
Soul Bound Heroes Universe: My Boyfriend and My Dog

A wholesome slice of life story about two highschool boys who met because of a dog and become fast friends. Starring Adalin Pompey, a Germone/Dutchness (German/Dutch) transgender boy, who's had trouble with school and making friends due to his father's job as a sailor having to be moved around a lot in a year to two years times and Owen Cheindome, a cowboy and hunter from the state of Hope living among the people of Masacara trying to be as normal as he can be aside for the fact he's far from that. Sadly for the hunter things can't stay normal forever as his secrete gets out and his life begins to change to adjust for his hunter needs. At least Adalin is with him supporting him through the craziness. Seems nothing is going to separate these two boys from another, but perhaps that's because they both don't realize their biggest enemy might be time itself. Find out what becomes of this wholesomely cute fated pairing as they face the unknown future together bravely!

Tealiah_Eddards · Urban
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16 Chs

(13) Decision

Adalin wasn't sure. She desperately want to help her mate. The decision to help him end his heat permanently had never waved from her mind. It was that last bit that gave her pause. Getting pregnant and giving birth.

There was always a risk of such a thing even with protection and Harley was doing his best to make her aware that such risks are higher with Owen being a hunter. Though she wouldn't mind having a family with her mate, but probably not at this moment.

"I think it'll be okay with just condom and birth control." Adalin blushed.

Harley sighed as Ryan scoffed, "Just let them be them doc." He chuckled.

"Alright." Harley wheeled himself over to gather some supplies from the cabinet and wheeled over to Adalin to give her the supplies she'll need, "On the plus side. Because we hunters have a lot of genetics that are shared with dragons we are nearly immune to human diseases and unable to give others diseases. Than again octochain is very good for fighting off diseases in humans and other species anyways. It likes to eat them as if it's white blood cell or other immune cells and even practices in autophagy the devouring of dead cells to help body stay clean and new cells. Very curious little things. I enjoy watching them in action it's so unique." Harley explained

"And you wonder why little Adalin here is like 'Ah hell no' to you being their doctor... Do you even hear yourself? You sound like a quack." Ryan shakes his head.

"Ahem... I guess I do sound a bit unhinged. My apologies. You can't say I don't have passion for what I do." Harley blushed feeling embarrassed.

Adalin takes the lube, condoms, and birth control pills and stuffs them in her coat pockets, "It's fine. I'm sure you're a nice person and an Amazon doctor... It's just not the doctor for me." She bowed and he nodded.

"Doc here's weird anyways. Would you like to hear about how he discovered his dream to be a doc it's a dozy." Ryan asked.

Adalin shakes her head, "Nah I'm good. I'd like to take Owen now to our room." She explains.

"Haha this one definitely got her priorities set." Ryan joked as he gets up feeling a lot better as he stretches, "Allow me to carry him for you. Than I can finally head to my own room." He rubbed his shoulders in pain.

"Ah... thank you." Adalin nodded.

"Well I'll be around the guild if you need me. I think I'll go back to my studies now. Try to learn more about what I can." Harley gets up and pushed his seat underneath the writing desk only to stretch himself.

Ryan walked over and carefully picked up Owen bridal style being very gentle to not disturb him to much as he slept.

"Alright. To the rooms we all go. Good luck with your studies doc." Ryan leads the way out of the study as Adalin followed him shyly.

"Can I ask something?" Adalin asked as they pasted the kitchen where Gilbert was getting attacked by flour, because his mate and twin human pack members were throwing it at him and Dyrver.

"Sure." Ryan stopped to look at Dyrver laughing as he was being pelted with flour.

Adalin looks at the chaos in the kitchen in horror, "Come on. Not our business. They'll clean it up themselves. Because I sure ain't doing it." Ryan shrugged and continued to the rooms as Adalin followed him.

"So... uh... that was your alpha Dyrver and Gilbert?" Adalin chased after him and asked.

"Gilbert is my alpha now. I have acknowledged him over Dyrver, but anyways continue." Ryan replied nonchalantly.

"Are they a thing? Cuz they cute." Adalin tells him.

"Nah. The most that will happen between them is a strong father and son bond. Gilbert's mate is that little bleach blonde haired boy dressed in blue sailor clothes. His name is Vivi." Ryan explained.

"Oh I see... how can you tell?" Adalin asked.

"They've claimed each other. So the little octochains are helping both of them put out a new smell for us hunters to pick up on that let us know not to try stealing either of them." Ryan explained, "It works for the most part, but there's a few hunters, who will get confused and think they belong to a claimed mate or claimed hunter," Ryan just shrugged.

"Is it mostly uh..." Adalin wasn't sure how to ask the next thing.

