allowed to lay a finger on an elf or they'd be instantly burnt to death on a stake.

After she was done stepping on his golden balls, she immediately went to report to her parents about the situation, and as you would have guessed her parents weren't delighted by the idea of a slave getting aroused by their daughter's body.

Eleanor wasn't a kid she turned seventeen last year and so she was considered a full fledge woman but yet she was still treated like a baby by her parents.

Aaron was effectively thrown into the dungeon under their manor awaiting his punishment.

The elves made the rules that governed the new world so no race could challenge them, those who tried didn't live to tell their tale.

once humans joined forces with lizard folks to overthrow the elves but that ended in a huge massacre, everyone who staged the coup was wiped from the face of the earth by only ten elves who were later dubbed "The ten divine swords".


Aaron had been in the dungeon for weeks probably even months, anyone would lose their sense of time in that dark and cold place.

If there's anything you have plenty of in a dungeon it's time, all alone In that dark cell with no companion, even your shadow was nowhere to be found.

It was a sure ticket to drive the sanest of men to a slow but certain madness.

Every day two guards would walk into his cell and would proceed to whip him until his back had new layers of bruises.

The more Aaron pleaded the harder they whipped so he eventually stopped begging for mercy. Today as they walked in, without resistance he stood up and faced the wall awaiting his punishment.

'why weren't we blessed with mana, why can't we be blessed with at least upper beginner stage magic skills' Aaron thought as the whip lashed his bare back.

'Even if it was one element skill, fire, earth, water, air, or lightning, anyone would be fine. We would have just developed that one skill and become extremely proficient at its use.'

"If only I could wield any form of magic I would have wiped out these hateful elves. I want to get stronger, I need to get stronger, I would do anything if only it made me stronger." Aaron said slamming his hands on the floor in what was a mixture of both utter frustration and disgust at his lack of strength and skill.

By this time the guards were done stroking him and had exited his cell.

"I'm tired of being treated worse than rodents, I need power!!!" he screamed as he recalled all the suffering and humiliations he had gone through up until this point.

"I'm tired of this life, I'm better dead. Who cares if one rat dies in a dark hole anyways."

And then something strange happened.

[Ding! you have met the requirements to undergo a race reset... Would you like to proceed? Yes/No].

A message popped up in front of Aaron's face.

"what is this?" Aaron asked in confusion seeing a random message just pop up on his face.

"A race reset? Is that like something that changes race... Hold up is that even possible?"

"Whatever happens it can't be worst than this, after all, humans are the lowest of all races, even goblins have it better than us."

"Yes, I would like a race reset" Aaron replied to the message.


[An unquenchable flame that thirsts for power has been found within your soul]

[Just like the flames of the ancient majestic lizards who soared the skies long before extinction, it can't be assuaged].

[Would you like to proceed... Yes/No. If you reset your race it can't ever be changed again]

"Yes, reset my race," Aaron said with nervous sweat dripping down his face.

After a little while, the message popped up again.

[Ding! You have successfully reset your race.]

[Old race: Human]

[New race: Reptilian Class - Dragon]

"What there's a race of dragons, no the system said they were extinct."

[Ding! An unexpected development has occurred]. The system popped up again.

'Unexpected development?'

[Combined with your resentment, will, and hate towards others you've unlocked a Mythic-Rare breed]

"Wait there's still more?" Aaron questioned.

[With scales so black it would make anyone's shadow look bright in comparison]

[Dark Mythical flames that burned down the heavens eons ago]

[Claws and teeth that slice through the hardest of defenses.]

[Congratulations! You've acquired the majestic night dragon breed].


Name: Aaron Plight

Race: Dragon <Night breed>

Level: 1

Job Class: None

Title: <Empty>

HP: 36/50

Mana: 50/50


Strength: 30

Agility: 40

Intelligence: 20

Stamina: 35

Durability: 50

(Extra distributional points: 0)


°Primary Skills.

~Sovereignty (Legendary - Level 1)>

~Dark flames (Unique - Level 1)>

~Ancient dominion (Mythic - Level 1)>


This is my first time joining a competition so I don't mind feedbacks. And please don't forget to vote with power stone.

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