
Soul Crown

"Born into this world with a bare soul, he embraced the bloodline of the werewolf, crowning it with glory."

Kevin_Cianci · Fantasie
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100 Chs

Life Transformation

After gaining a new loyal follower, Adam discussed the future development of their organization with Will. Once their plans were settled, Adam left and returned to the Bukor household. Jin left quickly, not engaging in much conversation with Adam.

Tonight, Adam seemed to have no time for rest. He glanced at the box on the table, which contained the materials needed for the Invisible Blade spell.

Although the Invisible Blade wasn't a high-level spell, it required rare natural forces, making its materials scarce.

"The main materials for this spell are the Earth Marrow Stone and the Nightshade Flower," Adam noted, examining the two key components. Generally, casting spells only required some mixed powders, but this box contained a fist-sized Earth Marrow Stone and a complete cluster of Nightshade Flowers.

Holding the Earth Marrow Stone in his hand, Adam immediately felt the gravity around him shift, as if he were underwater, with a force dragging him down.

The next moment, it felt like an invisible weight pressed down on him, requiring several times the usual effort to move.

"A stone that influences gravity?" Adam backed away from the Earth Marrow Stone before his internal organs felt too strange, opting to explore its gravitational effects with his spiritual power instead.

Through this exploration, Adam's spiritual power began to understand the deeper layers of gravitational force, making it possible to harness this power. However, this connection vanished once he let go of the stone.

"It's challenging to perceive natural forces with spiritual power alone; hence the need for spell materials," Adam mused. This explained why semi-stabilization was so crucial, as it allowed for enhanced perception of external natural forces.

"The Nightshade Flower is similar," Adam observed. Unlike the Earth Marrow Stone, the Nightshade Flower glowed faintly at night but showed no other extraordinary properties.

However, mages had discovered that its growth was intricately linked to the sun's movement and the distribution of stars, categorizing it as a rare material.

In spells related to stellar forces, adding Nightshade Flower enhanced their stability and versatility.

Adam used his spiritual power to familiarize himself with these materials' properties, then opened the book containing the Invisible Blade spell model, using the flower's light to read.

The spell model wasn't flat but three-dimensional, with each page depicting various angles and cross-sections. Without spatial imagination, it was hard to grasp the complete structure.

He needed to construct this model with his spiritual power, embedding it into his spiritual operation mode. In his meditation method, this meant building the corresponding structure in his barren Netherworld.

Thanks to Anthony's previous explanations of model construction terminology, Adam understood that it was hard to represent spiritual constructs with mere diagrams.

For instance, some model connections required spiritual power to merge, while others needed it to conflict.

On the diagram, these connections were marked with symbols.

"No wonder mages aren't for everyone," Adam thought as he memorized the model and terminology bit by bit.

This misunderstanding arose from Adam's unique situation with Anthony. Anthony had been a monk before becoming a mage and learned alongside the genius Alva. Their interactions with few other mages led Anthony to believe that most normal mages should be similar to them, learning these "simple" things quickly.

Thus, he wasn't overly surprised when Adam condensed his Netherworld in one night and was ready for semi-stabilization within days, merely thinking Adam had good talent.

Adam shared this belief, thinking most mages learned this way and that the profession was inherently difficult.

However, typical mages spent months to half a year meditating and learning basic knowledge, a step Adam skipped, having guided his spiritual power out effortlessly.

He completed advanced meditation in one session, while others were still learning basics.

Despite some misconceptions, Adam knew he needed to improve his foundational knowledge and decided to focus on that.

He crushed some Earth Marrow Stone into powder, plucked a Nightshade Flower petal, and combined them with other materials for his first attempt at casting Invisible Blade.

Encasing the materials with spiritual power, he distributed them correctly and began constructing the spiritual model.

Adjusting his soul's weight towards the soul aspect, Adam meticulously controlled his spiritual power, successfully forming the spell model.

"Maintaining stability is crucial, or the spell will fail," Adam noted, ensuring the materials were correctly placed and igniting the spell with his spiritual power.

Invisible forces enveloped the spiritual model uniquely.

However, being his first attempt, some parameters were off, resulting in a distorted Invisible Blade, its blade wavy.

With his spiritual power infused, Adam clearly sensed the blade's shape, which was far from perfect, unable to cut anything effectively.

Dismissing the spell, Adam reassessed and tried again with new materials, adjusting the model based on his previous experience.

This time, it went smoother.

The model still had minor issues, but the spell seemed successful.

The Invisible Blade was a slightly curved, single-edged blade about a hand's length. It flew silently, though it disturbed the air slightly, likely due to imperfections in the model.

"If the blade is thin enough, the air disturbance will be minimal, making the blade invisible to perception," Adam thought.

"But the key isn't invisibility." Adam directed the blade towards the small birds sleeping by his pillow.

He sensed that his spiritual power could flow through the blade, making it sharp and capable of cutting the target's spirit or directly altering their life force operation.

"Is it because my meditation method leans towards soul and life?" Adam pondered. His initial idea for choosing this spell seemed feasible.

Using this external force, he could modify animals, enabling them to achieve similar meditation or life pattern states.

After mastering the Netherworld meditation, Adam realized he could guide other beings' life and spiritual forces with his spiritual power.

But without a supporting spell, his spiritual power was too scattered to be effective.

"Modifying life patterns is relatively easier than meditation methods," Adam thought. Animals' spiritual power was generally weaker than humans', though some large animals had stronger life forces.

"I need a lot of experiments." Deciding not to test on the birds, Adam dismissed the spell.

Knights' training methods and life patterns were developed through extensive research. Adapting them for animals required a deep understanding of knight training and numerous animal experiments.

Clearing his mind, Adam entered a meditative state to continue his mage training.