
Soul of darkness

The underage child experienced a traumatic event when he witnessed his father killing his mother and was forcibly made by his father to shoot his sister. On the same day, he also killed his father, who was responsible for the death of his mother and sister. As a result of this incident, he spent a long time in prison, but due to a series of events that occurred in prison, he managed to escape. Upon escaping, he immediately went to the cliff he always visited and, in search of freedom, committed suicide. However, due to his strong and noble soul, he was reincarnated and tasked with continuing the legacy of the dark god. A dark yet sweet future awaited him.

emirhan · Fantasie
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37 Chs

Peaceful Freedom

Teyat watched the massacre before him with wide, shocked eyes as a bullet suddenly struck the heart of the black man next to him.

The black man fell to the ground with wide eyes.

Teyat also fell to the ground with the black man who had promised him freedom.

However, Teyat was not injured; he had thrown himself down so that the official would think he was dead.

The moment Teyat hit the ground, he believed he was dead. He did not move.

At that moment, Teyat heard the prisoners behind him falling to the ground, either dying in agony or injured.

All the prisoners were either groaning in pain on the ground or had fallen dead.

Suddenly, the official committing the massacre took out his radio and shouted.

"Requesting immediate reinforcements at Wesborng Prison, I repeat, requesting immediate reinforcements at Wesborng Prison. All the officials here have been killed by the prisoners, and I have shot all the escaping prisoners, but there are still those who are roaming around and alive. I need urgent reinforcements."

Teyat listened to the official's words as if he were dead.

The official suddenly changed the magazine in his gun and started moving toward Teyat, shooting at the living as he advanced.

Teyat held his breath in tension.

He did everything he could to avoid showing any sign of life.

The official was three meters away from Teyat.

Teyat became even more tense.

The official had reached Teyat. Seeing that the man who had offered him freedom was still struggling despite being shot in the heart, he fired again.

Teyat was living on the edge of tension when he suddenly heard the magazine fall from the official's gun.

The moment he heard this, Teyat, who had been lying dead, suddenly stood up with all his speed and strength and attacked the official.

The official had not noticed the strong blow coming to his face as he was about to insert the magazine.

Teyat delivered a powerful punch to the official's chin.

The official, not understanding what was happening, stumbled backward, tripping over the prisoners on the ground and falling.

As the official tried to collect himself, Teyat landed a kick to his face.

Teyat, with cold-bloodedness, quickly picked up the fallen gun and magazine, loaded the gun, and shot the official, who was looking at him in fear.

Teyat didn't know what lay ahead, but he knew there was an exit because the prisoners were heading that way.

Suddenly, he heard voices from behind.

"Wait, we're coming too!"

When Teyat looked back, he saw the VIP prisoners, who beat him to a pulp once a year, coming towards him through the bodies.

A terrifying smile appeared on Teyat's face.

"Hurry, come quickly; the official called for reinforcements."

The men quickly ran through the bodies and suddenly passed in front of Teyat.

Teyat was following the six VIP prisoners toward the exit.

When one of the VIP prisoners saw the exit door, he shouted to his friends and Teyat in great joy.

"The exit is here, let's get out quickly."

The VIP prisoners, not caring that Teyat was coming from behind, suddenly exited through the exit door.

And then came the sounds of gunfire and the sudden, cut-off screams of pain.

Instead of heading for the exit, Teyat entered one of the cells in the corridor.

Teyat had used the men who tormented him as bait.

If there was an ambush outside waiting for the prisoners, he needed to see it by sending the prisoners as bait. If not, he would lose nothing and escape through the exit door himself.

At that moment, the officials who had shot the VIP prisoners entered the room.

Teyat was sure there were only two of them because only two were talking.

Instead of checking the cells, the officials shot directly at the injured prisoners in the corridor. The higher-ups had given the order to kill the prisoners if they tried to escape.

As the two officials hurried carelessly down the corridor, shooting at the living prisoners, they came to the body of their colleague, who had been killed by Teyat.

One of the officials closed the shocked, open eyes of his dead friend and prayed for his soul.

The other did the same and suddenly panicked.

"If the official is dead, where's his gun? The VIP prisoners we killed didn't have any weapons."

As the officials stared at each other in shock, gunshots rang out from behind.

"Bam, Bam."

The officials were shot in shock by Teyat.

Without hesitation, Teyat grabbed a prisoner's corpse in front of him and headed for the exit.

When he reached the exit, he held the body upright and threw it toward the exit door.

There was no sound of gunfire. Teyat waited a little longer, and when there was still no sound of gunfire, he fled through the exit with his gun in hand, running toward his freedom.

Teyat knew where this prison was; it was a short distance from the cliff he went to after work.

The moment Teyat exited through the gate, he suddenly ran toward the door leading outside the entrance area.

As Teyat ran outside, he heard sirens blaring.

Teyat increased his pace to the limit, running in the direction he wanted.

Suddenly, gunfire was heard from behind, aimed at Teyat.

"Stop, police!"

In fear, Teyat put all his strength into his speed, threw away the gun, and ran even faster.

After a short while, a forested area came into view.

At this point, Teyat was not willing to have his freedom taken away.

This forest was home to the cliff where Teyat went.

Teyat had lost the police.

He sighed and kept running.

He had now arrived at the cliff where he always wanted to die by his own will.

Suddenly, Teyat's eyes widened.

The rock he always sat on was gone.

'Who has the right and the audacity to take my rock?'

He cursed to himself and slowed down.

Teyat stood at the edge of the cliff, confident that the police had lost his trail.

He sat down.

Before he died, he always sat here on this cliff and watched the clouds he always wanted to fly into.

The clouds were the clouds of autumn.

Teyat took a deep breath in and out.

He was smiling at the sky.

And suddenly, a tear fell from his face.

One reason he wanted to die here was that he and his sister had fled from their father to this place.

Teyat looked up at the sky as if he had found peace.

He sighed and stood up, moving away from the cliff.

He remembered the time he danced with his sister when they were little.

Teyat took the starting position of the dance that came to his mind, matching it to where his sister would have been.

Tears streaming down his face, with a smile, Teyat danced toward the cliff as if he were dancing with his sister.

Dancing all the way to the edge of the cliff, Teyat reached the end of the dance, standing with his arms outstretched to the sky, smiling happily, and did the same thing, throwing himself toward the cliff.

There was still a sad happiness on Teyat's face. The tears in his eyes floated upward.

Teyat opened his tear-filled eyes with sorrow as the tears flowed upwards.

He gazed at the pure white clouds that blocked the blue sky with his sad and pained eyes.

At that moment, he remembered the words his sister had said to him with sincerity while they both leaned against the rock at the edge of the cliff.

"Teyat, what does it mean to be free?"

After recalling the words that reflected the deep yearning for freedom, which even Teyat could feel from within, a sad smile formed on his pained face. As he fell, the wind carried a painful sound between its whispers.

"I honestly don't know... what does it mean to be free?"

With that sorrowful smile on his pained face, after saying these words of grief, Teyat took one last deep breath, looked at the sky, and surrendered himself to the embrace of death.