
Chapter 1

A group of students huddled in front of the chalkboard, exclaiming at the sight of their exams results. Panic and excitement travelled through the crow, each and one of them were curious for their results.

"I got a B!" One of the students yelled.

"I passed!"

"Look, you got an A!"

While everyone was mostly contented with their results, one student was not contented at all. Her hands clenched into a fist. Her eyes stuck at the number 2 position she got. Second. She got the second place..again!

As usual at the very top of the list was Seo Yejun, the know it all.

Minji huffed as she manuevered her way to the cafeteria. She can't believe he got first again! It was expected, of course, but she thought they might switch spots for at least once. But no, for ten consecutive years she has always been on his tail. Only the second place.

She sit down next to her friends with a loud thud, earning questioning looks from her friends. "Woah. What's up with you?" One of her friends asked as she swallowed her food.

Minji laid her head on the table, grumbling incohorent complains which stirred more confusion in the air. Seol, her friend, nudged her arm. "Talk properly. We don't understand alien language."

The brunette fixed her posture and glared at Seol. "I got second again." Minji told. All of her friends shared a look with one another and sighed. This again.. "I can't believe I got second for our first exam!"

Yuna rolled her eyes, "Just let it go already, Ji."

Seol agreed, nodding her head as she put her arm around Minji. "Yejun is unbeatable. He is basically Albert Einstein's long lost son." She said. Yuna snorted, covering her mouth as she turned her face away.

"More like a robot."

"How is he a robot?"

Minji watched as her friends continued to bicker whether or not Yejun was a robot. She felt a pair of eyes on her beside her and decided to glance there, only to find an unpleasant view. Speak of the devil. Seo Yejun peered over to her table, directing his eyes towards her as a smirk grew on his lips.

Seeing his smug expression, Minji boiled in anger, turning away immediately. On the other hand, Yejun tittered at her reaction, which caught his friend's attention. "What are you laughing about?"

Yejun hid his smile and shook his head. His friend looked at him, offended. "Hey, if you have something funny, you need to share it with me!" Iljun half-jokingly scolded. However he merely received a cold stare from his friend. He sighed, so much for being a cold person.

Iljun's eyes brightened as if a light bulb lit up. "You must be happy on getting first again!" He pointed at Yejun with his spoon, nodding to himself with agreement. "Yeah, that's probably it."

"I didn't say anything." Yejun quickly shut down.

"Then?!" Iljun whined.

Yejun shrugged, "It's none of your business."

Iljun glared at him, feigning hurt, hearing his cold reply. The school's bell began to chime, indicating the end of recess. Iljun groaned. "I wish I could head home and sleep for the entire day."

Yejun ignored his complaints and walked to his class. Entering his class, he brushed shoulders with Minji, who stuck her tongue out at him, mocking him. Iljun frowned at the girl while Yejun remained unbothered. "What is up with her?" Iljun asked, sitting at his desk—joined by yejun.

"Ignore her." Yejun told.