
Soul Crown

"Born into this world with a bare soul, he embraced the bloodline of the werewolf, crowning it with glory."

Kevin_Cianci · Fantasie
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100 Chs

Swearing Allegiance

Most of the exotics stayed at House 17 for the night. During this time, Adam had further interactions with Regina and Will.

Unlike their first encounter, Regina was now far more timid around Adam. She dared not approach him, feeling a sense of inferiority in his presence.

"Is the charm effect really that strong?" Adam wondered. Regina gazed at him longingly but couldn't bring herself to get close. She occasionally stole glances at him, only to quickly look away when their eyes met, resembling a girl with a crush on a boy.

"What do you think?" Jin remarked. "Extraordinary charm is a rare attribute, often associated with divinity. Even succubi, who rely on their allure, rarely possess it."

"I'm curious about your mother."

"Her attempt to enchant you was overpowered by your immense charm. Banshees are highly sensitive to auras, so her spirit and life force were both overwhelmed by yours. With some effort, you could even make her die for you."

"Why didn't I ever get such luck?" Jin sighed, envious. As someone who relied on wandering the streets at night, he could only dream of such fortune.

Adam thought of Jin's usual demeanor but stayed silent, fearing to dampen his mentor's spirits.

After tasking Regina with gathering information through her clothing stores, Adam met with the last person of the night: Will.

Will reported the benefits gained from the first stage of the Tears of God ritual. Despite conceding some profits to secure the exotics' cooperation, the returns were substantial.

Most exotics, fearing exposure and needing to buy magical potions, were generally impoverished. However, this didn't mean they lacked valuable items.

As Jin had mentioned, exotics in Saint Heaven's Empire were either birthed by harsh natural environments or created by powerful infiltrating exotics.

Such environments were often treacherous for ordinary people but accessible to exotics, housing rare resources.

Will, a swamp man, was born in a toxic swamp, using its rare resources to start his ventures.

Though other exotics weren't as wealthy as Will, they could still produce some rare, unsellable items.

"Rare, but hard to sell," Adam quickly realized.

"Exactly, the church keeps a tight watch," Will sighed. Typically, rare materials were sought by mages, but in Saint Heaven's Empire, mages were heavily monitored by the church.

Frequent sales of rare resources would risk exposing themselves.

Other exotics, created by powerful infiltrating exotics, received varying levels of support from their creators.

For example, Adel had a notebook detailing experiments from a pure vampire.

Other exotics possessed similar items.

This seemed to stem from a shared understanding among exotics: never let the church rest easy. Each infiltration left something behind to aid the exotics they created.

"Like how my father left me," Adam mused. From existing information, Adam deduced that his father had infiltrated Saint Heaven's Empire fourteen years ago, likely on a mission, and met Adam's mother during his stay.

Whether the mission succeeded was unknown, but he didn't survive.

Unaware of Adam's thoughts, Will dutifully handed over most of the gains to Adam, including various resources and the "unique abilities" of the exotics.

"These are mostly incomplete pieces of extraordinary knowledge. They provide some ability enhancements but also limit potential," Adam noted, finding a ritual for spell stabilization among the items.

Having just learned about semi-stabilization from Anthony, Adam quickly analyzed it. This spell stabilization ritual, derived from full spell stabilization, could be used even by those without advanced meditation training.

However, it had severe side effects, limiting not only a mage's potential but also affecting knight training, preventing the integration of will into life force.

Using this stabilization ritual would effectively block most professional paths.

Not everyone, unlike Adam, had a deep understanding of extraordinary knowledge. Many relied on abilities brought by their inherent traits.

"This should clarify things. I haven't seen a pure werewolf in Saint Heaven's Empire for ten years. Finding a promising candidate for training is nearly impossible," Jin said, sounding weary.

Adam ignored Jin and listened to Will, who was excitedly outlining his plans.

"Using the Tears of God ritual to unite all exotics in the southern district, even all of Roya, we could leverage the ritual's concealment and mutual support to amass considerable power."

"Then, we could connect small and medium-sized guilds, oppressed by the nobles. If we offer protection, uniting them under the name of a joint guild, we could become a formidable force in Roya."

"You're overthinking it, Will," Adam's voice was like a cold shower, quelling Will's enthusiasm.

Adam's imposing aura overwhelmed Will, rendering his mind blank. Then he heard Adam's next words.

"You underestimate the church. This is their country. Nobles are powerful because they are deeply entwined with the church."

"Uniting small guilds and offending the nobles while harboring a significant underground force, even if undetected, do you think the church will overlook it?"

"Besides, I'm not here to play at creating a doomed force," Adam's words made Will pale.

"I can even tell you, the so-called validation is false," Adam revealed, further unsettling Will.

"What do you think of Saint Heaven's Empire?" Adam changed the topic.

"It's… okay," Will stammered, confused by Adam's pressure and unable to question why he was deceived.

"Really? The only way for commoners to advance here is through the clergy, and that path is nearly closed."

"Your fervor comes from recognizing that your upward path was blocked. Seeing hope made you so enthusiastic you ignored the flaws."

Adam gently guided, "You're a capable person. Your stage should be in the Loken Kingdom."

"You're from Loken Kingdom?" Will regained clarity, becoming more respectful.

When someone speaks the truth out of the blue, they either want your life or your loyalty.

Will believed it was the latter and chose to pledge his loyalty.

Adam appreciated such insight, so he revealed his identity.

"I'm from the Trindell family of Loken Kingdom. Count Ronny, who sparked the war forty years ago, was my great-uncle," Adam claimed, regardless of its accuracy.

"You really are…" Jin started but fell silent.

"Saint Heaven's Empire isn't a haven for exotics. Loken Kingdom is," Adam extended his hand. "Will you follow me back to Loken Kingdom to build my legacy?"

"It would be my honor," Will knelt on one knee, swearing allegiance to Adam.