
Soul Factor System

Due to the dwindling number of religious believers and humanity's desire for scientific progress, in the year 2100, "He" spoke to the entire human race directly for the first and last time. A beam of light covered the world and brought along the long-lost knowledge about humans' hidden potential - The potential of the Soul itself. The power of the Soul... A power sealed away long ago, and unlocked by this fateful "meeting" once more... Now that humanity has been brought back to light, with its newfound powers capable of shaking all before-known concepts, how will the forces lurking in the dark respond?

VioleP · Fantasie
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13 Chs

~ Deadly Sin

The Vatican, Battlefield on Territory B-2 - The Year 2177

 The sound of steel hitting resounded within the space where the fight against Hamon Arzath unfolded. Yone assaulted Hamon with continuous hits from her lightning-infused daggers, while at the same time, Augur had her back, ready to deliver some full-power punches with his Soul Type. However, those attacks didn't seem to have any effect whatsoever against the Chouten.

 The daggers were not managing to even scratch the demonic skin covering Hamon's arm, while Augur's hits had power, but were easy to dodge. 

 Chroma skilfully managed to keep the two fighters in the fight, while Dena's multiple layered barriers already saved their lives a few times. And then, for the first time, one of the snipers grasped the opportunity to shoot his first bullet.

"Eat this, angel imitation!" shouted Fabio, aiming straight for Hamon's head.

 The accuracy was perfect, but what was not taken into account, was the needed power to defeat his opponent. Even though the light bullet managed to hurt Hamon, enough to make him bleed slightly, it didn't get through. After all, his Soul Type gave him resistance against many light-based attacks, which was evened out by the weakness to light given to him by his demonic side. 

 "You guys... Really want to annoy me, don't you?" muttered Hamon in a low tone, just before repelling Yona's attack with great force, knocking her down from the snow platform. However, she didn't fall much, being instantly caught by Chroma who flew by, predicting such a possible move. 

"I didn't put enough power in... I need to charge it more," said Fabio, seemingly irritated.

"It's plenty already, don't worry... Keep observing the fight, and wait for another opportunity," encouraged Stephan.

"I will destroy you... And then go towards the coward that did this to my beautiful face!" shouted Hamon, pummeling Augur's solid body with a quick jab. 

"Urgh," Augur's body was strong enough to take this, but the pain could be seen on his face clearly. He kneeled in front of Hamon, blood spilling from the corners of his mouth.

"Tch, this is bad," muttered Chroma, starting to bring back the platform on which Augur was standing. 

"Snowfall!" he shouted, stopping Chroma's movements. "It's alright, I have to keep fighting..." added Augur, standing back up on his feet.

"You insistent-" but he was instantly stopped mid-sentence by an electrifying dagger that almost slashed his face right through the middle.

"Don't take your eyes off of me, pigeon," said Yona who continued her relentless assault.

"Outta my way, smurf!" shouted Hamon with rage, catching Yona's daggers with his bare hands. "You are done, shorty," he added, as he gradually put more power into his grip. A crack appeared on her left dagger, and seeing this Chroma shouted:

"Miss Yona, deactivate the Holy Medium at once!" 

 If a Holy Medium which is tied to the user's soul gets destroyed, in this case, Yona's daggers, the user falls alongside the medium. It's quite a hefty price to pay for the power to fend off the demonic.

 Deactivating her medium, she was now unarmed and at an arm's length of distance from her enemy, so Hamon grasped this opportunity, and launched a swift jab towards her, but his hand wouldn't reach his target. It stopped midway, or... It was stopped.

 Augur caught Hamon's hand while breathing heavily. Even though Augur had the obviously better build, being tall and muscular unlike Hamon, the demonic power Hamon had made that difference in bodies a total joke. He easily brushed Augur to the side, looking back at Yona who was already at safety, alongside Chroma and Dena. 

 Hamon looked down to his right side, seeing Augur spitting blood, his wounds looking worse with time. He bent down and grasped Augur's neck, raising him up while putting more strength into his grip, choking Augur who was now at his mercy.

 "Tch, let him down! Hamon!" shouted Chroma, launching a snow attack towards Hamon. However, the red-winged angel didn't even look at the attack and brushed it aside with one flutter of his wing. 

"We do it now, Fabio..." muttered Stephan, letting the arrow he prepared beforehand go.

 The arrow targeted Hamon's right arm... The arm used to hold Augur. Aware of the incoming projectile, Hamon instinctively let his grip come loose, dropping Augur. Chroma caught his falling body and started the process of bringing him back to safety, however, Hamon didn't give up, following Augur with speed superior to Chroma's snow platform. But he was unaware...

 "This is where he'll end up... This time, it's charged up!"

 Midway towards the fainted Augur, Hamon intersected with the trajectory of the light bullet shot by Fabio.

"Wha- I can't dodge this!" thought Hamon upon seeing the bullet is less than one inch away from hitting him cleanly in his head.

 A small explosion and blood spilt right after... The bullet did indeed hit a target, however, the astonishment on everyone's faces soon turned into despair.

