
c h a p t e r e i g h t



Hermione stood in front of apartment 25 for a while contemplating her next move. It was currently ten am, four hours since Draco stormed away. She didn't really want to bother him, but she wanted to make sure he was alright. After all, it was her fault.

After several knocks, Blaise opened he door and if he was surprised to see Hermione, he didn't show it.

"Hello Granger." he said."Zabini! Is Malfoy alright?"

Blaise smirked before opening the door a little wider to reveal Draco lying on the couch. "Hey Drake, are you alright?" he yelled, his voice echoing throughout the apartment. All that Draco's response consisted of was a grunt and a shift of position on the couch.

Apparently that didn't concern Blaise because he turned back around grinning, "He's been on that couch since the crack of dawn but apart from that, he's fantastic. Why?"

Hermione gave him a look of defeat and shook her head. "I heard your door slam shut a few hours ago. Just thought i would see if everything was fine."

Blaise nodded and the pair exchanged their goodbyes but Hermione stood at number 25 even after Blaise closed the door. She eventually decided she would try and see if Draco comes out of his house at any point. Not in a stalker way of course, more like... for observational purposes.

But he didn't.

Throughout the day, all Hermione saw was Pansy coming home with shopping bags, Blaise taking out the trash and Theo walking in with what seemed to be a duffle bag (he came out a few minutes later after a series of shouts including "You crashed here like last week you toad, what do you think you're doing?!" and "Oh for the love of Merlin, sod off Theo.")

Hermione eventually gave up with her observational activities and decided to go out onto the balcony and read a book.

She padded along the corridor with the Soulmate book. She didn't remember Draco giving it back, but she just assumed he must of slipped it in her letter box or something.

There were several plastic chairs on the balcony so Hermione chose the one closest to the edge where she could see the sunset (which was just as extraordinary as the sunrise).

An outline of the London buildings were the only silhouettes in the sky which was, once again, splattered with orange and pink. This time however, it was also tinted blue and purple.

Hermione stared at the sky for a few moments until she cast her focus on the book. She wanted to know where exactly this book came from.

The front page of the book bared the title "Soulmates - all you need to know" and at the bottom was the name "T.M. Harrington".

Hermione sighed and opened the book to the inside of the front cover and froze when she saw the Malfoy family crest stamped on it. The faint pop of apparation brought her back to reality and when she looked up, Draco was sitting across from her in one of the plastic chairs.

"Why the apparation?" Hermione asked."Hm?""Why did you bother apparating? You live down the hall."

Draco shifted his eyes from Hermione to the sky and shrugged. "I wanted to leave without being asked any questions."

Hermione nodded and looked back down at the book and when Draco noticed what she was looking at, his eyes widened.

"I don't recall giving you that book back." Draco stated."I don't recall the Malfoy family crest being imprinted on the first page either." Hermione said, glancing back up at Draco.

Draco stood up and said "Read chapter 7." and without giving Hermione a chance to reply, he apparated back into his bedroom and made it look as if he never left.


"We're soulmates." Draco said as soon as Hermione opened the door."That's rather straight-forward, don't you think, Malfoy?" Draco just stared at her impatiently until the witch sighed and opened her door slightly wider.

"What do you mean you think we're soulmates?""God Granger, keep up will you?" he groaned, pushing past Hermione and throwing his body onto her couch.She pursed her lips at the sight of him but decided against saying anything.

"Sorry, i'm just stressed." Draco mumbled. Hermione gave him a small smile and fumbled with her fingers for a little while before getting up to make some coffee for the both of them.

"Will some caffeine in your blood system make this situation any better?" she asked, playfully prodding his shoulder.All he did was grunt but she took that as a yes nevertheless.


As Hermione handed Draco the coffee, he sat up and crossed his legs. He took a sip but spat it out almost immediately. "What is this shit?" he spluttered."Coffee, Malfoy.""I only drink fine Italian grounded coffee. This is an insult to the art!"

Hermione scowled at him before taking her wand from the coffee table in front of her and using it to transfigure the coffee to a glass of water.

"If you're done being a rich snob, what were you saying about soulmates?" she asked, taking a sip from her own coffee."You didn't read chapter 7, did you?" Draco said, raising his eyebrow.

Hermione shook her head and Draco smirked. "I thought the smartest witch of our age would've caught on by now.""Feel free to expand, Malfoy."

Draco sighed and spent the next hour explaining to her how the whole soulmate thing works and why he thought what he thought.

"-so when my poor excuse of an aunt was torturing you, i felt it. I had a numbing potion so i couldn't feel the full pain, but i've been under crucio before so i knew what the pain was when i started to feel it." Draco explained focusing on his glass of water.

"You've been under the cruciatus curse before?" Hermione asked, slightly bewildered. Draco let it a bitter laugh and nodded, "You have no idea, Granger." "But why didn't i feel it?""Who said it happened after i was 16?"

Hermione looked down into her lap and quietly said, "Touché."


Hermione and Draco sat on her couch for a few hours discussing what evidence they had and eventually, Hermione placed her empty coffee cup on the table and turned back to Draco.

"So we're soulmates. What now?""I'm not sure. We should probably test out that Bruised Souls theory." Draco said, taking a sip from his glass.

Hermione nodded and stood up, going for another coffee refill but on the way to the kitchen, she hit her elbow on the doorframe. "Sweet Merlin," she whimpered, clutching her elbow, "that wasn't intentional, I swear."

She looked over at Draco and stifled a laugh when she saw him lying on her couch in agony, also clutching his elbow. "Could've atleast let me mentally prepare myself." he groaned.

After Hermione and Draco regained their sanity, the two continued to test out the book's theories until they both fell asleep, unintentionally on top of each other.


oh goodness,, i wrote this on my phone and it took a hella long time. I'm currently still in Spain but i'm coming back home today so that's all good.

also it was daddy draco's birthday yesterday (5/6) hell fucking yeAH

my author notes usually aren't that long and idk if that's preferred or not?idk, i'm usually the type of person that doesn't tend to bother reading long ass a/ns in fics but eH

anyways bOoM it's official soulmate!dramione is a go and i'm l i v i n g f o r i t !

i feel like it was kind of predictable but yolo lmao

i hope you enjoyed and have/had a great day