
Soul Land: Cultivator SI

"There are many things in life that can piss me off. Nothing pisses me off more than being reborn in cruel fantasy world like soul land on the verge having fight to death between gods. Especially when I am a orphan with shit talent. Even worse, the bright hope of cheat- an AI, turned out to be a glorified note pad. Nothing les or nothing more. So, I AM PISSED." --- Zhang Kiri

KK9494 · Bücher und Literatur
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20 Chs

Chapter 2 : Martial soul

My daily life was a repeat of the same schedule over and over.

Clean the floor/ library / rooms.

Get beaten up while leaning to fight with the soldiers.

Cook for the soldiers, heal myself and drag my exhausted body back to the room for a night, a meditation which may or may not be working. Fuck, I wish I could at least sense the soul power. Then the AI could use my senses to make a data profile.

Start the day by greeting the beautiful dawn with my eyes, hoping that some purple Qi is being absorbed by me.


I leaned back slightly to avoid the clawed fist of Little Hu, a level 2 soul scholar with a leopard marital soul. Just like his name suggests, he is the son of Soldier Hu and he is one year older than me.

"Stay in one place, Zhang Kun."

I lift an eyebrow in response while jumping over his low-leg sweep.


A quick jab to the defenseless face had him moaning in pain.



I replied to him while keeping my voice and face as sarcastic as possible, "Yes, me."

Like a bull shown a red flag, he went all out to tear me apart with a barrage of clawed swipes.


Kids really don't have any form of control. Every move of his predictable and easy to see, even for an untrained eye. But, I am not untrained. For 2 years I spent on the training grounds and I showed the results well by dodging little Hu's right claw and gave a jab in abdomen. While my hand was returning, I pushed my body forward and gave an uppercut with my other hand.


Little Hu spit a glob of saliva and blood and he looked at me while taking his battle stance.

Shit, that punch knocked some sense into him. I am fucked, because I am pathetically weak and didn't awaken my martial soul.

Ever since he awakened the martial soul 1 year ago, Soldier Hu had him spar with me every day. Frankly speaking, the martial souls are incredible.

I had been knocking myself up from the age of 4, but just with a single awakening of a martial soul, little Hu had surpassed me easily. That and the soul power he had also given him an edge.

But, I had experience and I can win.

I ran to him while yelling out, "AHHHH!"

It must look funny to see 6 year servant, with tattered clothes and brown complexion, running at a Leopard possessed soul scholar.

Little Hu put both of his hands up while spreading his claws out, a mature combat form of Star Luo empire for Feline martial soul users.

My throat hurt as I vented out, "You are finished, Little Hu."

Little Hu solemnly looked at me, but he didn't expect me to suddenly jump down on to the ground. In a full use of movement from running, I used my hands to do a circle in air.

Under the confused eyes of Little Hu, I landed back on my feet in front of him, completely defenceless. But my hands that supported my body during the cartwheel opened up to throw dirt on the unsuspecting Little Hu.

"What the -?"

Using the chance, I tackled him to the ground.


Without giving a chance to the dazed kid, I caught one of his hands with my whole body and then squeezed his throat out with legs.


I could feel him straining as he tried to get free. His free hand not caught by me is scratching my legs, but I held on.


Finally, seeing him clapping the floor with his intent to give up. I released him.

"Yes ! I won the match."

Soldier Hu's voice was carried over the wind as he said, "Good. I will send the meat to you like always."

I nodded happily and understood the unspoken words for me to leave.

"… La.. La …. La …la…"

I went back for my bath and freshen up. I am happy beyond words, it's not because of the meat.

I had a stable supply since the day a little Hu is awakened martial soul a year ago. Of course, for small prices of me being used as his training dummy. I was happy to agree with Soldier Hu's deal because it is win-win for me.

No, the fortunate thing for me is that today is the day. The fateful day when the martial soul awakening common for kids my age is conducted.

—————Military base, training grounds————





As soon as the announcement rung in the air, everyone kneeled, be they be the servants, the soldiers or the Haughty eunuchs.

"All Hail! All Hail Prince Dai Weisi. All Hail, Dai Family. All Hail, the Star Luo Empire."

"All Hail! All Hail Prince Dai Weisi. All Hail, Dai Family. All Hail, the Star Luo Empire."

"All Hail! All Hail Prince Dai Weisi. All Hail, Dai Family. All Hail, the Star Luo Empire."

Prince Dai Weisi, the first-born son of the emperor, most importantly he has an innate soul power of 8.

