
Soul Eater: Realm of Divinity and Chaos

Sitting by the fiery pot, Abaeze’s eyes gazed at the seemingly ever blazing flames, he had seen it flare up many times when they got a few visitors in need of escape from reality not knowing the situations they were getting themselves into. He sat in a shrine that looked to be older than a century but provided his childhood memories of playing with curses and magical fortunes that he had always been told by his guardian. He believed all of them for he did not know how the outside world was like and only knew what he was told by his adoptive mother although thinking about it now, his worries were like the flames, ever burning and knowing his final place with hell wouldn’t help either for he knew being introduced to a practitioner of witchcraft would only have one final destination but he did not want that fate, he wouldn’t settle for it and messing with objects and things he did not know got him reincarnated in another realm but with terrible consequences. Different country, different Realm, different life necessities.

revolt_loss · Fantasie
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7 Chs

The Soul Eater Race.

Doctor Caspian now stood there with a baby boy sleeping peacefully in his arms while he stared at the dead body of his long-time friend who now lay dead on the king-sized bed. The bedroom had gone deathly quiet and only the silent breathing of the doctor and Jacob could be heard.

The Brown family was now left with only a boy as both the father and mother had now died.

A smile crept onto his face while a tear fell from his eye. He honestly didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the situation before his eyes. He now had a son but had lost a friend. He walked out the door and walked lifelessly down the stairs which never seemed to end. He reached the ground floor and by giving one look to the maids, they knew what had happened and hurriedly went up the stairs to clean, cover and burn the body as it was tradition.

"Looks like you are mine now" he gently smiled looking down at the peaceful creature.


Abaeze was transported through a red portal while his stomach was strangely aching. It seemed like he was traveling at over 100 miles per hour and it didn't seem to stop. In the contract he had signed, it was written down that he would be reincarnated into another realm where magic was a part of every living creature in existence but in turn for this chance at a second life, he would only regain his memory once he turned fourteen years old and the mysterious man would come for him at a certain time he was not told.

Yes, it might be shady but it was better than going to hell.

The traveling stopped when he reached a certain light and at that point, he felt a searing pain in his head as his memories were being plucked out one by one, once it all ended, his body was enveloped by light as he suddenly disappeared and that's when everything went black.


Caspian mumbled a few words when his luggage came out of nowhere with white light. He continued to mumble other words and with that, they were transported to another room while a bottle with milk appeared along with a crib.

He sat down on the bed and started feeding the baby. As he continued feeding it, his eyes glowed red causing the doctor to stare at him in shock.

"He, he is one of them" were the words that managed to escape his gaped mouth.

"It can't be," he said starting to laugh hysterically, "It can't be"

He continued to stare at the baby whose eyes had returned to normal but he certainly had not, this boy was quite unique. The Brown family had not received such a prodigy in years and he didn't know that this boy would be the next, this was a sign but it was a curse at the same time. According to the Scrolls, there was only one type of being in this magical realm who had such signs, A Soul Eater, and that was why this was such a big problem, once in a month, while these creatures were still below the age of fourteen, they would become extremely hungry for souls and their race knew this so they managed to create soul stones which contained enough suppressed magic to satiate their hunger.

These however cost 1000 tessils per stone.

He sighed but the frown that had settled on his face soon became a smile as he remembered the vast amount of fortune that had been left to this child. The Brown family had not been a family to joke with. It was more than well off, to say the least. The problem was the internal problems that had gone on in the family which led to internal deaths in thirst for money. Alva however had managed to escape and only came back when the place was settled but at the worst cost. Due to the battles, her entire family had been killed with all kinds of curses and spells which had eliminated the bloodline. It was difficult for her to find one who truly loved her and even when she thought she had got one who had already given her a child, he was after her wealth and got killed in his business. She had died but had given her son a fortune but also something else that had turned his facial features like eyes and hair different although no one was sure what.

The beings known as soul eaters were very rare and many believed that they had their own sanctuary that only they knew where it was located but the only problem was how the boy came to be one.

Jacob had finished his bottle and had once again drifted into his peaceful slumber. Caspian put him down to rest in his crib and put a few enchantments around it. It was very common for curses to be flying around and even more common for them to fly in mansions.

It was very fortunate that no one knew about Jacob's birth, otherwise, he would need much stronger enchantments than these.

He walked out to got the library to find out more information about the particular race that Jacob belonged to. Going through a few hallways, he reached a grand room where all kinds of scrolls could be seen. There was no one in the room though as there were only a handful of people who lived in the mansion. He went to a particular shelf in the back which had scrolls about Magical beings. A white wisp escaped his hands which went to the high shelf and started searching for the required scroll. Once it found it, it fused with it and the scroll came flying down to the doctor. He sat down and started going through the scroll which when opened, measured to about a meter.

According to the scroll, the soul eaters were divided into categories, the first were ones that would consume an individual's spirit, not soul but would cause a fatal disease afterward, they were also known as Relists. The second was a group which had special stones that would be kept in their stomachs, the trait could be inherited or got from a witchcraft practitioner, it would also allow the person to shapeshift into different animals and would allow the host to be acceptable to learn all other kinds of magic and can't be limited to one type but the scroll also stated that they would go through a transformation if in dire need of soul consumption which caused Caspian to frown a little. This group was called the Devourers. The third was a group cursed by wizards or witches to eat souls to survive and they would have a stronger hunger than the rest but after they devour one's soul, the prey would turn to dust, the latter was also called Ashists. As soon as he finished the third category, the rest of the scroll was plain white meaning that there was still information that was unknown.

Doctor Caspian greatly hoped that Jacob wasn't all that dangerous otherwise if he belonged to the second category, he would be a force to be reckoned with. He could only sigh before he started sending out wisps to look for any other knowledge about the particular race.

Thanks for making it to the third chapter, please add the book to your library. :)

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