
The Emperor Investigates 2

Emperor Robert could not fathom what had gone wrong with Moniqua's daughter. He had met the girl on many occasions when the Del Montague family attended palace functions. She had appeared very docile and sweet. She was especially clingy towards her mother.

What happened in her mind after her mother's death? Did she never heal? Were her actions the result of unresolved grief? Even though she'd caused the accident that had resulted in Moniqua's death, surely her father tried to help her recover.

Why didn't she accept his help?

What about Duchess Tyren and Saintess Helena? Why did Felicia so vehemently reject her stepmother's and stepsister's attempts to love her? Did she simply give up on life without her mother?

Moniqua would be devasted to see the state of her family now.

Reaching the door in front of Alexander's chamber, Robert took notice of all the maids gathered. They were very sullen.

"Oh! Your Majesty!"

"Greetings, Your Highness!"

They all bowed their heads and dropped to their knees. The door opened and another maid walked out carrying a large basin of nearly empty warm water. She and her sister had been in the process of wiping down Master Alexander's body when they realized that they would need more cold water. As cold as they could get since the Young Lord's temperature kept rising. They knew it wouldn't work. They knew he was already past the point of help. Unless, a miracle occurred. Even so, they did their duty diligently.

Both women bowed to the Emperor and stepped away. "The Duke is expecting you, your royal Highness."

The Butler walked in first and one of the royal guards stepped in after him. After examining the room he stepped aside and held the door open for the Emperor.

Ordering the remainder of his guards to stay outside, Robert looked at the crowded room. There were six maids, four male servants, the physician, Saintess Helena, Duke Roelle and Duchess Tyren.

Mother and daughter shot to their feet. The servants lowered themselves.

"Thank you for gracing us with your visit, your Highness." Helena's sweet voice chirped.

"Leave us!" The Emperor commanded.

Bowing and scurrying, the door closed behind him and left a haunting silence amidst the morose atmosphere.

Approaching the bed, Robert took in the state of Moniqua's son. His lips parted in shock when he saw how much weight Alex had lost. His skin was very flushed and drenched in sweat. Slight gasps escaped his lips and his entire body was jerking at random. As if he was being possessed. Which he truly was. A curse had taken hold of him. 

Roelle didn't fare much better. His eyes were bloodshot as he remained seated, his expression one of desperation and fury. He had barely been eating and only slept when exhaustion claimed him. Helena and Tyren were worried about his condition as well.

All in all, the three of them cursed at Felicia every moment of the day.

The Emperor motioned for the ladies to take their seats and sat down as well. He looked at the Duke, who finally turned his head to acknowledge him.

"Robert," The Duke bypassed formalities. "Why have you come? This is not an appropriate time for a visit. My family is not in the mood to entertain you." His tone was harsh.

Tyren bit her lips nervously at her husband's rudeness.

Helena pushed more of her magic into Alex's body.

"Have you holy powers not been helping him at all, Helena?" Robert ignored the Duke's words. He could sympathize. 

Helena nodded, tears falling from her eyes. "Unfortunately not, Your Majesty. I have done everything I can to heal him, but my late sister's curse is simply too potent. All I can do is ease my brother's pain." 

The Emperor scoffed at her choice of words. Late sister? Helena is always too kind. Felicia was a witch! Why not just call her out for what she was?

"I heard the Pope came to see him." He stated.

"Yes, he did. But it was only a brief visit, your highness. He used more of his magic to help my brother then immediately left for his trip to Lake Joan. I hope the Pope receives revelation to help us all out of this mess. Father Demetri and some of the priests from his faction also paid us a visit yesterday. He says that all of the clergymen and nuns have been praying for Alex. I have been praying as well. I would give anything to save my brother from this." Helena replied, more tears dripping down her chin.

"I do not know why my sister would do such a thing. I suppose she was deeply aggrieved after being made to die like that...I can sympathize with her pain, but I wish she had chosen a different way to deal with it rather than inflicting more pain upon her own family who only ever tried to love her. Sister was truly broken in mind and spirit. I wish there had been a way to save her from herself."

The Emperor smiled at her. She was truly a blessed soul. How could anyone be cruel towards her?

"You will make a fine daughter-in-law and future empress, Helena. I look forward to the day you wed my son and the two of you are coronated."

Helena blushed and smiled. "Thank you for the compliment, your majesty. But please, let's not discuss that right now. It would be insensitive to my brother's plight."

The Emperor smiled some more, even more taken by her humility. Tyren couldn't be prouder of her daughter.

The Duke was barely paying attention to the conversation. His gaze was back on his son's face. Nothing could lift him from his misery. More than the impending loss, Roelle felt like a failure over the deaths in his family.

How did that wicked child ever come out of Moniqua's sweet womb? Did the Devil plant her there?

Suddenly all his tension, stress and fear overwhelmed him. His head throbbed terribly as his vision turned black.