"There's actually a good reason for the majority of hunters usually ending up in same sex couples with a few exceptions. It's all about survival rates and reproduction from what doctor has explained to us," Ryan sighed as he paused, "So... women are the ones who carry children. Correct? Men only need to contribute very little to reproduction. Society likes to try and keep women from doing dangerous things and..." Ryan sighed not sure how to explain that without being sexist.

"Make them give birth to the new generation for the sake of continuing the human species?" Adalin asked.

"Yes... but you know... some countries have come a long way with how they treat women and what rights they have... so you know even if it's the unspoken species rule... that's kinda just how things are." Ryan sighed.

"Except if you add the genderbenders." Adalin frowned.

"This is true. Dragons really gave our species a weird, but interesting ability. Did you know they can technically genderbend any species. A lot of transgenders and intersex people came to the dragon's first before anyone else with their problems and the dragons were always so happy to help them." Ryan laughed.

"So how did that change things?" Adalin asked.

"Well.... The Holy Church was like no. And everyone's scared of them... so let's not well... Ruskia would kill transgenders. You can be gay they don't care, but you aren't allowed to be transgender. Germone didn't care. Dutchness.... Used to burn them to a stake.... Now they just like you can be transgender, but it starts any problems expect to be forced into church for disciplinary action. Where they lecture to you for hours on end that your some mentally sick person and that god made man and women not everything between. Than shamed you for trying to be transgender and just a whole lot of just yikes." Ryan sighed.

"I actually didn't know about that." Adalin suddenly felt really scared.

"I mean. No one wants to talk about it. They rather pretend it's not happening and ignore the problem. But as hunters we kinda have to know everything and anything." Ryan explained.

"What about Alexzandra being transgender here?" Adalin asked worriedly.

"It's definitely a lot more tolerant than others. Vixen doesn't care, Brooklyn might have few mafias that kick you out of their gangs or are mean to you about it, but otherwise don't bother you too much. They don't go out of their way to hound you down and be a dick to you. So there's that. Oh but don't ever. I'll will warn you now. You met a Ruskian you tell him. I'm transgender and that you're biological a female. Because they think that if you don't tell them that and flirt with you only to find you're not what you are. They have the right to beat you black and blue for tricking them. If you tell them the moment they talk to you they will respect you and probably leave you alone. Now to their credit they are getting better, because more and more of their family members are having to deal with that. So some of them will be very understanding and make sure that you don't piss off their more bigot friends for just being yourself." Ryan explained.

"Ruskia are a bit of a strange harsh and cold grouping, but I don't like how everyone is so scared of them." Adalin sighed.

"Ruskian are very interested and come in a weird variety as all people do. They are very polite in a very respectful and aggressive way in their homeland to each other and out of country unless they aristocratic they are like dogs. All bark no bite. They like seeing people scared of them. They like using their countries reputation as a warmongering country against everyone. I think they get off on it and find it hilarious. Others just want drunk and not be bothered. Some want to just let go of all they know and be a crazy loose cannon really pushing the right freedom they have in Alexzandra to it's limits. Honestly I don't blame them with how their government had ruled over them. Others so used to fighting and being in fights they in the mafia, because it's all they know. Not cuz they agree with anything their godfather says, but only cause they can still beat shit out of random people for no reason. A lot of them go to Brooklyn. Those that don't get into crime become street rats. Where they live on the streets, they do parkour tricks, they back dance with strangers in the street, they graffiti everything, skateboard, epic biking and illegal racing, just you name it they do it." Ryan sighed.

"Geez." Adalin was in awe.

"But you know everyone has bad folk or strange folk. Even Germone. They have pirates still that pretend they sailors will actively steal shit from other countries and have been known to steal people as well than sail off and live on the ocean for years without coming back to land. They have ex military soliders, who used to be in units with the Ruskian army that picked up their worst traits and will beat people and be very intolerant and demand absolute respect at all times. It's not just Ruskian. It's everyone. Everywhere. No one thinks about it. They just see the people, who media tends to cover more often. What to know why media tries covering Ruskia more? It's a power move. It's to embarrass the Ruskian country. Which in turn makes government really pissed off and they lash out on their people for allowing such a blunder to humiliate their country and to force generations of parents to treat their children's in a way that forces that child to conform to ideals don't work that are meant to preserve the counties face and status amount the world. Ruskia has even gone so far to outright disown any and all Ruskian, who have bothered to live in another country. Forcing their families to social outcast them just to make the government look better." Ryan sighed as he opened a door and heads inside only to lay Owen on the bed.

"Mother of the seven seas that's horrible and terrifying." Adalin gasped following him inside.

