
Soul Eater: Realm of Divinity and Chaos

Sitting by the fiery pot, Abaeze’s eyes gazed at the seemingly ever blazing flames, he had seen it flare up many times when they got a few visitors in need of escape from reality not knowing the situations they were getting themselves into. He sat in a shrine that looked to be older than a century but provided his childhood memories of playing with curses and magical fortunes that he had always been told by his guardian. He believed all of them for he did not know how the outside world was like and only knew what he was told by his adoptive mother although thinking about it now, his worries were like the flames, ever burning and knowing his final place with hell wouldn’t help either for he knew being introduced to a practitioner of witchcraft would only have one final destination but he did not want that fate, he wouldn’t settle for it and messing with objects and things he did not know got him reincarnated in another realm but with terrible consequences. Different country, different Realm, different life necessities.

revolt_loss · Fantasie
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7 Chs

One year: The Market Place (Part one)

"No useful knowledge" he frowned living in the library for the umpteenth time. It had been well over a year since Alva's death and Caspian had been going to the library at any time he could get a chance.

Although to his dismay, no further knowledge could be gotten from it. He had tried traveling around the Castrey

city but people either didn't know or asked too many questions for his liking.

Of course, not many people asked many questions for the doctor's place in society was a high one. At the Bishop arc, and that was at the peak of the society, not even one would dare go against him except those on a higher arc which was very unlikely. Currently, Caspian was at the cell fusion stage which could be considered being in the middle of the Bishop arc.

The majority of the population were at the most peak stage of the Usher arc so none would dare go beyond their wits and challenge one whom they know could beat them within a minute due to the large difference between arcs even though it was between a shallow stage and middle stage of a certain arc.

Heading down the stairs, soft grunts could be heard behind him, turning around, he caught a falling Jacob who lightly smiled at him.

The young lad was now a year old and with his age, came a hunger every single month that would turn the child mad. This was his inconsistent hunger for souls.

Luckily, Caspian had thought beforehand and bought tones of soul stones, although Jacob had never actually tasted an actual soul, this was enough to feed and satiate his hunger. He, however had not yet shown signs of any soul eater all apart from the glowing eyes which troubled Caspian.

Since birth, he had been peaceful and up to this day, that was the way it was. He never really bothered or asked for help from anyone and always insisted on doing things himself, quite awkward for a one-year-old child but Caspian didn't mind, he was never trained in the art of raising children and having one that didn't need special attention was a blessing for him.

The two headed down the stairs to have breakfast. Jacob let go of the doctor's hand and went to a nearby seat at the table. The chair was considerably taller than he but Jacob put all his effort into climbing the chair until he reached the top with a few grunts, Caspian couldn't help but smile at this act.

After having breakfast, a maid came hurriedly toward the doctor with a worried expression. "Sir, we have run low on mastrix stones and one of the areas on the east of the mansion has been subjected to a curse, two Messenger ranked maids have taken care of it but I think we should get extra stones just in case other curses come our way which is very likely" she briefly spoke as if reading from a sheet of paper.

The doctor kept quiet for some time and then smiled towards the maid, "very well, I shall head out with Jacob later in the afternoon and get more mastrix stones" he spoke towards the maid.

She left unwillingly as she still wanted to take a good look at Jacob. The boy did not go out much and as a matter of fact, this had to be the second time she had seen the boy ever since his birth. His red hair looked captivating and held her in place while gazing at it. Suddenly, Jacob turned around and looked at the maid in the eyes, those eyes, they looked at her and went deep within her soul as if they could swallow her whole.

"May I help you with something?" he asked with his still developing childish voice. It brought her out her thoughts and immediately replied.

"No master Jacob," she said before taking her to leave immediately, the experience left her shaken.

Caspian looked at Jacob as Jacob stared back at him with an unwavering gaze and an emotionless face. Jacob slowly gave a smile that had more of a consolidation feeling to it towards Caspian.

"Strange lad," he thought before reciprocating the smile and standing up slowly.

"Be ready for our journey through the city by 1:00 pm, Understood boy?" he asked looking at Jacob who simply nodded without even sparing him a glance when he stood up and went directly to his room.

Caspian didn't care for what he went to do you there and started walking over to the east section of the mansion to see the damage that had been left by the curse.

Walking through several hallways and bypassing doors he didn't know existed, he reached the last section of the wing where he found maids cleaning up some dust and debris which came from a now non-existent wall. This could be very dangerous as they were on the third floor.

"What were the exact occurrences that took place here?" he questioned one of the maids.

The maid was at the Messenger arc meaning she could sense any kind of magic around her so she wasn't startled by the appearance of the doctor.

"A curse managed to make it through our defenses due to lack of matsrix stones. It made a fair amount of damage and on top of that it was an expansion spell, so had there been no interruption from the two of us, it would have made far worse damage than this" she concluded giving a slight bow.

Hearing the report, Caspian nodded and mumbled a few words, a white light appeared in his hands as it spread out all over the room, the maids were not surprised as everyone has a specific colour to their kind of magic and sometimes, although not commonly, it would also reference to one's kind of affinity, the colours would be darker or lighter depending on the amount of Divinity and Chaos in one's soul and judging by the light colour of white, Caspian had more divinity in his soul.

The light spread and started regenerating the wall although after this act, the doctor was drained but due to his Bishop arc, he was able to refill in a matter of seconds. He then mumbled other words and at that, he re-inforced the protection around the house although, the place was quite large and by the time he thought he had finished, he had only covered half of the mansion.

He sat down again and started mumbling the spell over and over again until, after three hours, he was finished and the maids had long finished cleaning up. They had decided to stay as they had been put in a tough situation in whether to leave or stay but decided the latter as they believed it would be rude to leave without informing the doctor.

He stood up and immediately left without uttering a single word as it was already time to head to the city with Jacob.

Jacob had already been prepared and was currently sitting in the living room dressed in T-shirt and jeans. One would find it absurdly weird that a one year old child could dress himself but Jacob found that he had a sense of maturity, although he did not know where it came from, he just didn't want anyone's help with things that he could do by himself.


please consider leaving a power stone or just add the book to your library if the first option isn't for you.

please consider leaving a power stone or just add the book to your library if the first option isn't for you.

revolt_losscreators' thoughts