

Ryan is a smart mouthed, potty mouthed guy who doesn't take crap from anyone. He's talented and won't be anyones victim seeing as he has a black belt in Karate but what happens when he meets Aden? Aden is a werewolf and the next alpha of his pack, The Swiftclaw Pack. Aden isn't used to anyone talking back to him and if he wants something, he gets it. How will he handle things when he realized Ryan is his mate and won't back down from challenging him?

James_Silver_6915 · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Chapter 8

I had breakfast with my mom after showering and dressing for the day. I wore my favorite white jeans that hugged my ass perfectly and a white v-neck that was tight before but now…it was super skin tight because of the extra muscle after my first shift. I was a bit more ripped than before and my 6-pack became an 8-pack seemingly overnight After I switched my backpack contents back into my bag and the underwear into my dresser drawer along with my magazines and videos, I went downstairs, had breakfast with my mom and then we both left.

I hopped in my car and suddenly Russ was in my passenger seat smiling at me and said "Hey man, how's it goin?" I looked at him confused and said "Umm…ok…why are you in my car?" He smiled his creepy smile and said "Well, now that you have shifted, you have to have a guard or two with you at all times." Just as he said that, the back passenger door opened and in slid a girl named Emily that was in the entourage and has several classes with me. I sighed as Russ was laughing and slapped him in the back of the hed before saying "Hey Emily, sorry you got stuck on this silly assignment." Emily laughed and said "I'm happy to do it. It's every pack members duty to help keep our Luna safe at all times. I groaned and banged my head on the steering wheel a few times before starting the trip to Jodie's house which made them both laugh.

We arrived at Jodie's house and when she got to the passenger door I said "Russ…MOVE, that's Jodie's seat. He gave me a sad pouty puppy face and I just ignored it. I said "Yea yea, you're cute but you're no Aden so move." The girls both laughed hysterically while Russ pouted some more and moved to the back seat behind me. When Jodie got in she said hi to everyone and then asked the obvious "Why are you guys here?" I said "Apparently Aden thinks I'm going to run into some super ninjas or something and Captain Bonehead aka Russ will be able to save my weak damsel in distress self if he just has a little help from wonder woman back there." Emily was laughing so hard she was crying and managed to choke out "Captain Bonehead to the rescue!" Russ gave her a playfully annoyed glare and Jodie said "Well, at least you have wonder woman on your side…not sure how much help Cap will be unless you need some ones fist bruised by his face." I kinda felt bad for Russ and said "Hey, regardless he's a nice guy so let's cut the CB some slack here." Russ said "Thanks Ryan! That nickname isn't going anywhere is it?" I smirked and said "NOPE!"

We got to school and as soon as Aden walked up to me I punched him in the gut and said "Next time warn me that I'm going to have a hitchhiker waiting in my car when I get in." He caught his breath and smiled innocently at me and then said "Yes dear. I'm sorry for not telling you but it's for your own good." He wrapped me in a tight hug before I could say anything and then looked me over when he saw several guys and girls checking me out. He growled menacingly at the people checking me out and I just laughed at him and pulled his face into the crook of my neck. He took a deep breath in and rubbed the tip of his nose against me neck before giving it a quick kiss and pulling away. I said "Feel better now Mr. Jealous?" He gave me his trademark smirk and said "Much, I love the way you smell, it's very soothing." I pulled him down and said "Come here you giant." I put my face in the crook of his neck once he was down to my level and inhaled deeply. My god his scent was intoxicating. I gave his neck a teasing little nip and heard him gasp before I released him with my own smirk and said "That's for making me endure Russ's creepy smile this morning." Russ said "HEY" and we all laughed.

Russ said "And here I was going to pester Aden to get you a new car and this is how you treat me…hmmph." Jodie said "Even Aden couldn't afford Ryan's dream car and even if he could, it���s a 2 seater so…" Aden said "What do you mean I couldn't afford it?" I was about to cut the conversation off but Jodie said "An Acura NSX, I think they're about $150,000 but I could be wrong." Russ laughed and said "Aden could buy a dozen of them." I knew this already but Jodie's jaw hit the ground.

