
Soul Lands: Origin Qi Is Here!

I have read some parts about BTTH and Soul Lands, that I would like to try combining it. This may not be updated as much as with my schedule I will busy dealing with cancer :) 1/23/2024 4PM CST I hope schedule chapters worked for tomorrow WN reset because I gotta go to chemo with my uncle for his treatment

Ravenchast · Anime und Comics
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31 Chs


His realm has changed in the system, soul power level fifteen.

His level of soul power was increased by five. Not all of this increased level of soul power was due to Luo Ji's absorption of seven hundred and sixty years of soul beast soul rings.

Absorbing seven hundred and sixty years of soul beast soul rings can bring his soul power up to level 12 at most, and the remaining 3 levels of soul power is the soul power he accumulated from cultivating the immortal dou technique.

Because of the special rules of Douluo Continent, if a spirit master does not break through to the next realm, the level of soul power cannot be increased, but what cannot be increased is only the level of soul power, not the total amount of soul power.

The total amount of soul power in a spirit master's body will continue to increase as the spirit master cultivates. When the spirit master obtains a spirit ring and enters the next great realm, the soul power increased by the spirit master's previous training will be released, and then It is converted into soul power level.

After unknown amount of time cultivating, he has only upgraded his soul power to the three levels. It's so embarrassing for his immortal rank dou technique.

This understanding is a mistake.

Because spirit masters with martial arts and spirit masters without martial arts have different levels of soul power. {1}

There is a clear description in the original work that Tang San's soul power in his body is several percent higher than that of a spirit master of the same level using the ordinary skill Mysterious Heaven Skill, and this ratio will continue to increase as his cultivation level increases.

Pseudo Origin Qi is a top-notch skill, which can be called an immortal skill. Naturally, it is not far from being comparable to the Mysterious Heaven skill. Therefore, Luo Ji, the at fifteenth level of soul power, is actually comparable to the seventeenth or eighteenth level soul power of an ordinary spirit master.

Maybe in theory is that his cultivation has the same limit as Tang San cultivation method due to how weak soul lands really is from being absorb into the god realm.

Luo Ji looked at his personal information panel and looked at the 'Soul Skills' column.

The first soul skill is tearing dragon claw.

Soul skill introduction:

When this soul skill is used, the spirit master's speed will be increased by 30%. When the spirit master takes three steps, acceleration will be triggered. At the same time, the spirit master's hands will turn into dragon claws entwined with black thunder and lightning, with the ability to tear everything apart. the power of.

Luo Ji watched the introduction of his first soul ring and soul skill, and then the soul ring on his body lit up, releasing his first soul skill.

I saw that his right hand turned into a dragon claw, and the sharp claws exuded a cold light, with black thunder and lightning flashing on them.

Then he looked at a huge rock in front of him. The dragon's claws swung down, and five sharp slashes were fired out like swords. The rock was divided into six pieces, and the cut surface was as smooth as a mirror.

Is this a soul skill?

Very strong.

At this moment, Ning Fengzhi and others came.

Ning Fengzhi looked at Luo Ji with more and more satisfaction, with a spring breeze smile on his face. This smile was much more sincere than before, and said: "Little Nephew, your first soul skill is seven hundred and sixty years, and this second soul skill is seven hundred and sixty years." The soul ring is probably a thousand years old."

"I plan to absorb more than a thousand year spirit ring."

Luo Ji said, then he looked at Ning Fengzhi and said: "Uncle Ning, I hope the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect can help me find a soul beast that meets the requirements. In return, I will use the body-refining secret recipe inherited by our Martial Hou Mansion as a reward."

You can't just think about taking advantage, you need to give. Only by giving can you make a true 'friendship', and this 'friendship' can go further.

The secret for body training?

Ning Fengzhi had long guessed that Luo Ji's physical improvement must have a special secret method, but he didn't expect Luo Ji to take the initiative to say it. It seemed that the other party had already thought about it from the beginning.

He smiled and said: "Don't be so polite to me, uncle. Your father and I are friends. Now that your father is gone, your uncle should take good care of you for your father. From now on, uncle will take care of all your soul rings."

"Uncle Ning, right. My nephew naturally knows how good he is, but looking for soul beasts requires a lot of manpower and financial resources, and the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect is not Uncle Ning's one-stop shop, so my nephew can't make things difficult for Uncle Ning,"

Luo Ji said.

Then there was a tug-of-war between the two sides.

Finally Luo Ji said: "Uncle Ning should know about whale flesh, and organs?"


Ning Fengzhi suddenly looked a little embarrassed when he heard this. Why did he suddenly change the topic to this? He said righteously: "Uncle Ning has heard of it, but Uncle Ning has never seen it."

He is young and strong now, how could he use that kind of thing.

Not to mention now, even in the future, it will not be used. After all, with his cultivation as a seven-ring soul saint, even if he fights for three hundred rounds, he can still look up to the sky.

Luo Ji said: "Whale meat is our Martial Hou's secret for body training. Taking whale meat can strengthen the body, enhance the strength of muscles, bones and meridians, thereby increasing the body's endurance. It will not be a problem to improve the original strength for a hundred or two hundred years. The older the whale meat is, the better the effect will be. As for the side effects of whale meat, it won't be a big problem if you eat a little less at a time."

