
Soul Land: Divine Blood (completed)

A Young Boy while playing some games was suddenly killed by a character from said game. The boy was reborn in a new world that he had knowledge of. What path will he take in the magnificent but deadly world of Soul Land/Douluo Dalu as the successor to Mohg the Lord of Blood This is a republishing of my previous book by a similar title: Douluo Dalu Divine Blood. mistakes we made when setting the book up and I didnt realize this until recently. I am changing very little from the original publishing. I am currently redoing most of the first volume and new chapters will be published every 2 days

Xanok_Malakai · Anime und Comics
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125 Chs

Chapter 2: Rebirth and Douluo Dalu? (remade)

Chapter 2: Rebirth and Douluo Dalu?

Original chapter date = 6/27/2023 with 570 words

New Chapter = 7/29/2023 with 868 words (not much changed, just some descriptions and organization for the city)

In a quaint little city near a forest has a standard structure of Mayoral Building in the center. To the north is a building that says Spirit Hall on it. To the East is an assortment of homes and minor businesses while to the West is a larger assortment of higher end stores and services. To the south is the most populous due a strange collection of different people of Asian descent. Some are wearing shoulder pauldron, others are wearing lighter clothing and strange colorful suits. All with a medieval fantasy feel while still being oriental.

Suddenly one group of people in the market area are butting heads with another group. The argument escalates and both sides unleash a flurry of energy as most of them gain a beast like shadow hovering around their body while others take it a step further and actually get 'possessed' by their beast figures. These are Beast martial spirits. A small few have various tools like hammers, swords and chains. These are Tool martial spirits.

While only one has a food type martial spirit of bread who is staying in the back of his team. Rings of light circle around each and everyone of these spirit masters. Most only have 1 or 2 yellow rings while the leaders both have 3 reach. The rings represent the overall strength of a spirit master. Yet before the fight can begin, city guards arrive along with those from the Spirit hall. They either beat down or threaten the 2 groups until they give up or just run away in fear of offending the Spirit Hall.

Yellow is one of the indicators of the age of the rings themselves which will be explained later.

(A/N. more details about the levels will be explained in more detail later. Probably chapter 3 or 4)

In the meanwhile, A cute young boy with dark red hair and deep brown eyes around the age of 5 and bordering 6 is seen running around after exiting his home on the East side of the city. His parents, who share a few familiar features with the boy, His father with red hair while his mother with black hair and both with brown eyes are walking behind him with a basket in hand.

"Tie'er. Slow down, the other kids aren't going anywhere" The young boy's mother Xue Lana calls out, the boy named Xue Tie stops and waves over to his parents while saying.

"Come on Ma, I don't want to wait too long." The boy Xue Tie excitedly says to his parents, he seems to have been waiting for this gathering for some time due to being occupied with school or just doing chores everyday. A middle class city bordering the well known Sunset forest and serving as the 2nd defense to any spirit beast that might escape from it should the Magnificent Spirit hall fall apart. That is Sunset City where the boy known as Xue Tie was born and raised in.(blood Iron = researched name but it could also be related to low Iron deficiency. More info next chapter)

The father of the boy shakes his head and grabs his wife by the waist before skipping over to his son. The boy is excited by his fathers display of power from crossing the short 30 ft distance between them in a single skip. "Now Tie'er, you shouldn't be harsh to your mother like this. Otherwise you will not get any ice cream later." This seems to send a shiver down the boy's spine as he begins walking much more slowly and even with a bit of exaggeration, Like a penguin in fact.

The parents shake their heads at their child's antics and continue on their way until Xue Tie collapses right then and there. The two go into a panic and bring him to a nearby doctor friend of theirs who is their neighbor.

After a brief exam, it is unknown why the child collapsed. The parents are greatly concerned over this but little can truly be done without traveling to find a higher grade spirit healer that would be days away. So the two could only pray for their child who suddenly woke up in the hospital bed 2 hours later.

The boy opens his eyes with a squint and says to himself as his mind fully processes the information and memories he just inherited by awakening his own memories. "Martial Spirits, Spirit Hall…fuck this is Douluo Dalu.


Name. From some light research that isn't just google translate. I had early on decided on his name translating to Blood Iron but I think translation messes it up and he is essentially named Iron Deficiency. Heh.

As for why I chose this naming style, it's more fitting with the style of Douluo Dalu and yes I am aware of names like Oscar but such are super rare and i cant think of any name that suits the MC without going super cringy or edgy.