It is now around 6 months later, we are graduating today and everyone is excited. The last year of high school was so much fun. Russ turns 18 today and is looking for his mate. I'm standing with Jodie, Aden and Emily waiting to start the graduation ceremony when Russ walks up and sniffs the air in Jodie's direction and says "Mine." I couldn't help but chuckle and now that I knew how to mind link I asked Russ if he wanted me to do the werewolf reveal since Jodie and I are already very close and he said "Yes, please Luna make her understand." I'm still not completely used to being called Luna but I'm getting there and I've done well taking over most of the Luna duties. Aden has been asking more frequently lately when we are going to finish the mating process and take over the pack. I'm pretty sure I'm ready now but now I have to deal with Jodie after graduation.

The ceremony went by quickly and I seemed to have everyone cheering for me…I thought 'My reputation precedes me.' After the ceremony we all took pictures and then I left with Jodie telling her we needed an hour or two of bestie time because I had to tell her some stuff. We went to the same woods Aden took me to and roughly the same spot and I said "What I'm about to tell you, you'll think I've gone insane but it's true and I'll prove it if you ask me to." She nodded ok and I continued "I'm a werewolf." Jodie said with a straight face "Of course you are and I'm the tooth fairy." I sighed and asked "Would you like me to prove it?" She said "Sure." I stepped behind a tree and took off my clothes and popped my head out and said "Keep your eyes on my face as I shift so you believe me. Jodie's cheeks were bright pink but she nodded ok.

I shifted and stepped out completely slowly walking over. She froze but didn't scream so that was a plus. I practically crawled on my belly up to her and let out a high pitched whine and that snapped her out of her frozen daze. She knelt down and tentatively reached her hand out and ran her fingers through my fur and scratched behind my ears. I leaned into her hand and started panting like a dog to make her laugh and it worked.I pounced on her and knocked her to her back before slobbering all over her which she of course said "GROSS RYAN KNOCK IT OFF!" I huffed and walked back over behind the tree, shifted and got dressed again. When I came out I said "So, what's going through your mind right now?" She replied "Right now, how to get wolf slobber out of my hair is on my mind. Honestly Ryan did you have to slobber all over me?" I chuckled and said "Sorry my wolf got excited that you finally got to see him and not just me." Jodie asked "Wait…your wolf has a separate consciousness from you?" I replied "In a way yes, we know pretty much whatever the other knows but we can talk to each other. His name is Alex, yes like the lion from Madagascar even though he huffs at me when I make that comparison." Jodie laughed and said "Aww, poor guy, Ryan stop doing that if it upsets him." I replied "He knows I'm kidding."

Jodie had a lot of questions and I answered them all as best as I could and she was shocked to know both of our moms knew already and amazed that they were both working for me now. I told her about mates and that she had one and then told her that it was Russ. I think she was pleased because she squealed and hugged me tightly. I mind linked Russ to tell him it went well and that she knew they were mates and was happy and he was howling through the link which made me laugh out loud. I told Jodie about Russ's howl and she laughed too. Aden then linked me and asked me to come to the pack house and about 15 minutes later Jodie and I pulled up to the pack house.

Aden was waiting out front with his parents, my mom and Jodie's mom. When we got out of the car my mom walked over and took the keys out of my hand, handed me my car title with a pen and said "Sign by the X." I saw seller signature and buyer name 'Jodie Pope'. I asked "Jodie, did you know anything about this?" Jodie shook her head no but mom just said "Son, sign it please and hand it to Jodie." Mom took my car key off my key ring and handed it to Jodie and I handed her the title. Mom said "Congratulations on owning your first car Jodie." Jodie hugged me and started thanking me repeatedly and I was still so confused and asked "I love Jodie but why did I just sign my car over to her?" Aden chuckled and suddenly I heard a car start from behind the pack house and when Russ pulled around the side of the house in that car my eyes nearly popped out of my head. I asked with a slight stutter "Is..is that for me?" Aden smiled and nodded yes. I screamed and jumped on him while wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his waist and peppered his face with a bunch of kisses between saying thank you.

