
Soul Cultivation: Heaven's Drug Dealer

What if, with just a whiff, you can achieve any wish? In all the lands, to all cultivators, the heavenly drug is known to all. With only one take, your greatest desire shall be achieved. In a world filled with powerful beasts and cultivators, each person possesses a Martial Soul. The Martial Soul is the determination of one's talent and destiny. In the lower regions of the world, a young boy's dream was ruined. When his Martial Soul was awakened, why was he born with the most useless Martial Souls? Possibly one of the worst he had ever heard of... His innate spirit was a white powdery substance... What could he possibly do with specks of dust? Choke them to death? Blind them for a second? Even weed spirits were better than his... Yet Chen Hai later found out just how much potential his never before seen Martial Soul contained... A heaven defying talent, ones that even the gods would grow jealous of... _____________________________________________ A/N: Inspired from Douluo Dalu (Soul Land) series. Martial Souls, Spirit Souls, and never wrote Eastern Fantasy crap; whats there not to love about that?

Eslyna · Ost
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17 Chs

Spirit Gatherer

After dinner, Chen Hai went outside to begin cultivating. He had cultivated persistently for six years straight, however the effects were miniscule.

Still, Chen Hai had never quit this borish meditation, he always found time to spare in his day for this. Even minute amounts were better than nothing, gathered pebbles will eventually become a boulder, and stacked boulders will form a mountain.

He only had to stick to it, and hope will eventually shine. In truth, he was not all too sure about what his Martial Soul was yet. Martial Souls were generally the determination of talent, and put into another context, how fast one will be able to cultivate.

For example people with the Martial Soul of a twig will almost find it impossible to cultivate. While something with an essence of life or power, especially the combination of both like dragons, will find cultivating to be like taking a sip from an infinitely raging river which supplied them.

His Martial Soul was comparable to that twig, or perhaps even worse as it was merely powder. If fist came to fist, than the twig can easily splinter the smithereens out of his poor white tiny dust flakes.

This meant that his cultivation speed was like the turtle climbing the peak, but in his belief, even if he will never beat the birds born to fly, once enough time passes, the birds and the rabbits will be left behind. Even if rabbits were like bullets, they needed high stamina to supply them, and with privilege came laziness in turn. In the end, eventually the turtle will crawl past the two, with its steady pace and perseverance.

Only with persistence comes rewards, even if one was talented, it can all go to a waste if one does not determinedly push. He knew the best, as he had learned the hard way. Even if he was merely a baby for the first six years of his life, he was still at the peak of the world, but he never did anything with it! If he played his cards right, perhaps he could already have the works of an occupation such as a weaponsmith in his books, but regrets were regrets, and they were not changeable.

So now, his cultivation speed was similar to the turtle that the adults told as fairy tales to the kids. The Soul Power he slowly took in was similar to merging specks of sand that had washed on his shore. They were pebbles, but with enough time pebbles will become rocks, and rocks will become-


Chen Hai paused his cultivation. He knew the truth of his circumstances. He had enough of this crap!


Chen Hai's back fell down onto the ground, making his eyes peer into the night sky. Stars intertwined together, forming beautiful pictures of art, glowing in the dark, like a ray or beacon of hope, stranded from one another, waiting to be put together.

"Fuuuu...-", sighing out a cold breadth, Chen Hai began to review his situation in his mind. It was the middle of March, he had exactly three months till the graduation of primary school. His Martial Soul was trash, his talent was trash, and he was perhaps the only child of his age in the whole world that still did not bond with a single Spirit Soul.

His Martial Soul was too special, it was impossible to find a Spirit Soul by himself, leaving the only option to be shopping, but Spirit Souls were expensive, at least way too expensive for him. Not to mention one of the ones he will need, rarer Spirit Souls will be higher price, usually in exponential or multiplied versions of the average prices.

So the only way to gain his Spirit Soul was to be enrolled into a first rate secondary school. However, this was easier said than done. He had to make his cultivation reach the next rank, but he was already so slow at cultivating! It took him six years to reach the pathetic level three of only the first rank in cultivation!

