
Soul Eater: Realm of Divinity and Chaos

Sitting by the fiery pot, Abaeze’s eyes gazed at the seemingly ever blazing flames, he had seen it flare up many times when they got a few visitors in need of escape from reality not knowing the situations they were getting themselves into. He sat in a shrine that looked to be older than a century but provided his childhood memories of playing with curses and magical fortunes that he had always been told by his guardian. He believed all of them for he did not know how the outside world was like and only knew what he was told by his adoptive mother although thinking about it now, his worries were like the flames, ever burning and knowing his final place with hell wouldn’t help either for he knew being introduced to a practitioner of witchcraft would only have one final destination but he did not want that fate, he wouldn’t settle for it and messing with objects and things he did not know got him reincarnated in another realm but with terrible consequences. Different country, different Realm, different life necessities.

revolt_loss · Fantasie
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7 Chs

One year: The Market Place (Part two)

Walking into his quarters, Caspian quickly went for a shower as he had expelled a fair amount of sweat casting the spell. This was the precise reason why mastrix stones were needed around the house, putting a protection spell took him more than 5 hours and that is him at the Bishop Arc.

There were arcs put in place by the government of Mastrey to indicate one's level of power in society. Each arc had divisions ranging from one to twelve and once one had foregone the twelfth division, they would break through to the next arc although proceeding and breaking through from one arc to another would take longer than the last.

The arcs were as follows, Priest arc, Messenger Arc, Usher arc, Bishop arc, Angel Arc, and the strongest and highest, the Seraphim arc with Priest arc being the lowest and Seraphim arc being the highest.

As of now, Caspian was at the Bishop arc where he would bond his spirit with nature to get an almost endless supply of magic. This stage was already more than most citizens in Mastrey, if not all, could archive placing him at the peak and of society.

After taking a shower, the doctor put on a button long-sleeved shirt with blue trousers and goldcrest of a fountain embroidered on the right upper side of his shirt making him look a little less young than his original age of fifty-three years with his slightly muscular build and brown eyes. His short and neat beard added to his look while his glasses had a light reflecting off them. His attire was one that many people in the city of Mastery wore while the goldcrest showed his place in society which was earned through his famous deeds as a doctor and his power arc.

He made his way downstairs where he found a silent Jacob sitting on the chair idly looking on. Seeing his attire, Caspian put on a strict facial expression and headed Jacob's way whilst maintaining a prideful expression and walk giving off a prideful demeanor.

"Young Master, you know such attire is not fit for our outing, go and change promptly" he ordered Jacob.

Jacob got up and gave a slight smile towards Caspian before heading up to change his attire. It was already so much of a surprise that the young lad could walk, talk and climb the staircase at such a tender age but Caspian did not question his behavior as he already knew that the soul eater race had a faster-maturing cycle than any other human that existed in the kingdom and exactly for that reason, Caspian was greatly confused as apart from the lad's glowing eyes, which thankfully he had learned to keep under control, Jacob had not shown any other prominent signs of which variation of the Soul Eater Race he belonged to.

Jacob came down wearing an outfit that resembled that of Caspian except in a smaller size. It also had a golden crest on the right corner of the shirt. This formed a frown on Caspian's face as an emblem that had taken him years to achieve was already possessed by Jacob at the tender age of one.

Jacob carefully walked over to Caspian with wobbly steps as even though he had a faster-maturing cycle than other humans in the kingdom, he was still only a year old, at which age, human babies would still be trying to stand up. His steps were still unsteady but he managed to make it down the staircase towards Caspian.

Seeing as they were both ready, they set off to the marketplace to get the mastrix stones needed for the mansion's protection.

Going outside, Caspian summoned his spirit beast that would aid their transportation. Upon reaching the Usher arc, one would bond a spiritual beast which would be directly linked to the nonphysical aspects of the human body, the spirit, and soul. These beasts only lived in the spiritual realm and if one wanted to bond with one, one would need to go to the spiritual realm to hunt for one after which, he or she would spend time with it to gain its trust and after which, bond with it in which he would receive a 30% boost in divinity if one's spirit animal was a celestial creature and if the beast was a demonic beast i.e in the chaos Sector, one would receive only a 15% boost in divinity but a 15% boost in manipulation which was very useful especially to people opting for a post in the military.

Caspian had bonded with a celestial beast and was yet to bond with another as the number of beasts one could bond with would increase with the increase in arcs. He had bonded with a Sparked horse that could teleport longer distances depending on its rank. Beasts, unlike humans, were divided in ranks according to power level.

From levels 1 to 3, beasts were classified as Principalities, from levels 4 to 6 were called Dominations, from 7 to 9, Thrones, and from levels 10 to 12, Virtues.

Caspian's beast was a level 8 Thrones Sparks horse that had crackling energy around it which would enable it to warp space to teleport. It was quite high in level so once Caspian and Jacob got it, they were directly teleported to Market Place which was a fair distance from the Brown Mansion. Caspian did not want to waste time so he immediately asked his beast to enter the spiritual realm before he proceeded to a stall a few meters away.

During the walk to the stall, many people kept staring at the duo. Many stared at them with eyes full of shock. A certain man which flamboyant green hair walked towards them with eyes full of surprise.

"Not that I would want to trouble the Doctor but what age is the young lad?" he asked with eyes full of puzzlement and fear as he saw the goldcrest on their attire.

"Aah," Caspian exclaimed quietly under his breath as he realized the cause of all the attention.

"One year old" he answered while he steadily walked away leaving the awestruck man along with the crowd behind.

"Is this a joke? How can a one-year-old boy be able to walk?" he said his mouth still gaped.

At last, Caspian and Jacob finally arrived at the stall which looked extremely large at a closer distance. The marketplace was very large with stalls around every corner selling portions and scripts filled with charms, magic-infused weapons and so much more but among all that, this stall stood tall showing that it must be of a higher order than all the other stalls in this place.

Upon entering, a man with quite a protruding belly greeted them with a happy face upon laying eyes on the golden crest embedded in their clothes. This was an obvious sign that they had money and backing which made his eyes glow up in greed. Not wanting to waste any time, Caspian went right to the point.

"We would like a thousand mastrix stones" he stated bluntly. This statement made the stall owner smile greedily before he answered his inquiry.

"They are located~" before he could finish, Jacob interrupted.

"They are located in the third corridor on the top of the twelfth shelf," Jacob said with his childish voice.

Both the doctor and the stall owner stared dumbstruck at the emotionless Jacob. Not that only was he surprised that the boy could walk but also talk but most of all, he could sense crystallized magic.

"How?!!" he muttered.

Seeing the situation, Caspian wanted to prevent any suspicions from the owner so he quickly ordered the stones, paid, and got out of the stall.

He too was so surprised that Jacob was already able to sense crystallized magic at this age as it was only common at the age of around 5 to 7 years but he would do further research later.


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A little bit of an info dump but it was necessary

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