When Russ stopped the car I nearly tossed him out of the car to get in myself and look around. I always wanted to see one of these in person and now I own one. It's such a beautiful car I felt like I was dreaming. The next thing I know…I wake up and curse out loud from the trick my mind played on me. When mom woke up I asked her if I really told Jodie and she said yes but she agreed that I never signed away my car or got a new one from Aden. Later that day Jodie and I went to the college with Russ and Aden to fill out paperwork to be able to start classes this summer. I paid for the semester since it wasn't more than I had in my bank account so I got to avoid filling out financial aid paperwork as did the others.

When we got back Aden's parents and my mom asked to speak to us in Aden's father Irving's office. We went and sat down on a sofa while our parents sat across from us. Irving and his wife who shared the same first name as Jodie's mother Samantha took deep breaths while my mom just looked like she was trying to stop herself from laughing. Irving then asked "When are you two going to complete the mating?" Aden smirked and I choked on my own spit at the blunt, unexpected question. Aden then turned to me and asked "I was wondering the same thing babe. Any idea when that might happen?" I glared at him for a moment when I stopped coughing and then looked back at Irving and our mothers and said "Well, I was considering it soon but I'm worried that taking on all of the Luna duties while going to college and possibly starting a career might be impossible." Samantha McGowan said "Sweetie, you've been doing a fantastic job so far and have been doing pretty much all of the work for the last 2 months while in high school. I'm pretty sure you're ready to take over the last duties which are mainly ceremonial." Honestly I'm more nervous about finally having sex than I am being Luna of the pack because Aden is clearly not going to be small and easy to take from what I've felt when sitting on his lap making out and always seeing things in those basketball shorts of his. I then said "I'm guessing this is something you guys want rushed now so you can retire?" Samantha McGowan then said "No honey, your mom told us you're a virgin so we would NEVER rush you on that but we want you to start thinking about it more and getting used to the idea because that is the last thing holding you both back from taking your rightful positions." I rubbed my face and Aden looked more serious and sympathetic now while he rubbed my back.

I looked over at Jodie, Russ and their parents and heard them having a similar conversation. I grabbed Aden's hand and told our parents that Aden and I needed to talk to each other alone about all of this and stood up dragging him with me out the door. We went outside and started a walk around the territory. We had a long walk and a long talk and I told him "When we do this you better be very slow, very gentle and pay attention if I say stop, slow down or get off me. I want my first time to be nice and enjoyable for us both so when you want to do it just drag me off to wherever you think will be best to do it and I'll try. That's all I can promise is that I'll try." Aden said "I know the perfect place, it's secluded so we'll be alone, it's romantic I think and all I need to do is clean it up and add a comfy bed to it. I'll go get started on it and when it's ready I'll come get you." I smiled and simply nodded. He ran off in a hurry and all I could think was "Horndog." I went back home and cleaned my bedroom and then got Jodie and went to buy some school supplies for college. We picked up new backpacks and all the supplies we could possibly need and the same for Russ and Aden. When we got back we went to my house and setup our new supplies in our new backpacks and did the same for Aden and Russ. We walked their bags to the packhouse and sat them in their bedrooms since they were both missing on whatever Aden was planning.

As we finished Aden and Russ walked up to us and Aden grabbed my hands and kissed my knuckles and said "Are you ready babe?" I nodded yes and he started dragging me out and into the woods which I was not too happy about because I so didn't want to have sex for the first time the woods but then we came out into a clearing by a lake and it was beautiful. He dragged me behind the waterfall and there was a cave there. Inside were candles lit and an actual bed. The sound of the waterfall behind us was soothing and relaxed me a bit. We went over to the bed and sat down staring into each others eyes before we kissed and it all began.

**************Sorry guys I'm not good at smut so this may be all I put in the story but I tried. Smut ahead************

Almost immediately Aden's hands found their way up my shirt playing with my nipples which made me gasp. He took advantage of that and deepened the kiss passionately while my hands were on the sides of Aden's neck, stroking his cheeks with my thumbs. Alex was humming in delight in my head but otherwise staying quiet and enjoying every moment. Aden broke the kiss for a moment and pulled both of our shirts off. I allowed my hands to explore his body at first before Aden laid me back on the bed and had his knees on each side of my hip while leaning down kissing and nipping at my neck. He slowly worked his way down to my nipples and tortured me by licking, sucking, flicking them with his tongue and biting my nipples to the point where I started to sit up reflexively but he pushed me back down and moved on trailing kisses down my abs to my v-line. Soon he was removing my belt, shoes, socks and jeans leaving me in nothing but my boxer briefs.