The first rank of cultivation was called Spirit Gathering, it was the action of gathering the spirit, preparing it for the condensation which was the next stage; Spirit Condensation! Right now he was only a level three Spirit Gatherer. Leveling up each level needed an exponential rise of Soul Power, and he was doing all this without a Spirit Soul to help him! And now he needed to gain seven more levels, all without the help of a Spirit Soul, nor the help of any medical ingredients to boost his speed of cultivation!

Even on the off chance that he can complete that miracle and become a Spirit Condensator, this was only for the qualifications! He still needed to pass the judges judgement, and be accepted into the school! Plus it didn't help that they were called top- tier- secondary- schools- at all!! They were the best in the nation, so naturally there will be loads of people trying to enroll.

Ohh! Ohh! And this was even the fricken worst part! He- had- too- freaking- qualify- for- a- mother- fluffing- scholarship!! "AGHHHHHH!!!!!", Chen Hai yelled with every ounce of breadth he had, the pressure was literally over mounting, too staggering, like giants pressing down on him!! He needed a breather!! Anything that can help save his mind for just for a second!!

"Chen Hai!! Shut up!!"

Hearing a kid from inside the children's home yell, Chen Hai's emotions dulled down and he quickly became embarrassed. Coughing to himself, he got back on track with a more steady mind.

If he did the same thing he has been doing for the past six years, there was no way in hell that he was going to be able to qualify for everything, pass everything required, and be able to complete this god monstrosity. This was called a miracle for a reason, because they didn't grow like the chip of the mill package, it was a miracle because they only happened in fairy tales!

And what he needed was a fairy tale! What he needed was a fantasy! What he needed was the ability to make the impossibility a possibility! And the only answer that fit all these requirements were! Were! We-Were!


Were... Hi-His muma fliffin dust... It was the cause of all his torture, but also his solution... Ever since Ms. Biyu announced to him that a Soul Spirit would be awarded to those who can be accepted in a good secondary school, things from past events started to stick together in his head. The shredded strands of paper were glued together, becoming pasted platters, showcasing the possibilities and realities once it was all mached, revealing the truth behind certain events, the parties found responsible.

That was the fact that his white powder can help him cultivate. The fact that his specks of dust can gain him Soul Power. The fact that his weak Martial Soul can actually be the spark to cause his miracle, the chance that is needed to speck a fire alive.

The only thing he needed was for people to eat this essence...

But this was also the hard part, no one will willingly eat a suspicious looking substance that looks like poison... Even if he was a little boy still, there were somethings that even cute faces can't defend or distract...

Scrunching the soft grass blades in his hands, he decided that he will try again tomorrow, with a different approach. The next day was Sunday, so there will be no school when the day arises, leaving him the whole day to himself.

He needed to find a way for people to eat his powder, but more importantly believe in its godly effects... He started to theorize that his sprinkles only work when the consumer believes in his words for the affects that will be applied. His only experiences so far has been with accidental events, so he can't be all to sure, but it was the idea that can form in his head.

If the eater trusts what he says, they will experience what he says, and at the same time it brings him Soul Power, stealing from the source of the heavens, focusing the energy onto him, bringing him cultivation.

This was the only reason why he can think for when people did not experience the sensations, and he did not gain his cultivation. It was because the affect didn't activate, causing no effects in the consumer's point of view. This was probably the reason why Ms. Biyu didn't encounter that situation of what he was telling, because she had never chose to believe him in the first place.

Chen Hai already tried a few ideas this week, but tomorrow he will have the whole day, and he will have plenty of time to test, to find out the best solution. Also thanks to the trials and errors he had already committed, he can now cross out a few options in his list.

For tomorrow... Well he had thought up of a very good solution... Now he had to just wait for the fateful day, and see if he shall succeed... To see if people will believe in his spews, making him be able to cultivate...

...and his solution was to steal from others, and use those spirit stones to be prodigal. As long he is prodigal, the MC's aura will save him. Each prodigal MC has heaven's jealously blinded luck on his side, no questions asked...

If only he could find Powerstones… Then he will never need to steal from others again...

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