
Soul Nite

My name is Jeremiah ‘Joske’ Wilson and I’m the main character, (Also this is book is a crazy story of my life btw). Anyway the last time you’ve seen me, I had just escaped a space rock (sorry 4 the spoiler). Here’s a fun fact: both me and my brother, Tom are adopted cuz for some reason my parents just couldn’t have kids of their own. Originally, the wanted to pick one, my mom chose me and my dad chose my brother. They couldn’t decide who to pick so they adopted both of us. And so that’s how life began… This is a little obvious, but my dad was stricter on me than Tom, and since I was 2 years older than him, I got the 1st born treatment (if you know what I mean). Anyway, Japan was always my favorite place to be. In fact, that’s where I had grade school (primary school). And when I got to Jr. high, my dad became the headmaster of a school in a small town in Africa, the same town I grew up in. the town was more advanced than other towns around it and slightly bigger though I still loved Japan more. Two years ago my mom disappeared just a little while after I escaped the stone before then I would always strive to get 1st place in class just to get dads attention and for him to acknowledge me, but every time he would just ask me what I wanted and I would say the same thing every time, a trip to Japan. But after mom disappeared I remember what she always said to me “be a good boy Jerry and please try your best in everything you do, do it for me”. So I decided to honor her wish and always came 1st for her except sometimes when I want to make Jake happy I’ll just let him take 1st for a few terms then go back to 1st. Anyway enough about me. Jake is my best friend/rival and we’ve been friends for a long time I met him in Japan while in grade school and we’ve been friends ever since. His dad is the principal of our school while my dad is the head-master of school affairs so they know each other already. And one more thing I’m a huge anime fan. Trust me I’ve got a shelf in my room full of manga and so far my favorite is Attack on titan, while Jakes favorite is Jojo’s bizarre adventure. Anyway… after I escaped the stone a lot of stuff happened and let’s just say you don’t wana miss this.

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42 Chs

Chapter 24

Yang's training dojo, somewhere in China…

Yang, who was training with his sword; It's almost time…

Flashback to Yang's younger days

Asahi; Hey Yang! Now that trainings over, what should we do now?

Teen Yang; I need to continue my training.

Asahi; aw man! But you're always training! And besides you're already a genius compared to the rest of us in both qi and ken jutsu so what's the point.

Yang; the point, is that I cannot let myself lose my edge, because of someone.

Then, Yang entered his house…

Ying, who was sitting at the window frame; I didn't know you had so much regard for me, don't you, younger brother?

Yang; So you finally show your face after 5 years. What do you want now?

Ying; oh, brother, you act like you're not happy to see me?

Yang; why would I? the last time I saw you, you burnt our house to the ground.

Ying; and now our families' dead. But you do understand that our parents' death wasn't my doing.

Yang; I understood that when I investigated what happened. Anyway, why are you here?

Ying; if you understand, then why does it feel like you still have malice against me?

Yang; Did you just come here to talk? Or is there another reason you're here?

Ying; as perceptive as always. I'm here to fight you.

To the death.

Yang; are you serious right now?

Ying; does it look like I'm joking? Ever since what happened that day, one thought was stuck in my head. Who was stronger? I just cannot stay curious about this question anymore! I must know!

Yang; are you insane? Us fighting was what caused all this!

Ying; and us fighting is what will end it.

Yang; No, I will not fight you.

Ying; that's too bad. This ends now.

Then Ying suddenly Jumped to punch Yang, but he expected that and blocked, it had so much force, it destroyed the room.

Ying; you're as predictable as ever, that's how the last fight started.

Ying; oh, don't worry, I'll make sure to be more creative this time.

Then Ying and Yang began exchanging blows, each one created tremendous air pressure, damaging the building as well as the surrounding area. (Yang lived in the mountains and there were very few buildings around).

Then Ying grabbed Yang and slammed him to the ground but then he used his leg to grab his head and slam him to the ground as well. Then they both stood up, and began to punch and jab one another, a left hook from Ying and a right from Yang, so fast that the human eye can't catch up.

A few minutes later, after many blows were exchanged…

*pant *pant

Ying; ok, I do admit, you have somewhat improved in the past 5 years.

