
Soul Stealer

In a world where every being that is killed has it's Soul converted into energy that can be absorbed by others to make them more powerful, two battle hungry brothers are forced to wander the land after witnessing the deaths of their parents at a young age. Throughout their journey they encounter unexpected allies, evil forces, divine gods, powerful creatures, new realms, and bizarre dimensions. Their life transforms into a conglomerate of trouble and excitement quicker than they could've ever imagined, all whilst they forge their own path together in an epic search to achieve ultimate power.

Cj_Lotto · Aktion
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39 Chs


Now that they were inside, Leezy and Reyes were accompanying Horus learning more about their plan to defend Highrock from Azel…

They had already managed to complete majority of the preparations. The only pieces missing from the plan were the generals, who had all gone to train.

As Horus was talking, Reyes could feel something picking at the back of his mind. It felt almost like something were trying to draw him in but as quickly as the feeling came, it vanished all the same.


His attention snapped back to Horus upon hearing his name be called. He was looking at him intently waiting for a reply.

"What? Sorry…I wasn't paying attention to anything you were saying just now."

"For fucks sake…I asked if you think you would be able to lend us a hand. With more able bodies at our disposal, we should stand a really good chance against Azel."

"Yeah, sure….just let us know what you need I guess. Feel like helping out too bro?"

Leezy, who was leaning against the wall, took a huge bite out of the large turkey leg he was eating and nodded.

"It's over for that oversized excuse of a gecko when i see it. All this talk about fighting has my blood boiling. How about we get a little session in eh? It has been ages since we last sparred. Ye old fisticuffs or swordplay brother?"

Annoyed, Reyes just stared at his brother.

Deep down, he knew that what happened in the forest probably still was on his mind. It was very much like Leezy to hold a grudge too.

"We can do both."

Reyes walked alongside his grinning brother while Horus led them to the training grounds.

The training grounds turned out to be a large room built on the second floor of the tower. In the center of it sat an obsidian stage surrounded by spectator seats on each side.

After being told they could go all out, they both walked onto the center stage and readied themselves.

Leezy was the first to move, charging directly at his brother dragging his greatsword along the stage as he ran. The sparks from the friction made the tip of his blade glow red hot before fully reaching Reyes. Once the distance was closed, he activated his tattoos and swung.

Stepping slightly backward, Reyes dodged the strike and responded with a dual strike from his katanas. To his surprise, instead of blocking, his brother caught both of the katanas in his hands.

Blood dripped from lacerations opened along his palms, but Leezy of course felt no pain while he had his tattoos activated.

A large bolt of blue lightning arced from him and struck Reyes directly in his chest, catching him off guard and sending him sliding backwards with smoke rising from where it had connected.

Pushing Ki into his legs, Leezy threw his greatsword at Reyes and rushed toward him, his feet pushing dust out from underneath of him in a small shockwave.

Reacting to his brother, Reyes decided to try channeling Ki into his katanas and swung them at the greatsword spinning toward him. The added Ki made his katanas move much faster and after connecting with the greatsword, it sent it spinning right back at Leezy with doubled speed.

He anticipated the move however and snatched it out the air mid spin, thrusting it towards Reyes in one fluid motion while sailing foward. Another lightning bolt flew from the tip of his sword, which Reyes blocked with his katanas while spinning to the right.

At the end of his spin, he positioned his blades along his side and darted past Leezy, slicing Leezy's armor while avoiding the thrust completely.

Sparks flew through the air but the katanas didn't pierce through and instead just left a long white scratch mark along Leezy's chest plate.

Without so much as a flinch Leezy turned, grabbed Reyes by the shirt and slammed him to the ground. With a tight grip on Reyes, he tried to impale him with his greatsword.

Seeing what his brother was attempting to do, Reyes used his spiritual pressure to push the sword off target. Still though, the speed of the attack was enough to graze his side, leaving a shallow gash behind but giving him enough time to mount a counter-attack.

Placing his hand against his brother's stomach, Reyes focused Ki into his hand while his aura burst forth. A small dark red orb formed in his palm and with a grin, he squeezed it.


A dense explosion sent Leezy soaring through the air in a trail of smoke. Reyes got up from the ground, wiped the blood from his side and watched his brother come crashing down hard onto his back a few feet across from him.

A char mark the shape of a handprint was left on his brother's armor but hadn't caused much visible damage, which he had expected.

It took Leezy some time to make it to his feet and when he did, he coughed up a small amount of blood.

"That was a cheap shot."

Still grinning, Reyes cast sidelong glance at his brother.

