

Dr Ashwariya Raichand - She is the doctor who saves lives but her own life is upside down. Her parents died in a car crash when she was just 10 years old. But her father brothers didn't let the NGO' s worker take her away and raised her as their own. And they have never ever let her feel that she was an orphan until one day . That day everything changed. Kilian Knight - A man of his words and figure which is feared. People like to stay away from him because becoming his enemy is the last thing which anyone wants. A betrayal from his best friend has shaped him like this. He has the perfect life which is the dream of millions, a multi-dollar company, a loving family and a troublesome sister. Everything is in place until love decides to knock on his door of heart! Let's dig in and find what twists and turns their life took? Did their road of love had ups and down or was it smooth like butter?

WriterQuilt1605 · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
14 Chs



I was turning and tossing on the bed. I am on my period plus I had caught fever. It was a total disaster for me and I had to take the day off from the hospital because of it.

Sofia is also not present here as she had an emergency in the hospital and she had to go. So I was all alone.

I wish someone was here and cook something from me because I was carving for homemade food but didn't have the energy to cook something.

Then suddenly I heard the doorbell ringing. Who could be here? I didn't order anything so who could be there? My chain of thought was broken with constant ringing of the bell.

I got up and cursed whoever was present on the door. I literally had to drag myself and when I opened the door I was shocked to see the person standing in front of me.

It was none other than Sofi brother, Kilian. What was he doing here?

"Om.... Sofia told me you are unwell and asked me to check on you. If you were alright or not!" He said and scratched his head in..... nervousness?

"Oh!" I said and gestured for him to come inside.

"What would you like to eat?" He asked before I could question him.

"You will cook or order something from outside?" I asked and then mentally scoldef myself for asking it. Of course he would order from outside! Why would he cook for me!

"Of course I will cook! Outside food is not good for those who are unwell!" He said.

"And I can make anything so tell what would you like to eat!" He spoke again.

"I would like to have porridge!" I said although I wanted to eat spicy food but decided on the latter because I didn't want to trouble him.

"Okay, you just need to wait for half an hour" He said and disappeared in the kitchen. I decided to sit on the sofa and watch a horror movie.

It was an open kitchen adjoined to hall and I found myself glancing at him now and then. He had removed his blazer and wore an apron. But averted my eyes before he could catch me staring at him like last time.

His eyes were of deep oceanic blue colour and anyone could find themselves loosing in it. And on that day I was literally caught by him not once but twice. What he must have taught about me!

But when gazes clashed with each other that day  I felt like his eyes was piercing my soul and was trying to find something. Maybe I was overthinking.

And overthinking is one the biggest issues which I have. I tend to think about something so much that it usually ends up being a problem for me.

I wish I could be like Sofi. She never stress out and chill about everything. She is one of those who lives without the care about anything. She is also a strong will girl. Nothing can influence her easily. The only thing which broke her was the relationship in which she was in.

She really loved that person but he was a complete jerk. He used to control her. Like preventing her to wear the dresses he doesn't used to like, not allowing to befriend any boys and preventing her to attend any parties and list goes on. That's the reason she broke up with him.

After her breakup she shifted back to Canada and started to practise her doctorate here.

I didn't knew I was so lost in my thought land that Kilian had to snap his finger to break my chain of thought. I got so embarrassed because of it.

"Where were you lost?" He asked me as he sat opposite me and placed a bowl in front of me and he also had one bowl with him.

"Um.... Thank you!" I said and picked the bowl. I didn't want him to find that I was lost in his thoughts.

"It was my pleasure!" He said and like before his voice is captivating just like his eyes.

We were eating in silence until the doorbell rang again. I got up but Kilian stopped me.

"I will check it!" He said and left to open it. It was Sofia.

"Are you fine?" She asked as she slumped down on the sofa.

"I a okay now! How was your day?" I asked as I took a morsel of porridge.

"It was fine! So what are you eating?" She asked as she removed her totebag. And Kilian came and sat beside her.

"Porridge" I replied simply and continued eating.

"Thank God I brought a pizza with me or else I would have to cook something for me and I am tired as hell!" She exclaimed and took out the pizza box which I eyed hungrily. I suddenly started to carve for pizza! But before she could pick a piece he brother smacked her hand.

"First go and wash your hand" He said and Sofia groaned in annoyance.

"I had worn gloves and second I cleaned my hand before coming so there would be no harm!" she exclaimed but she was just being lazy. Sofia and laziness are synonymous

"How can you be a doctor when you don't follow simple cleaning habits!" Kilian exclaimed and took the box from her. Sofi stood up and stomped her foot and went to wash her handm. We both chuckled at her reaction. She snatched her pizza box as soon as she came back after washing her hand.

"Bad brother!" She exclaimed as she took a bite of the pizza.

"Troublesome sister!" Kilian commented and Sofia stuck her tongue out. I chuckled at their cute banter but it also reminded me the days when I used to bicker with my brothers. I blinked away the tears that started to form in my eyes and focused on eating the porridge.

But then my eyes wandered to the pizza and I again carved for it. Sofia caught me staring at her pizza so she forward her a pizza slice toward me. But before I could take it , Kilian snatched it away.

"Have you lose your mind! She is unwell and you are feeding her the pizza!" He exclaimed

"Oh! Come on! It's just a pizza not something poisonous that she will die after eating it!" She said and I nodded helplessly.

"You both are doctor but still don't have the basic knowledge that people who are unwell shouldn't eat junk food" he said and I sighed. There was no way I would be able to eat pizza until Kilian leaves.

"Oh! Come on brother. It's just a pizza slice. It wouldn't worsen her condition and if it would then I wouldn't have given to her at first place" Sofia said and again their non-stop bickering started. If I hadn't intervened it would have gone forever.

"It's okay I can eat pizza after getting fit and fine! For now I will settle down on this porridge" I said and they both finally stopped.

"She is more understanding than you. How were you able to become a doctor!" Kilian exclaimed

"How could you became a CEO with pea size brain!" Sofia countered back but before Kilian could say anything his phone rang. He excused himself and went to pick it.

I took this as an opportunity and picked a pizza slice and took a bite. Sofia chuckled at my action but nonetheless continued eating her pizza slice and I started eating it but then I heard Kilian footsteps coming back and started to chew fastly but he was faster than me and I was caught red-handed.

"Here , I thought that you are more understanding but it turns out you are like my sister!" He commented and I sheepishly smiled at him

After fifteen minutes he left and to my dismay he didn't let me touch another slice and even finished the two slices of pizza which Sofia left so that I could eat after her strict brother leaves.

But after he was gone, I kind like missed him. Oh! No! Whats happening to me. But I wasn't able to do anything about it. Like that day he again managed to mess with my brain.


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