
Soulbound Odyssey: A Journey Beyond Worlds

In a dystopian world, a young man uncovers his unique soul aspect, propelling him on a journey to forge his strength.

JustRandomGuy · sci-fi
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1 Chs

The Beginning

In a world where neon lights flickered through the perpetual night and the hum of machinery filled the air, young Rael stood at the front of a bustling retail shop. His short, silver hair gleamed under the artificial lights, and his abyssal black eyes reflected in the entrance of the glass door. He had been sent on yet another errand by his eldest brother to fetch groceries. 

The shop was crowded, as it always was in these times of rationing, a stark reminder of the ongoing struggles that plagued their dystopian society. 

Rael sighed, a habit that had become all too familiar.

"Why do I have to buy groceries again?" 

he thought, frustration evident in his expression. This was his third trip this week alone, each one more draining than the last. Supplies were limited, rationed strictly in the wake of the Cyrer invasion that had devastated their world a decade ago.

As he joined the end of the long queue, his mind drifted to brighter prospects. Rael had just turned 12 yesterday, and despite the burdens of everyday life, he was excited about one thing: entering the academy. This wasn't just any school; it was a military academy that taught soul enhancement cultivation, a path that promised not only personal growth but also financial support for his struggling family. For Rael, this academy was a beacon of hope, a chance to break the shackles placed upon his family by the upper echelons of society.

Rael came from a lower middle-class family with only him and his brother as his only family member. his family didn't have much money due to inflation that struck their planet due to the Cyrer invasion that took place 10 years ago which had also killed both of his parents.

With these thoughts swirling in his mind, Rael tried to focus on the task at hand. The line inched forward, and soon enough, it was his turn to check out. The cashier's voice broke his reverie, asking for the money. Rael reached into his pocket, but as he did, a sudden change overcame his surroundings. The familiar hustle and bustle of the shop faded away, replaced by towering trees and the shadows they cast. He looked around, bewildered, but the cashier and the shop were gone.

His heart pounded with a mix of dread and trepidation. The air was filled with the hum of a blinding light. Taking a deep breath, Rael tried to focus his mind, regulate his breathing, and regain control of his body. He closed his eyes, letting his instincts guide him. When he opened them again, he found himself in a lush forest untouched by mankind.

"This time the process was much more bearable compared to the first time," he thought, trying to steady himself.

Rael had been experiencing this strange phenomenon since the night he turned 12, making this the second time it had happened. He tried to stay as calm and collected as possible, though the situation was undeniably bizarre. Compared to the first time he had entered the forest, he was much more composed and alert to his surroundings.

He felt that he had awakened an aspect of his soul, granting him this unique power on his 12th birthday. It was a gift, or perhaps a curse, that he was still learning to understand.

In the world Rael lived in, The children around the age of 10-13 awakened their souls, granting them strange and unique abilities. However, only 1 in thousands of kids could awaken their soul.

Rael walked cautiously, searching for a way out of the forest. Hours passed, but he found nothing but trees surrounding him. The thick canopy above allowed only slivers of sunlight to pierce through, casting eerie shadows on the forest floor.

As the sun set, Rael grew desperate and picked up his pace. Minutes before sunset, he noticed an old, dilapidated cathedral out of the corner of his eye. Joyfully, he ran towards it, hoping to find shelter before darkness engulfed the sky.

Rael hesitated but knocked on the large door of the cathedral's entrance and called out, 

"Hello, anyone there? I am looking for shelter for the night."

Rael waited for a minute. Ready to force the door open, he stepped forward.

At that moment, the huge doors of the cathedral opened.

Rael felt goosebumps as cold wind blew towards him from inside. He resolved his will, telling himself:

"Even when I died the last time I came to this world nothing affected me in the real world"

Despite his fear of being ripped to shreds by the darkness in the forest during his first visit to this 'dream', Rael entered the cathedral slowly, observing his surroundings. 

The cathedral was enormous, had an eerie feeling while looking at it and appeared to have been abandoned for centuries. At the front, there was a statue of an unknown goddess holding a trident and a vajra.

The intricate details of the statue caught Rael's attention. The goddess's expression was both serene and fierce as if she were a guardian and a destroyer. The trident and vajra in her hands seemed to glow faintly, exuding an aura of ancient power.

Near the front rows of chairs, Rael saw a 'man' sitting and praying to the goddess. He approached the man slowly, but before he could call out, the 'man' smiled and spoke in a hoarse voice,

" It's peculiar to see a Wanderer in this era, and a young one at that. "

Rael wanted to introduce himself, but the 'man' interrupted him again,

" You shouldn't talk to anyone when coming to this world unless you want to gather the attention of all the ———— present near us. "

" However, you spoke outside a while ago. Sigh, next time remember what I've told you today. "

Rael felt shivers running all over his body. He sensed many unknown gazes staring straight into his soul. He could hear the sounds of something approaching from outside the cathedral.

He tried to move his body and run but to no avail. He was frozen, stuck to the floor, feeling despair about what would happen to him.

The "man" stood up and looked at him, his abyssal black eyes devoid of emotion. He spoke,

" This will be the last favour I do for you people; there won't be a next time. "

In the next moment, Rael felt the familiar sensation of his body being shredded to pieces and his consciousness fading away.

The man looked at the place where Rael stood and mumbled to himself:

" The final dawn has arrived. Thus, the veils of existence unfurl, cascading towards the void, beckoning this world to surrender unto the embrace of nihility. "

If i get a comment i will continue this novel lol.

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