"No where is perfect. You're greatest weapon will be to stay informed about the world around you and how it's changes will effect you and your future family. But also remember the media lies. They just want views at the expense of lying and out right ripping other's work off and claiming it's there. There will never be a time... where you have all the answers. Or even know the full truth of anything. So if you want to live your best life. Follow your heart. Stay educated and make the best decisions you can possibly make with the crazy misinformation and information of media and the web. Always ask others for opinions and advice. Respect others and understand why they are the way they are by understanding their environment and lives. And choosing how you want to deal with them and if they are necessary to interact with for your life." Ryan sighed.

Adalin smiled softly, "You seem so wise." She tells him.

"Me and this guild grew up through some harsh times to get where we are now. But I tell you what. The most important thing I learned. Is not be sorry for being myself. As hunter people make you feel like shit for what you are. They make you feel like a freak. Like your different. That are a savage. A monster. That you don't have feelings. That your trash because that's how they see us. Like wild savage animals that can't be reasoned with. And that's not true! Far from it. And I always felt... like I had to do better... to be better. To please them. To feel like I was them! But I'm not. And Owen's not either. Personally... I'm glad he found you. I want him... to learn that it's okay to be himself. To feel proud to be himself. And I want the same for you Mister Adalin. It's never easy. And you'll always met people, who will oppose you and reject you. In the end they matter. What matters is... It's your life not theirs. Live it with no regrets." Ryan smiled softly.

Adalin held back tears and shyly hugged Ryan as he just patted her on the back, "You know know how badly I needed to hear that." She explains.

"Well than I'm glad I got the chance to tell you that." Ryan stepped away, "I do think you need to talk with doc sometime. As crazy as he is. And trust me he's crazy. He's very understanding about things and very open. He's not going to look at you like others do. Like weirded out, like your crazy, like your stupid, like being transgender isn't possible. He will sit you down and talk with you about what you can do to feel more like yourself. From medical advice you can take to make your body feel and look like the way you need it to be to... Just actives and stuff you can try to make yourself feel better." Ryan explained softly.

"Okay. I'll talk to him." Adalin nodded shyly, "Uh... so are you?" Adalin wasn't sure it was weird to ask.

"Transgender no. For me... It was mostly me rejecting my hunter self. Like... I had it a lot worse than your mate over there." Ryan sat down on the couch and put his hands in his lap.

"What happened?" Adalin was curious now.

"Uh... Ah... It began... when I was about six years old. I discovered I was a hunter... My parents weren't hunters. They were just normal humans. There wasn't any hunters that we were aware of in the family line... so I was the first... " Ryan took deep breaths as Adalin sat on the end took by the bed to listen to him.

"I found out... the hard way as most hunters tend to do... it was the Fourth of July. I was at an outing with my family and the extended family. The kids were given sparklers and it was fun. I loved the sparkler. It was pretty and calling to me. As I had no idea that being a firebird you tend to uh... feel drawn to anything fire related." Ryan sighed.

"What did you do?" Adalin asked holding her hands to her chest.

"I grabbed the end of the sparkler to everyone's horror and than snapped it off and held it in my hand smiling as it kept burning. It didn't burn me and I was just keeping it's fire alive and sparks flying through instincts of magical use I never knew I had. The look on the kids faces. I will never forget it. It was white with eyes of horror and shock. One of my cousin slapped it out of my hand and yelled at me! Telling I'm crazy that I was going to hurt myself and I just felt so confused... I didn't understand why they said that. The adults came over as the kids explained what they saw and they didn't find any burn marks on me, but they knew there was something wrong. Too many kids swearing up and down they saw me grab it." Ryan sighed again.

"The adults decided not to do anything and told the kids to come get them first next time if it happened again. The kids were really confused and concerned. They didn't know why I wasn't burnt. But afterwards... I started get this nasty feeling. That scared me... Asking me. Am I a mystic or something else? Could I be different from them? And I didn't want to be. I refused and rejected that idea." Ryan sighed again.

"So when did you realize you had to accept it?" Adalin asked.

"It wasn't for awhile. I was starting to develop more and more hunter traits as I grew older. I could hear things blocks away and my friends looked at me like I was liar and crazy. I would purposely hurt my ears with headphones and just noises in general wanting to listen to things at the same volume as everyone else... I would start to not mention the things I noticed as it made people very uneasy and they weren't noticing it, so I'd ignore it. I knew things I didn't want to know. Like I could smell when women went on their periods, or if a guy was horny, or very sweaty while being in three rooms or more rooms away. I got so nauseous all the time from smelling being so strong. I lied and said I have eating problems and that explains why I was constantly throwing up." Ryan sighed.

"I wonder if Owen had that kind of problem..." Adalin frowned.