While the crown prince's status is not decided based on birth, the firstborn holds the advantage of time and connections. Not to forget his additional talent. People have already started considering him the next emperor. The 2nd prince, while also having the same white tiger martial soul, has an innate soul power of 7, which is a genius but not enough to rival the 1st prince.

The Star Luo Empire has a fascinating tradition where even the emperor's illegitimate children can ascend to the title of prince. Granted, the illegitimate children awakened the white tiger martial soul.

The power struggle for the position of crown prince arises because of the newfound status and illegitimate background of these princes.

Still, the result of these power struggles is consistently a civil war, the sort that would be incredibly difficult to survive. Especially for me, who was born and being employed by the Dai family directly.

According to the history books, each civil war involved multiple Title Duoluo combatants.

It's baffling to think about how a civil war between two princes could involve so many titles duoluo.

Ultimately, the emperor is the only Title duoluo in the empire, serving as a neutral party.

Then I remembered the House of dragons series and it all made sense.

Thankfully, there was no rise of any contender for the throne among the illegitimate princes.


The stomp of the guards alerted the crowd to prince Dai Weisi, who gave a smile, "Thank you everyone for your blessings. I won't take up the valuable time of such brave men and begin the ceremony of your children."


That won the approval of the army, but I believe the prince doesn't care about that. This is soul land. The only one that matter are soul masters, meaning the higher ups of the military- namely the General, a soul saint with Panther marital soul.

"Alright, kids, line up and get ready for the ceremony. Be on your best behaviour and don't embarrass us."

The kids soon joined up into the line, but I had a single advantage. "Head servant Gu, it's me- Zhang Kun."

The head servant organising the kids looked at me, brightened up, "Little Zhang, oho, what are you doing here?"

I almost rolled my eyes at the stupid question, but I held back," I am finally old enough to be eligible to serve the empire, sir."

Head servant Gu, the in-charge of the vacation home, was also a soul ancestor. He was the one who hired me after looking at the mop. From then on, I did my best to get in front of his eyes with flattery and hard work.

Just like that, with some small talk with the Head servant, I was moved to first place among the lower class kids. The only ones beside me on both sides of the queues are the kids of military officers, barons, and various others.

"….. Alright little guy, think on your feet and be on your best behaviour. This is the only help I can give."

I nodded rapidly to show my agreement and also said, "I will buy you a house for everything you have done for me, sir."

His eyes lit up at the information. He grew a bright smile and left while saying, "Ok, Ok. It's fine. I am not so cheap."

I inwardly felt he was that cheap. This awakening ceremony for the lack of better words is a "publicity stunt" by Prince Dai Weisi. The first few openers will be rewarded richly to show the Empire's generosity, especially the one which will be headed by the prince as the next emperor.

Simple political wrangling. Of course, the most of the targets will be lower nobles or military officers, at least some of the low-class kids will be awarded for building a generous image.

You must know, any reward from royalty sets the future of normal citizens for life.

"Ok then, little Zhang. I will leave the time for the ceremony is approaching, so I must attend to the prince. Don't forget to send me a message when Ruyi or anyone else needs me."

I watched the old pervert walk away with disgust. I bit down a sigh because this is the reason he helps me a lot.

Information and gossip about the certain beautiful servants' requests, people rumouring against the head servant, etc.

All these are things I provide with him. In exchange, he closes an eye regarding me. But seriously speaking, the guy found 3 mistresses and 4 kids in just 2 years of my time here.


The announcement knocked away my thoughts to the far end of my mind.

The Prince possessed his spirit, which rose a single yellow ring, but the oppression from the top grade martial soul, The Evil eyed- White Tiger, made it suffocating to me.

On close observation, it was the same as too many others.

"Zhang Kun."

The head servant's voice broke me out of my thoughts. I stepped forward, excited beyond words about the upcoming event.

I immediately knelt in front of the prince. "All Hail, Prince Weisi."

The prince nodded at my gesture while the Head servant whispered something to the prince, who nodded back.

"Rise, Zhang Kun, a proud son of Star Luo empire."

I did so. He then handed me an awakening stone, which is a mineral that allowed passage of soul power between two people while acting as a filter of sorts.

Knowing the procedure, I held one hand out to the stone as the Prince surged forth his soul power.


The feeling of complete relaxation and warmth was unlike anything I had ever experienced, even more powerful than the captain's healing abilities.

AI, access my senses and begin your task.

[ Unknown energy detected.]


