
Soul Eater: Realm of Divinity and Chaos

Sitting by the fiery pot, Abaeze’s eyes gazed at the seemingly ever blazing flames, he had seen it flare up many times when they got a few visitors in need of escape from reality not knowing the situations they were getting themselves into. He sat in a shrine that looked to be older than a century but provided his childhood memories of playing with curses and magical fortunes that he had always been told by his guardian. He believed all of them for he did not know how the outside world was like and only knew what he was told by his adoptive mother although thinking about it now, his worries were like the flames, ever burning and knowing his final place with hell wouldn’t help either for he knew being introduced to a practitioner of witchcraft would only have one final destination but he did not want that fate, he wouldn’t settle for it and messing with objects and things he did not know got him reincarnated in another realm but with terrible consequences. Different country, different Realm, different life necessities.

revolt_loss · Fantasie
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7 Chs

A chance to fall

Adamma was shaken to the core by her loss, they were very valuable and the man lying on the floor had paid a hefty price for them. She didn't care for Abaeze's death as he was useless in her eyes. well just until an idea flushed before in her mind. There was a spell that might help her although would only work for a day, was able to fulfill her purpose. The man before her was unconscious, not dead, he had already paid for those stones and wouldn't be too happy that he couldn't have them, so, why not take away his spirit as well, although it would need a vessel and that would be where Abaeze's dead body came in play, sucking back the soul from the underworld would be painful...for him, not her. She grinned as she found a new way to solve her problems.

She cast a spell in a foreign language as orange light appeared in both her hands that spread out to the two bodies on the ground. They floated over to a circle that had been drawn around the firepot. She sat down in between the two bodies and started saying words in tongues as the firepot flared up. Her words increasingly became louder and so, the flames grew more. The heat had got so intense that her thin garment had attached to her skin due to the heat coming off the flames, grey particles could be seen escaping from the man's body and descending into Abaeze causing the man to instantly die while Abaeze's body convulsed violently as bids of sweat started forming on his skin.

His soul was being violently sucked from the underworld causing him immense pain, after what seemed to be ten minutes, his eyes shot open with fright dancing in them. He sat up immediately and started mumbling something that Adamma couldn't comprehend. She clicked her tongue in annoyance seeing a mumbling fool in front of her.

"Spit it," She said genuinely exhausted.

"I saw it" he muttered still in distress. "I-I saw it" he repeated. "Y-You better stop, you got me there, you will get there too," he said looking straight into her eyes. He had been taken to the place he dreaded most, hell, it was real and it was terrifying, it made him shudder to the core, he didn't want to be there. Unbeknownst to him, his body started turning a crimson red with a red light around it.

"I know where I'm going, it's just that you should not be alive, you cause too much of a threat," Adamma said whilst chuckling after which she started mumbling some foreign words. Abaeze's face froze as he heard the spell. He had seen it in some of her notebooks kept away in her bedroom, it was an instant death spell but needed a lot of concentration.

"Does she really want to kill me, after all, she adopted me," he thought genuinely puzzled but he shook himself out of his thoughts as he remembered the consequences of death for him. Hell. He didn't want to go back, although he had been dead for merely two minutes, he had witnessed so much and one could call him an expert in that field.

He nervously started searching around for any potion that might be of help, he knocked a few over resulting in broken glass but he didn't care, at this point, he cared about his own life rather than injuries. Some bottles fell on his head and broke taking out the liquid which rested on his short black hair but under all the stress, he finally found it but unfortunately, Adamma was one step away from finishing her spell.

He threw the bottle towards her which had a liquid that would burn her alive and at the same moment, she finished her spell which was a white ball that went straight for his chest.

The two objects crossed each other before going to their respective targets, two cries of anguish could be heard from both sides. Abaeze felt like he was burning from the inside out and the ball was diminishing his spirit slowly making its way to the heart while flames consumed Adamma whole burning her perfect skin, hair, and everything that existed on her body. Abaeze's body glowed a bright red while the potions that sat on his head started reacting forming tiny explosions making him scream out more as some of the liquids slowly made their way into his body. He wished so many times for death but he wouldn't get that satisfaction as the liquid started reacting with the stones in his body which caused tiny explosions. He screamed once more before death knocked on the door and he gladly accepted as Adamma's ashes lay on the ground.

Abaeze now found himself in a dark room which was better than his original place in hell. He was sitting on a single chair when he had some footsteps.

"Show yourself," he said in a cold tone, if in hell he belonged, he wouldn't fight it this time rather, he accepted it as he had no other voice.

"You know, I've taken a liking to you" the voice muttered loud enough for Abaeze to hear. Suddenly, a white light evaded the box-like room where the darkness once lay. Looking clearly, Abaeze could see a handsome man dressed in all white with pitch-black hair but the lightest of skin. He approached Abaeze slowly.

"I could grant you a second chance you know" he looked at the man before his eyes trying to take in what was happening when he heard the offer. His eyes gleamed in excitement which soon faded as he knew this wasn't a free world.

"And what might you want in return?" he said looking at the man straight in the eye.

"Something simple"

Let's say, I will need you soon"

"And all I need is for you to sign this," He said as a contract appeared out of nowhere. Rather than signing it directly, he got the contract and read it thoroughly as he did not like any sly tricks in the future. After reading it, he found the contact quite foggy so he looked at the man and asked straightforwardly.

"What do you really want?"

"Damn I hate smart ones" the man mumbled under his breath.

"Nothing too hard, just a signature, or would you want Hades to take you along with your mother, "he said smirking but the boy before him remained unmoved and only nodded at the contract which he signed after reading through the second time.

"See you soon" the man muttered before he disappeared and everything went black.


"She is having a hard time, she might die" a maid informed the man standing in the doorway. He was quite handsome with brown hair and brown eyes standing at no more than six feet. He looked at the nurse and with haste went through the front door and started racing up the stairs. The mansion was very big but since he was the family doctor, he had got well versed with the five-story palace. His mind started racing with questions as he hurriedly rushed up the second set where he found the nursery.

Inside she saw a black-haired woman lying on her bed holding on to her last string of life as her green eyes shone with happiness. The man folded his fists as he realized that he had not been there in time and now the woman was dying. He ran over to her side and in her arms lay a baby boy with the lightest skin. He looked fragile and only rested in his mother's embrace while a smile lay on her face.

He performed a few spells on the mother, he found out that Alva had high blood pressure and had got cardiac arrest during the uterus contractions and even though he had been there, he couldn't have been able to save her. He looked at her in puzzlement as to why she had told no one. Alva raised her body and mumbled a few words when a glowing light raised from her body and entered her son's body turning his ginger hair red and his green eyes, red. She kissed her baby and handed him over to the doctor.

"Take care of my Jacob," she mumbled with tears escaping her eyes. She closed her eyes as her spirit entered eternal rest.

Thanks for making it to the second chapter :)

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