"I think he was a late bloomer which helped him a lot. If your not born a hunter and you become one at an early age. Your senses are way too extreme for a good few years, before you learn to control them. Usually age ten is when the senses are more controlled." Ryan explained.

"I see." Adalin nodded.

"Than... came my strength. I was extremely good at sports to the point no one wanted to pick me, because I was too good and it made the game unfun. A lot of guys bullied me out of jealousy and we're picking fights with me and the girls were creeped out by my quirks. I would lose games on purpose to please the other students. I would force myself not to react to things that startled me or not bring up anything I heard or smelt. I would try not stare at people, because it's easy for hunters to notice small behaviors and gestures through body language and tone of voice and instinctively know their intentions. I had trouble with food as it all tasted intensely. And I had to force myself to eat normally like they do and not slowly nibble on piece by piece to let my senses settled down and adapt." Ryan sighed.

"It sounds very... miserable." Adalin realized.

"Yeah. It was for a long time. The saving grace was the species teacher. Who realized what I was. They called up the guild to come talk to me and explain what I was. I think at that time I was eighteen and a senior. Yeah about a good three years ago right as Dyrver took over. And when he saw me he just knew exactly what I needed to help me accept who I truly was. He saved me from myself... and I vowed to repay him back by helping out at the guild and teaching other hunters. In my mind... I wanted to save hunters from having to experience what I had to." Ryan nodded softly.

"Oh so you haven't been a hunt master for long!" Adalin blinked in surprise.

"Yeah... but there's not enough firebird hunt masters to reject me. Firebirds though rare actually don't get the proper guides they need. A lot of them want to live normal human lives. Upon researching my kind of hunter with doc's help I learn my kind of hunter is a lot like snake hunters. They tend to get involved in human affairs than immediately die whether it's cause by their human or mystic lovers or getting involved with the hunter mafias or just normal mafias. You know what my life expectancy is based on my kind is? Twenty five. I'd love past that I'll get the title of alpha master and gain the respect and obedience of every hunter in existence." Ryan replied.

"Is that how alpha masters came to be?" Adalin asked.

"Yeah. The oldest are what we call true alpha masters. As the maximum life expectancy for all hunters is forty despite the fact we can live up to two hundred years old. Rider, Ryker and Zmei are all forty five and still going. With Lev being thirty three. Since dragon hunters don't have an agreed upon life expectancy. They figured thirty years was good enough. As most hunters in Ruskia usually die to war efforts, before anything else. They be drafted as soon as sixteen. Lev is the luckier on as he had an older brother, who got drafted saving Lev from the mandatory draft." Ryan gets up and stretched.

"Geez... that's insane." Adalin just could hardly believe it all.

"Yeah. That's also something to consider if you have a kid with anyone honestly. Because even if it's a non hunter you marry. Your kid might end up being a hunter and you'd have to outlive your kid hunter most likely." Ryan sighed, "But if you ask me. The hunter's guild makes it worth it and there's some hunter groups out there that humans will call mafias that aren't really mafia and just homies looking out for each other. That just make being hunter worth it." Ryan smiled.

Adalin smiled and nodded, "I can see that. You all seem to care a lot about each other and other hunters and work with another in your own way." She replied.

"As they say. Pack life for life!" Ryan chuckles, "Anyways I'm catch some zs. Gilbert messes up pretty good in our fight, but it was nice practice." Ryan laughed.

"Heh. Just try not to over do it I guess." Adalin nodded.

"Don't worry. I'm not about to die on you both. After all I gotta help your mate find the person he's meant to be. So I'll let you do your part now. Have fun." Ryan winked and leaves the room closing the door.

Adalin locked the door and sighed in relief. The guild seems like an alright place for Owen. It's definitely opened her eyes to a bunch of things she had not knew about or heard about. She's even found words of comfort from their advice and wisdom. There was no doubt that this guild would help Owen and her with the challenge they would face in the future. So, she didn't feel scared at all facing whatever comes next with her mate.

She heads over to Owen, who opens his eyes slowly to look at her like a sleepy cat and gently pats his head. He purred lightly, but doesn't seem to quite move yet. She decided to leave his side for a second and take some of the birth control pills first as she tried to push away some nervousness she felt.

The more she's talked with the guild members and got to know them and watched Owen, who seems for the most part tolerant of his heat thanks to some pain medication, she's starting to trust the guild more to care for him. She doesn't feel an urgency to save him from his heat that she had initially, when it happened.

She knew what she needed to do to help her sort out her confusion of feelings at the moment. She takes a seat beside Owen and pets his head as he happily purred and watches her.

"I think we should talk." She told him.

"Okay." Owen's speech was a bit slow and slurred, but understandable.

Adalin than began to talk to Owen about what was on her mind and listening for his input.