He stripped down to match me while giving me a bit of a show which made me chuckle slightly. That helped break some of the tension I was feeling. Aden kissed my hips and thighs before slowing pulling my boxer briefs down from both sides at once to reveal the last covered portion of my body. I felt so vulnerable and embarrassed because he was much bigger than me. He came back up kissing my lips and kissed me before moving to my ear and whispered "God, you're perfect babe." He slipped his own briefs off somehow without me even realizing it and began grinding our crotches together. When I actually looked down and saw his monster with my own two eyes my anxiety skyrocketed because I thought 'Hoe the fuck is that supposed to fit in me?!'. Aden must have felt my anxiety and reassured me "Babe, the Moon Goddess made us for each other, you have nothing to fear, it will fit perfectly." I gulped and said "Easy for you to say, you're not the one that has to take that thing." We both chuckled and then continued on. He prepped me with his fingers and sucked me to completion once before I told him to go ahead and start. He lubed himself up and slowly pressed the head inside me and stopped as I gritted my teeth and groaned in pain. My eyes squeezed as tightly shut as possible. Slowly I got used to the intrusion and signaled for him to continue. He had to stop and go several times before he was completely inside me. He slowly and steadily made love to me until he came so much inside me that the sensation sent me over the end and I came as well all over our stomachs and chests.

*****Smut Ended******

As we finished we both instinctively felt our canines extending and bit into each others necks and I felt my venom entering his bloodstream and his entering mine. When we were finished we released and licked each others wounds closed. We cuddled through the night and the next morning when I got up it was significantly painful to move or sit considering how big Aden is. I winced and Aden saw and heard and you could see the guilt in his eyes which made me feel worse. I just ran my fingers through his hair and give him a chaste kiss and said "Stop with the guild baby. I'm a big boy and made my own decision and you weren't rough. I just have to get used to how big you are and maybe I won't be so sore after some day but don't expect an encore within the next few days because I'm not trying to make the pain worse. It was the perfect way to lose my virginity, anyone would be jealous of me right now." He kissed my temple and held me tight to his chest for a few minutes before we washed in the lake and then dried and dressed.

When we got home people were smiling and bowing their heads more than usual because they smelled our newly mingled scents and saw our new mating marks which signified the completed mating and told them we would soon be the Alpha and Luna of the pack in full. It was a little embarrassing to know that they all knew I just lost my virginity but there's nothing I can do about it…damn super werewolf sense of smell. When we stepped into my house we heard our parents, Jodie and Russ all in the living room. They went silent as the door opened and we heard sniffing. I groaned and said "Stop with the sniffing you nosey people. Gah!" Russ said "If I didn't know better I'd say you're pregnant by being so moody but I'm sure you used protection right?" I looked at Aden who looked pale and said "YOU SON OF A BITCH YOU BETTER PRAY I'M NOT! I'll neuter you in front of the entire pack with my bare claws!" Jodie then piped in with "Wait…he's a guy…he can't get pregnant…right?!" Irving responded "Werewolf males who have male mates can actually get pregnant so yes he could be pregnant and most likely is since Aden is an Alpha." Aden took off running and I yelled "Don't show your face to me until I come looking for you jackass! There goes my college life, my music career and everything. Now I get to spend the rest of my youth raising a kid that I didn't want yet."

Jodie said "You can always get an abortion." Everyone froze and you could feel the fury building in Irving as he loudly said "He most certainly can NOT. That is my grandchild." I replied angry now that he was trying to tell me what I could and could not do "I can do what I want Mr. McGowan, I'm no ones slave to be ordered around." Mrs. McGowan stood up and said calmly "Surely you're not considering that Ryan. That's your child conceived in love." I sighed and said "I know I sound like a horrible person and even though this child is going to destroy my planned future, no I won't abort it but it's my choice either way. I hate that this happened and if I had the chance I would go back in time and stop myself from doing what we did last night to get us in this predicament. I'm going to go wallow in my room for a while, bye." They all tried to speak to me but I ignored them.