

Dr Ashwariya Raichand - She is the doctor who saves lives but her own life is upside down. Her parents died in a car crash when she was just 10 years old. But her father brothers didn't let the NGO' s worker take her away and raised her as their own. And they have never ever let her feel that she was an orphan until one day . That day everything changed. Kilian Knight - A man of his words and figure which is feared. People like to stay away from him because becoming his enemy is the last thing which anyone wants. A betrayal from his best friend has shaped him like this. He has the perfect life which is the dream of millions, a multi-dollar company, a loving family and a troublesome sister. Everything is in place until love decides to knock on his door of heart! Let's dig in and find what twists and turns their life took? Did their road of love had ups and down or was it smooth like butter?

WriterQuilt1605 · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
14 Chs



What a sick bastard he is! I think he doesn't have any idea what power Kilian has. I wanted to curse him on his face but he already knows that I am pregnant and I didn't want him to do anything to my baby. How much I wish to be in Kilian arms! But right now I should think about how to escape from here.

"So how are you feeling? Away from your love!" He asked me, breaking my train of thoughts. I looked at him with a confused expression. He had asked the Kilian the same thing. What he is trying to imply?

"I think now you can understand how I am feeling! Away from my Sofia!" He said making me cringe. I think he is so obsessed with Sofia that he couldn't differentiate what's wrong and what's right.

"I want to ask you a question! " I asked and he looked at me with a puzzled face. But nevertheless he allowed me.

"Even if you have Sofia, will she love you? Will she be happy with you? Will she be content with you? Will you have her heart and soul? " I asked him and this made him pause. Maybe my question might have sent him to the thinking zone.

"One day she will! When she will be with me she will eventually fall for me again. Like she did before!" He said making me want to knock some sense into his thick skull.

"Nothing forcefully done is agreeable! I just want to say that although you will have her near you but in reality she will be farther from you!" I said hoping that God might knock some sense into him. Because only he can do it now as he has become a complete psycho.

"And I think you should put yourself in her place! What you would have done if someone would be obsessed with you and want to have you but you didn't want it! How would you feel if you were forced to be with her although you didn't want it!" I added softly but then he got abruptly up and left from there.

I cursed myself for wasting my precious time on him. I tried everything to free myself but all in vain. He had tied me so hard that freeing myself was impossible. Please God help me! I begged him.

After half an hour I think, the door slammed open and this made me flinch. He was looking at me and was holding a dragger. Is he going to kill me!

If this had happened three months ago I wouldn't have any issues because there was no reason for me to live. But now I want to live. Kilian gave me reasons to continue my life. I looked at him with fear as he marched toward me.

"What are you doing? Don't dare to come near me!" I yelled as fear started to grip inside me as he took his steps toward me. I wanted to protect myself and my baby but I was tied to this damn chair. But then the fear inside was replaced by surprise as he bent down and started to cut my ropes, from which my leg had been tied down. Then he went back and did the same thing and freed my hand. I took a look at my poor wrist which has red marks on it.

"You were right! She is happy with that doctor! Although I will have her I can't have her heart as it already belongs to someone else! I wish I wouldn't have been a jerk and hadn't lost her in the first! But I think the damage is done and is beyond the repair! And I would like you to convey something to Sofia, will you do that for me?" He asked with hope in his eyes and I boobed my head and down in agreeing.

"Tell her that I had realised the what truly loving a person mean! So I will be out from her life for good! And now you can leave!" He said but in all this I was staring at him not trusting my ears. Is he really setting me free.

"Will you leave before I change my mind?" He said and I got up to leave but then I realised I don't know the way out and I questioned him about the exit and he led me to the door. After shutting me out and then I literally made a run for my life. I ran as fast my leg could carry me. I ran as far as I could as if he changed his mind and try to capture me back.

I didn't know where I was going and that was a mistake as I ran into a car but thankfully it didn't hit me. But due to exhaustion everything started to get blurred and I lost to unconsciousness.


I opened my eyes and it fluttered due to the light. I could hear beaping sound. I craned my head from left to right to find myself in a white room. There was a machine attached to me and as well as a IV tube. It looked like I was in a hospital room. But how did I end up here!

The only memory I have is coming infront of a car. But then I heard a clicking of sound and I craned my head upwards to find Kilian coming out of bathroom.

"Kilian!?" I gasped and then I saw his head snapping at my direction. I sat up straight and was in shock.

"Ashwariya?" He gaped and I saw tears glistening in his eyes. And then in seconds I found myself in his embrace. I didn't know that I had started crying but realised when a sob left from my mouth. He broke the hugg and then I found his lips on mine. And I took no time to respond the kiss. We kissed each other desperately. We broke the kiss as we were short of breath. Then his forehead rested on mine. And his hand cradle my face. The feeling was unexplainable.

No words were exchanged and just our breathing could be heard. We were like this until we heard a clearing of throat. We saw a doctor and two nurse standing and then my face flushed.

"Um.... We have to check Ms Raichand, Mr Knight" the doctor said and I hid my face in Kilian chest due to the embarassment.

Then the doctor started to check on me and the whole time Kilian was holding my hand. And I had no objection as I also didn't wanted to leave it.

"Everything is okay but we would like to keep you under 24 hours observation because we want to assured that you are absolutely alright!" The doctor said but I wanted to object it because I didn't like the vibes that the hospital room was giving but one look from Kilian made me shut up.

Then after the doctor left mom,dad, Sofia and Ethan came to visit me. And Sofia broke down and blamed herself that because of her I was dragged in the mess. But again I threatened to castrate her if she didn't stopped blaming herself and this made everyone laugh.

"But my dear how did you managed to free yourself and escape from there?" Dad asked and everyone nodded in agreement. Then I told them what happened back there and also the message that Samuel wanted me convey to Sofia.

"This means he is out of our life for good!" Ethan asked.

"I don't think so! We can't trust his words as his mind can change in future!" Kilian said and he was also correct. And he also told Sofia that she have take bodyguards untill he makes sure that Samuel is out of our life.

And then afte an hour they all left except Kilian as he will be with me in night also. I told him that he could leave but he is stubborn like hell. He didn't budge and I had to agree.

And then the whole day passed in a blur and I am thankful to God. And it's rightly said that when we are with the person we cherish time pass the fastest. And then I was given the green flag to go home and I was happy to leave that cell as to me it's the same as prison. Isn't it?


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Have a nice day ahead 🤗