 "Ouch, that did hurt a little... Anyway, are ya alright, little Hamon?" asked the demonic figure who was staring intently at the newly formed bruise on his right palm.

"M-Master Belphegor? What are you doing here?" asked Hamon, quietly, apparently struck by fear.

"Heh? I've heard that the fight is taking you longer than intended, so I came to see how you're doing... Wouldn't think some lowly humans would get you so good though. Pretty funny situation, won't you agree?" said Belphegor with a faint smile on his face. His appearance was pretty human for a demon, similar to Asmodeus, and his eyes looked tired as if he hasn't slept in days. His hair was silverish-grey, and his build was similar to the likes of Chroma, looking like he was only around 17 years old. He was floating alongside Hamon, riding what seemed to be a pillow, big enough to carry him around. After taking his eyes from the startled Hamon, the demon looked towards Chroma's group, which was staring at the sudden visitor with fear in their eyes, from a seemingly safe distance.

"Miss Dena... Did I hear his name right?" asked Chroma, gaze fixed on the demon that was just looking at them with a faint smile.

"I'm afraid we did hear it right... The Deadly Sin of Sloth: Belphegor."

"Why do I always come into contact with these guys-?" thought Chroma, and then Belphegor close his eyes for a split second, and then appeared right next to Chroma, facing him at less than 10 centimetres, eyes still closed and smiling.

"Say~ Are you Snowy?" asked Belphegor, slowly opening his tired eyes while facing Chroma.

 Chroma heard him clearly, but he was too paralyzed to move. He was already struck by fear when a deadly sin appeared... But this interaction was just too fast. He couldn't even see him approaching, let alone try to run or fight him at his stage...

"He-llo~ Snowy?" asked Belphegor in a cheerful tone.

"I-I take it that, the Sin of Lust told you about me, r-right?" asked Chroma after gulping once.

"Hmm, nope!~ All of us know about you, you see~ You are quite the celebrity around the lower Hell!" explained Belphegor.

"I don't know if I should be flattered, or scared-" muttered Chroma, but he got instantly interrupted by the demon who said at once, getting closer to Chroma: "So, Snowy? Who are you going to choose?"


"Who are you going to choose~? Or should I make you choose me, right now?~" asked Belphegor, facing the clearly dumbfounded Chroma.

"Wait, wait, wait! I don't understand this question... What to choose? Why do I have to choose anything related to you?" quickly asked Chroma.

"Ah, so you don't know anything yet, huh? But I think it's for the better... I might not have any concurrence like this. You will follow me to Hell, and since you don't know why, that's for the better!~" said Belphegor, yawning right after.

"What...?" asked Chroma, dumbfounded.

"What do you mean, master Belphegor?! Why would you take a lowly hu-" shouted Hamon from behind Belphegor, but without even turning around to face him, the demon interrupted him: "Hamon... Would you please shut up? It's both tiring and annoying to deal with your crises right now."

"Ugh... Understood."

"So, let's go... Snowy- No... Chroma Kosetsu. You have no choice-" and once more, showcasing his inhumane speed, Belphegor appeared with every remaining member of Chroma's team, having them floating alongside him, tied up with demonic chains.

"What happened?!" shouted Fabio, while everyone else struggled in the chains alongside him. It happened in an instant, and they didn't even realize what was going on...

"Stop it!" shouted Chroma.

"Oh, I will... You see, we must be demons, but not all of us are going by the definition you humans and those white creatures gave us... I will agree to let them free, and retreat my forces from this place at once... That, only if you cooperate~" explained the demon.

"M-Master Belphegor! We have clear orders to advance so we get information about-!" shouted Hamon who was interrupted once more by his master who said: "That is the objective of the demon army... But I don't really care what Pride and Wrath want... My objective is right here, in front of me..." explained Belphegor.

 Looking at the demon's face, Chroma saw something different from the time he met Asmodeus. "He looks... Rather sad. He is too strong, and he's got everyone at arm's length... Do I really have to...?" thought Chroma who then voice out his thoughts:

 "Fine, Belphegor... You win. Take your forces back, and let my friends go... I'll go to Hell with you."

 Hearing him, everyone's eyes widened. Some of them haven't even heard the contents of the deal Belphegor wanted to make with Chroma, so when they heard Chroma saying that he will go to Hell, everyone started complaining. 

 "C-Chroma! You don't have to do it!" shouted Rebecca.

 "Quiet, woman... He chose to do this, so you don't die. The deal was accepted... And also, you have yet to realize how much this will help your side in this war..." said Belphegor, just before opening a rift in space, leading towards his Hell domain. "Come now, Chroma Kosetsu... I will treat you well," he added.

 Slowly walking behind the demon, Chroma followed, exchanging one last look with his teammates and friends. As Chroma walked inside the space-rift, the demons around the battlefield vanished, alongside Hamon, leaving behind just the remaining forces from the Church's army, and Chroma's former group.

 "C-Chroma...?" muttered Rebecca falling on her knees. Approaching her slowly with a sad expression on her face, was Samira who patted her on the back. 

  Realizing what just happened, she couldn't help it... 

 And burst into tears.