Yang; I really have to thank you; I haven't felt this alive in the past 5 years.

Ying; I've been nothing but a walking corpse up till this moment, now let's get serious.

Then the both drew their swords, and with one swing Yang's house was completely blown away, Ying then came attacking Yang with a slash which sliced of a tip of a mountain. But Yang dodged it and proceeded to strike Ying however, the slash was blocked, they then began striking each other with their swords destroying everything around them, mountains, hills and just about everything in sight. Then after just 4 minutes of repeated striking, they took a leap back, gathered all the qi they had into their weapon and leaped toward each other with so much force that all the trees behind them were blown away, and as their blades were about to make contact the qi from each blade, began no repel each other at almost the point of contact.


Then, when the blades made contact, such a tremendous force was released from the blades creating an explosion so massive that a new valley was created and the shape of the mountain range had changed. Then, at the bottom of the valley, were the two young men, both completely out of energy.

Yang; *laugh* you have no idea how much I've missed you brother.

Ying; the same here!

Yang; I haven't laughed or smiled in 5 years.

Ying; you gloomy idiot.

Yang; *sigh* you know, when our parents died, I was in despair but loosing you hurt even more.

Ying; psh. Such a cry baby.

Yang; I know. seriously have missed you brother. Let's never separate again.

Ying; from now, and always.

End of flashback.

Yang; how long has it been, since that great battle.

Ying; about 400 years or so, at this point I'm losing count.

Yang; do you mind telling me what you've been doing for the past 100 years?

Ying; I was seeing the world, and all its splendour brother. It's truly amazing, there is a place called Washington were the women are beautiful and the food is to die for.

Yang; I suppose I should at some point.

Ying, while looking out the window; that place over there is where your house used to be, in fact that's where several mountains used to be.

Yang; we wreaked havoc on this place without a second thought. Our carelessness could have destroyed an entire city!

Ying; but it didn't because you lived all alone, just like you do now.

Yang; I've taught thousands of students throughout this nation and more for 300 years now. And have built multiple dojos as well, but almost never have my students come back to say thank you.

Ying; you know, your time is coming soon right?

Yang; I just finished preparing myself in both body and spirit.

Yang; then I say we make a toast; to the hundreds of years we've lived.

Ying; may history remember us for eternity.

After they both drank…

Ying; It is a good life we live brother.

Yang; yes, may it never change.

Ying; and may it never change us!

Ga-den estate, just weeks before the attack.

You are looking as stunning as ever aren't you Uzumaki?

Uzumaki; Yui I told you tonight!

Yui; But I want your child now!

Uzumaki; and I told you I have work to do! So please! Wait for me, I'll pick you up when I'm through.

[as you can tell, Yui is a promiscuous thot who is obsessed with Uzumaki's di]

Yui; alright fine, but you better not forget.

So then Yui left and a messenger came in.

Uzumaki; you better have some good news Kishi.

Kishi; Sadly, I do not Uzumaki-sama

[A respectful term]

It's been almost three months since war was declared, and the enemy hasn't made any attempts yet. In fact, some of our solders are losing morale even the H.O.D. Lara is losing interest.

[Head of defence (should be obvious)]

Uzumaki; interesting, give this news to the remaining pillars at ounce.

Kishi; as you wish sempai.

Uzumaki; and don't call me that, we're not in high school.

Then Uzumaki smoked a cigar as he reclined on his seat and sighed.

Takeshi in an abandoned building; I guess my time has finally come then.

?; just don't make a fool of yourself this time, I heard what happened to you and that kid.

Takeshi; Shut up! That was just a fluke! This time is going to be different cuz thanks to the power boost from the boss, all of ga-den will fall in just a few days.

Good news! 1 chapter every 2-3 Days till the end of this part!

Lisa, looking at the snow through the window; I hope I get the next Monster8 volume soon.

Saki; Lady Lisa, you like some tea?

Lisa; just leave it by the table.

Saki; shall we resume you're training tomorrow?

Lisa while smiling; Yes, we shall, also, can you make me some of that delicious mochi of yours?

[it's a type of rice cake]

Saki; you always ask for that.

Lisa; it just explains how good it is.

Saki; alright then mistress.