
Sovereign Conjurer: Ultimate Gacha in a Mix Anime World

Transmigrating into the body of the deceased Futarou Uesugi, being chosen to experience the ultimate gacha experience in a world with a premise similar with Solo Leveling, what's this? There are random anime characters that appear, some with the same back story, and some with completely different ones. But what could they be? Come read and find out *winky face* ... Enjoy, I'm testing out how to write a system Fic since I haven't created one, so sorry if it appears messy. Ps. If I mess something up with the system please let me know so I can fix it

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · Anime und Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 43

[???? PoV]

As I finished paying the cashier and started exiting the store, my phone began to ring.

I reached into my pocket and let out a sigh as I saw the caller ID: Glutton.

"What, Itsuki?" I answered in annoyance, already guessing the reason for her call.

"So, did you get it?" Itsuki asked enthusiastically.

"Yes, I got it, don't worry about it."

"Are you sure? Last time, you got me the sour one instead of the sweet one. And you know I hate the sour one."

I couldn't help but groan upon hearing her. "Yes, I got you the sweet one."

"You better. I know you got me the sour one on purpose last time just to annoy me. So please, I'm really craving it," I could practically hear her pouting.

"What, are you pregnant or something, suddenly having cravings?" I scoffed.

Suddenly, I detected mana rush over and sweep right through me with great force, causing me to hold onto my bag and phone tightly.

"AAAAAAHHHHH!!" A woman suddenly screamed and started running away with fear in her face.

A few feet ahead of me, the space started collapsing, and a giant red leg stepped out from the growing blue portal.

"A Gate," I muttered.

"Hey, what's wrong!? What was that screaming? And did you mention a Gate–"

Itsuki's voice started growing distant as my own breathing grew heavier.

It's just like that time, back to when I was little... a dungeon break. My body couldn't help but freeze as memories rushed back, back to when I was a little girl.

After that one dungeon break incident during our family vacation, we all developed a bit of trauma. I just so happened to be the one who had the strongest trauma of us all. After all, I still can't get over the fact... the fact that he sacrificed himself for us.

I watched helplessly as a monster with one eye rushed out with a club in hand and swung it towards a man trying to run away.

I watched as the man exploded into millions of pieces, blood flying everywhere.

My hands grew shaky, and I dropped my phone, Itsuki's cries disappearing.

I started feeling sick as I watched that happen and saw the Cyclops licking his club, wiping away the blood.

The Cyclops set his eyes towards me, sending a shiver down my spine that woke me from my frozen state.

As soon as my body allowed, I turned and started running, using all the power I had. Just before running away, I saw more Cyclopes exiting the gates.

If I had my Katana with me, maybe I would have steeled my nerves and fought, but I don't. Who brings their sword out when they're shopping!

I could feel my eyes growing teary as I felt the ground shaking and heard the heavy steps of the Cyclops chasing after me.

I heard the sound of explosions going off behind me and the cries of people asking for help.

The sound of the giant footsteps grew closer and closer. Just as I heard it behind me, I jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding the club that hit where I once stood.

The street cracked apart due to the monster's strength. The Cyclops turned its head and looked at me with its unblinking eye.

I turned around and got back up from the ground, but before I could make any progress, I felt a giant hand grab my legs, picking me up upside-down, causing my headphones to drop from my neck.

"No! No! No! It's got me!"

I tried to move my legs, but it was too strong. The Cyclops lifted me up and spiked me to the ground. I coughed up blood as I felt some of my bones break.

Tears ran down my cheeks. This is the end, this is where I die... but I don't want to die... please... someone... save me.

Just then, I remembered back to when I was little, remembering how valiantly the little boy stood up against the Ogre. I can still remember his words...

"Oi! Why don't you pick on someone your own size!"

Yes, he said that... but he sounded younger... wait.

I quickly realized those words weren't a product of my imagination; they were real.

I saw the Cyclops turn to look at whoever was calling towards him. In the sky, I saw a silhouette appear in the middle of the sun. He twirled a spear around above him before diving down at a supernatural pace, plunging the spear right through the Cyclops' eye.

As the Cyclops was brought down, a smokescreen of dust enveloped the area.

That voice... those words... even though it sounds older, I can still detect a hint of it from when I was younger.

I watched his silhouette in the dust as he pulled out the spear, and I heard the squelching of blood. Slowly, I picked myself up but couldn't stand fully, sitting on the ground was all I could manage.

I observed as he flicked his spear, wiping away the blood, and then flicked it again, causing all the dust to be swept away, allowing me to get a good look at him.

He had black hair styled in a bowl-cut with bangs swept to the right, and his yellow-gold eyes stared down at me, examining me. A black lightning mark ran from the bottom of his right eye down to his chin.

He wore a tight black long-sleeve shirt that displayed his muscles, white shorts, and tight black leggings connected to his shorts.

He leisurely rested his spear on one shoulder, and over the other shoulder was a little girl with a bored expression.

She had white-lavender hair topped with a black ribbon and... horns?

Normally, I would have continued observing his appearance or the little girl with horns, but that wasn't what caught my attention.

It was his yellow-golden eyes. Although his hair used to be blond and spiky... and his voice sounded older... his eyes were the same... he's... he's...

I saw his eyes studying my face, and they widened. I imagine mine did too...



We called out to each other simultaneously…


A/N: And I'm going to leave it there… 🤣 hehehehehehe. I think that's the perfect place to end it, don't you guys think so as well lmao.

Anyways here's a picture of Miku, THE BEST WIFEY, and my favorite one. The one the OG Futarou fumbled.
