
Chapter 27: Teamwork

Fleur makes an attempt to apologize to me a moment later, her lean face pale, hands shaking. I wave it off with a head shake and a weary smile.

"Please know how sorry I am," I say, beating her to it.

She hesitates before rushing toward me, cool lips pressing to my cheek. "Thank you," she says, turning immediately away. "For saving our lives."

I had no idea elves were so volatile, but under the circumstances I'm feeling a little torn in a million directions emotionally myself. My arm vibrates and, when I check, the EM number flashes white before falling still, BL remaining the eternal faithful hero.

Someone, whoever gave me this embed, thinks I'm doing all right.

Graldor, meanwhile, has turned toward the broken bridge with a growing grin on his face.

"Think it might work, Vosh?" He looks up at the druid who shrugs his big shoulders. "Worth trying, I think," the troll says. "The heart can handle it?"