[The energy is termed as soul power as per the database.]

[AI Obervation : Dai Weisi's soul power filtered by the stone is spreading across the Host's body.

——Host's body seems to resonate with the soul power.


——-The host body seems to have a new entity sharing the features of the host body and host's soul, terming it into a martial soul as per the database.]

I need no more data because I could feel my body swelling with power and the adrenaline surging from the sheer presence of my newly formed soul power from my martial soul.



I looked at the 10-year-old prince clapping for as I looked at my appearance- I grew over a foot, with orange fur all over my with black stipes all over.

Startled by the prince's voice, I snapped out of my daydream to hear him say, "Zhang Kun, I congratulate you on awakening a Tiger martial soul."

I nodded at the prince's words. Yes, my martial soul is a tiger. A common carnivore animal.

With a gulp, I inserted my newly formed soul energy into the stone, knowing it also has a feature of checking the level.

No wonder the monopoly of awakening stone allowed Spirit hall to grow so rapidly.

I shook my thoughts away as I realized emerging from stone, signifying I have innate soul power. Fuck yeah.

It grew brighter and brighter.

"Innate soul power… 5. Well done, Zhang Kun. With enough effort, you can become a strong a soul master."

I didn't know if the prince was showing this image to the public or he didn't turn into an arrogant asshole like the canon, but I am thankful for his kind words.

While, 5 is happy level. It is not a genius nor a waste. Just in between.

The prince then shouted out, "As a reward for your parents serving the empire till they put aside their life, I give you a bag of gold coins."

I knelt and took the bag under the envious gazes of everyone. After all, most people may never see this much wealth all their lives.

I immediately went to the side to wait for the actual show.

"Ju Lian."

"Fire panther, innate soul power 7. Wonderful ! A superb talent. Your cultivation will henceforth be borne by me, including the hunt for spirit rings."




"Zu Qian, innate soul power 4, I award you for your father, Baron Zu's valiant efforts on the battlefield with a seat on the Star Luo Academy."


Just like that, the prince kept wooing various nobles through their kids and also recruiting the occasional talent he found, like Ju Lian.

As the prince went away, I saw his group grew to twice the size. Not caring about these things, I went straight to the Head servant and bowed to him, "Sir, I couldn't thank you enough for all you did. But please think of it as a symbol of my gratefulness."

"No, No. Don't insult me with such things, kid."

"No, sir. Me being ungrateful is an insult. This is the proof of your greatness."

After some back and forth with him politely refusing and me praising him, he took the bag while leaving a sentence- "I will hold on to this for you."

I inwardly snorted that he might have wanted to swallow it. No, he will swallow some part, but he will return at least somewhat. This might seem like a stupid thing to do. But, I had no choice.

I am all alone, that much wealth is a danger for me. I can say so for sure, although I might become a soul master with a bright future. After all, the future is the future, not the present.

But, I will get them back. There are multiple reasons for this decision. The head servant, despite being scumbag, always kept his word.

Just like I mentioned now, I have a bright future, and most importantly, I publicly gave him the bag. No one would dare to openly steal the rewards given by the Dai Family.

They may be cruel and warlike, but they hold an iron fist over the empire.






As I closed the door, I immediately started removing my boots and put them on the bed. With a few shakes of boots, the golden coins dripped down. Soon, I also placed the coins hidden in my sleeves down.


I am not stupid to turn over all my wealth. The head servant can act as a bank for me while I used this wealth to grow strong enough to claim the rest.

I counted them one by one.

[Gold coins : 78]

Finally, I have enough wealth to support my cultivation for the next few years. While astronomical for ordinary folks, it is too few because my level is too low. If I cross level 30, then I need gold in quantities of thousands per year.

In fact, even the ordinary herbs I will use are not that much good. Coming from that fact, the only reason I could use them is because some of them can act as the substitutes for modern medicine.

Yes, I am talking about -Anabolic Steroids.

While they will have long-term consequences and hidden dangers, I don't care now. After all, only by using them can I progress fast, can I truly seize the chances on the continent.

My urgency is because I found the age of third prince- Dai Mubai, 5 years old. Meaning after the next 10 years, all the chances in soul land will be harvested by Tang san one by one.

Fuck the consequences, at best the Heavenly treasures in Fire- Ice pool can solve the dangers from cheap medicine.

I followed the cultivation meditation the AI crafted until now.

"AI, Keep collecting the data from my usage and keep polishing the meditation method."

[Task accepted.]