"Wasn't expecting a point blank attack like that huh?"

He knew he most likely wouldn't be able to pierce his brother's armor, so he chose to gamble. His focus wasn't to damage the armor itself, it was to cause internal damage which that explosion definitely managed to do. Even if it didn't prove effective, it still would have served to buy him some breathing room.

"Put your katanas down and fight me like a man, pussy!"

"Say less..."


Horus rubbed his chin in deep thought as he sat in the spectator stands watching the two brothers fight. He even found himself smiling after they threw their weapons to the side and switched to an all out slugfest.

Shockwaves sent all sorts of dust and debris flying through the air in his direction as they exchanged blows, which he casually deflected with his aura.

'These boys have talent for sure, it's a good thing they are here to lend a helping hand. Maybe, just maybe…'

For the past few days he couldn't think of anyone that could help solve the problem that had been plaguing him. Seeing Reyes and Leezy spar though, he felt like nobody would be better for the task than them.

After nearly killing each other, the two exhausted brothers finally ended their sparring session covered in scrapes and bruises.

Seeing them laying on the stage across from each other, Horus jumped up and landed between them.

"Color me impressed, you two were a joy to watch. With that being said, I have a small favor to ask of you two."

"Yeah? And what is that?"

They both asked through labored breathing.

"One of our most powerful generals is missing and the matter of his return has been heavy on my mind. With the threat of Azel looming over the citadel, I have been unable to spare the manpower to assemble a search party and locate him. We have tried using various methods to reach out to him in the meantime but none of them have worked. If you two could take this note that was left behind and bring him back, the very citadel of Highrock would be in debt to you."

They didn't say anything at first upon hearing the request.

Leezy was too exhausted to care so he declined to say anything but Reyes on the other hand had his interest peaked.

"If we save this general of yours, we are going to need a substantial reward. I am thinking around 600,000 in credits, a few Soul Gems, and whatever secret info you will allow us access to."

"The credits and Soul Gems won't be a problem, but the information portion will require further negotiation. Pray tell, what might you be seeking information on."

"I would like to learn some techniques, info on treasure locations, and knowledge on ascension. Your niece already owes me for saving Melony."

"I will give you and your brother access to a select portion of our archives then. After you have found the information you require, i will grant you both permission to select a single technique scroll from my own personal stash…but be warned, the techniques that I have gathered are ones that require a large amount of dedication to cultivate. Mastery of them will be difficult, if not impossible to achieve."

"Deal. By the way, what is the name of the general that you need us to find?"

"His name is Grim."

The mention of that name prompted both of them to immediately sit up despite their pain.

They remembered it plain as day, he was an unknown ranker that destroyed Solomon before his rank could be evaluated.

"So you are telling me that HE is the one that needs to be saved? What the hell!?"

Both of them exclaimed.

"First of all, do you two know of Grim? Secondly, he doesn't need to be saved…I just need you all to get into contact with him and make him aware of what is going on here."

"Leezy and I went to train in a place called the hyperbolic time chamber after meeting someone who claimed he sealed Azel before he ascended. The book there contained the names of the people who had entered the chamber before us. Grim's name was one of the names listed in there. Of course we don't know him personally, but from what we do know, he seems very powerful."

It took Horus some time to respond because he was surprised by what he had just heard. Barely anyone knew of the existence of the hyperbolic time chamber, let alone met one of the people who sealed Azel.

"My apologies but you said that you two met someone who claimed to have sealed Azel? And who might that have been?"

"He said his name was Odin."

Horus couldn't hide the shock on his face when he heard that name.

From what he understood, Odin was a legendary old god. He was someone who was revered to be a very cold hearted battle freak so the fact they managed to survive an encounter with the man was bewildering.

"So you two met Odin!? Out of all the gods!? I am surprised you two are still alive! Many who have stood before Odin cannot say the same."

"Ha, I just showed him how much of an OG I was. Once he recognized i was a real thoroughbred, it was smooth sailing."

Leezy flexed his muscles as he spoke which made Horus almost facepalm.

Reyes, who noticed his reaction, just swallowed the laugh that almost erupted from his mouth.

"Well, if you have the note then lets's see it!"

Horus handed Reyes a crumpled up note.

As he read the contents his lips contorted into a deep frown. The note was completely useless and didn't give any clear directions as to where Grim had went.

Just when he was about to give up, he sensed a faint energy coming from it. Thoroughly, he looked it over once again while using mana sense. Sure enough, hidden among the contents of the note, was a secret map written with Ki.

Below it was a single line that read…

'A path of death I must carve within the walls that wish to prey upon me.'