Naturally, this is not the body-building secret of his Martial Hou Mansion, but the body-building secret of later generations in soul lands 10,000 years from now.

As for why no one noticed it in this era?

The reason is very simple. The spirit master's physical body is inherently stronger than that of ordinary people. Unless he is like Ma Hongjun, who indulges in excessive sensual desires, there is no need for such a thing.

Dai Mubai and Flanders in the original work often go to various clubs, listening to music while "taking care" of women. They show no signs of being drained of their bodies. {2}

In this world, the only people who really need to take whale meat are the wealthy and wealthy nobles, and most of these nobles are not spirit masters. In addition, their physical bodies have been hollowed out. Even after taking whale meat, their physical bodies have been increased, and their physical bodies have been increased. The physical body will soon be hollowed out again, and naturally the true power of whale meat will not be noticed.


Ning Fengzhi looked stunned. He didn't expect whale meat to be the secret recipe.

He had heard that whale meat can nourish the kidneys and strengthen virility. The nobles in Heaven Dou usually prepare some, and the price is a bit high. He didn't expect that whale meat can actually improve physical fitness.

Not only did he not expect it, Sword Douluo next to him didn't expect it either.

The two then discussed some other things, including the current situation and future development directions. As the discussion deepened, Ning Fengzhi became more and more surprised by Luo Ji's knowledge reserve, many of which even he had not considered. , which also made him more and more satisfied with Luo Ji.

So Ning Fengzhi invited Luo Ji to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

But Luo Ji did not refuse.

After all, he really wanted to have a good relationship with Ning Fengzhi. It would be better if he could arrange a baby kiss. In this way, he could pull off the tiger's skin and scare Dugu Bo.


Heaven Dou City.

The Prince's Mansion.

News of Ning Fengzhi and Luo Ji's meeting spread to the Prince's Mansion.

After all, whether it is Ning Fengzhi or Luo Ji, they are not ordinary people, especially Luo Ji. Their meeting will definitely affect the nerves of many people.

The prince's office.

At this moment, there was a very delicate and handsome young man in the hall. "He" was sitting on a gorgeous chair, looking through the documents on the slips.

This handsome young man is none other than Xue Qinghe, the current crown prince of the Empire.

In addition to the identity of Prince Xue Qinghe, "he" also has another identity. To be precise, Prince Xue Qinghe is just "his" disguised identity. "His" true identity is Qian Renxue, the young miss of Spirit Hall Palace.

At this moment, a figure walked out of the shadows, bowed to Xue Qinghe, and said: "Young Master, Ning Fengzhi took Luo Ji to the Sunset Forest, presumably to help Luo Ji obtain the first soul ring. Because there was Sword Douluo following them, this subject could not get close, when they were hunting the soul beast of unknown age, they have finished, so they left the Sunset Forest and went directly to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect without separating."

"No separation? Is this teacher trying to win over the

Martial Hou Mansion?"

It will become more powerful, and the Martial Hou Mansion will also become more powerful with the support of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

However, Xue Ye will not allow this to happen. The power of the Heaven Dou Empire is already dispersed enough. If another kingdom comes, Then this empire is completely worthless.

The teacher, Ning Fengzhi should not be so stupid that he cannot see the key. However, he can see that he is still close to Luo Ji. Is it because the other party has innate soul power?


Although innate full soul power can be regarded as a top talent and has the qualifications to be titled douluo in the future, there will be a few in every era. Some families all have innate full soul power. A mere innate full soul power is not worthy of his attention, let alone his time.

There must be other secrets in this Luo Ji, a secret that can make the teacher willing sacrifice to offend Xue Ye, so what is this secret?"

Speaking of this, "his" eyes exuded bright light, and then he looked at the person next to him The figure said, "Uncle, try to test Luo Ji's strength to see how strong he is."


The figure said, and then disappeared into the shadows.


The news about the meeting between Luo Ji and Ning Fengzhi spread not only to the Prince's Mansion, but also to many forces, such as Emperor Xueye, Prince Xue Xing, and heads of various noble families.

After Emperor Xueye learned the news, he whispered: "It seems that Luo Ji is a bit extraordinary to be able to make Sect Master Ning make such a bet."

After Prince Xue Xing learned the news, he said coldly: "This Ning Fengzhi is a bit... Greedy, the prince's teacher is not satisfied yet, he actually wants to break the ice and scheme against Heaven Dou Empire? The empire, may himself in the process."

After learning the news, the heads of the major noble families said that the cake of Martial Hou Mansion was a bit hard, and then they temporarily terminate their plan, but they have no intention of giving up because they know that the royal family will not allow the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect to get involved in Martial Hou Mansion.

{1} Yes I have read all 5 manhuas/mangas/comic whatever, Tang San spread his culitvation method, and from what I read so far, those who have a culitvation are much more stronger than the average soul master due to more skills in they're arsenal.

{2} trying my best to avoid controversial/cancelable topics due to current human modern earth stuff, its just annoying to deal with "karen" HAHAHA makes me laugh sometimes too when I see youtube videos of that.

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