
c h a p t e r t h i r t y f o u r




"Mr Malfoy?" "Good evening, professor." "What are you doing with Miss Granger at a time like this?""My apologies, professor. I was patrolling the corridors when i saw Granger asleep in the library."

"Well, why didn't you just wake her up? Isn't carrying her all the way to the Gryffindor common room too much of a burden?""No, of course not, professor.""Very well then. Get back to your duties as soon as possible." "Yes, professor."

Hermione felt as if she was drifting in and out of sleep. After the conversation she overheard, all she could hear was the clicking of shoes against the school corridor floor.

"Draco..." she mumbled, leaning her head against his chest. "Shh, we're almost there."

When they reached the fat lady portrait, Draco sighed. "'Mione, what's the password?" he asked, still holding her in his arms.

"Lemon drops." she muttered. The fat lady scoffed at Draco but let the two of them in when Draco promised he would be out as soon as possible.

Once they were in the girls dormitory, Draco placed Hermione onto her bed. He took her tie off and undid the top button of her shirt.

"What's your excuse this time?" he asked, sitting on the side of the bed. Hermione sighed and sat up to take her jumper off. "Studying." she replied, laying back down once her jumper was off.

"Nice try. What's the real reason?" "Fine. I was collecting some spells for Harry which i think he might find useful in the near future."

Draco nodded. "Well, I need to get back to patrolling." he sighed, getting up. Hermione let out a small laugh, "Draco Malfoy is doing his job. Shocker."

He rolled his eyes playfully but he couldn't help but smile.

"Goodnight Hermione." "Goodnight Draco."



Draco and Hermione didn't do much that day. They spent the majority of it watching movies together and arguing over 'No Draco, those are not real people trapped inside of a box' and 'But then why does it look so realistic?'.

However, at four o'clock, Hermione looked up at him and sighed. "You're not going to like what i'm about to tell you." she said, sitting up.

Draco smirked and leant towards her. "Try me." he whispered, sitting back in his original position.

Hermione took in a deep breath. "Me and Ginny organised a play date for you, Harry and Ron." "A fucking play what?"

She smiled slightly when Draco groaned and ran a hand through his hair. "Please, Draco. They're my best friends and i need my boyfriend to at least tolerate them." she said, reaching over to hold his hand.

He raised an eyebrow and leant back, "Not only am i your boyfriend, but i am also your charming soulmate."

Hermione rolled her eyes but stared at him, frowning slightly. "What? No, don't look at me like that." he said, turning away. She took his head in her hands and ran her thumb along his cheek.

"Please do this for me." she whispered, placing a kiss on his ear. "Alright, fine. Just don't stop doing whatever you're doing right now." he sighed as he turned his head back around.

Hermione smirked and pecked him on the lips before standing up from the couch. "This isn't fair!" he groaned, crossing his arms.

She glanced behind her and shrugged, "They're coming in half an hour. Be ready."


"Oh my god, Gin. This was a terrible idea." Hermione said, grasping onto her mug.

Ginny raised her eyebrow as she poured herself some tea, "I'm sure they'll be fine."

Hermione gasped and looked up. "They're going to kill each other.""No, 'Mione, that's not going to h-""They're going to throw avadas around and we'll have to obliviate the whole apartment bl-"

"Hermione!" Ginny yelled. Hermione stopped mid-sentence and sighed, giving the girl an apologetic smile. "Sorry, they just never got along at Hogwarts." she said, stirring her tea.

Ginny shrugged, "Things change." "Yeah, I suppose so."


"Come on Weasley, if Potter can do it then so can you."

Ron let out a frustrated groan and Draco smirked. "How did you do this at the age of eleven?" he asked, rubbing the gel into his hair.

"Practise every day with great determination." Draco replied, glancing over at Harry who was fixing his final result in the mirror.

"Not bad, Potter." "Shut up Malfoy. I need to concentrate if i'm going to perfect the sides."

Draco rolled his eyes and turned back to face Ron who had his hair sticking out all over the place. "Right, come here Weasley." he said.

Draco muttered 'accio comb' and the comb that was in Harry's hand flew over to him.

"Hey! I was using that!" Harry complained, being nothing but ignored by Draco."The trick," he began, as he focused on spiking up Ron's hair, "is to spread the product throughout the hair."

Once he was done, Harry walked over to the two boys and started laughing. Draco raised his eyebrow but Harry just shook his head."What the hell are we doing?" he asked, looking between Ron and Draco.

"Well Potter," Draco said, pouring himself another glass of wine, "I believe this is what our girls would call a 'play date'."

"You're not actually that bad, Malfoy." Ron said, sitting down on the couch. "Uh yeah, don't get the gel on Hermione's couch or she'll kill me."

"Always the one with those high priorities." Harry laughed, drinking from his glass of water.

Draco chuckled and then paused.

"Is the ministry accepting anyone into the auror department?" he asked, taking a sip of his wine.

Hermione told him a while back that they made Harry the head of the department and Ron himself was high in the ranks. He figured he would have a good chance of getting the job if he went to them.

"Yeah, we are actually. Are you wanting to join?" Harry asked, sitting down on the couch next to Ron.

"I've been doing nothing for too long, you know what i mean?" he said, sighing as he sat in the chair across from the couch.

"Well as much as i hate to admit it, you were always better than me at school. I think you'd be qualified for it." Ron chuckled.

Harry went quiet for a few moments before smiling at Draco and nodding, "You're in."


draco the auror sign me tf up

also i've been posting regularly who else is proud of me?

i hope you have/had a great day