
Sorry I meant for this to be a fan-fic

The story starts with the second prince being exiled by his father, the king Orion. The second prince is banished for a crime that he didn't do. While being dragged dragged away while lost in a daze, his brother, the first prince, Jae appears looking condescendly at his brother. This marks the beginning of the journey of the lost king. ----------- This is my first time ever writing something so don't hate it to much. give some helpful tips and I'll try to write this story better. If I continue writing I might re write this one. I hope you all have a good day

ShoninRonin · Fantasie
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10 Chs

The banishment

In a big room a boy looks in the mirror.

The boy has black hair with purple strand tips.

The boys eyes are deep purple just like the tips of his hair.

When the boy finished getting himself ready for the day there was a knock

"Your majesty the king wants to see you." A feminine voice says from the door. Before the boy could answer, he hears the maid walk away.

Without being told why his father wanted to see him the boy goes to the throne room and kneels before his father. "goodmorning father, you wished to see me?" the boy asked.

The man sitting on the throne with deep blue eyes that shine wisdom through many experiences adorning a crown on his head. The man stays silent for a couple seconds. Before finally saying "yes I summoned you. I have news to tell you." The man raises his hand, and before the boy could react the guards have grabbed him and pinned his arms behind his back.

"Father what is happening? Have I done something wrong?"

The man stays silent looking at the boy with judgment before finally speaking. "For the crimes you have done you are hereby banished from this kingdom and stripped of your name! guards throw him out."

"Yes lord Orion."

The now nameless boy is lost. what has he done? He did nothing wrong.

While he is being dragged away from the other end of the hallway a figure appears.

It was the first prince Jae. Jae had a slightly above average face with a slim body. He had blonde hair and yellow eyes.

"Finally the pest is gone. Don't you agree Alex?"

Another figure appears. He is wearing a black cloak hiding what he looks like.

"yes the pest is finally gone. there is only one thing left to do before lord Orion announces heir to the throne." Alex says. There was a pause before the prince asked "and what is it?" he asked impatiently.

"We need to make sure the pest dies. once he's out of the capital we can send assasins to make sure he's gone for good." The cloaked person said. The prince looks surprised at first. Then he gains an evil smile.

"He would be a problem if he came back to bite us on our asses. It's better if he dies."

The cloaked figure responds "Glad we could see eye to eye. Now let us find someone willing to kill that pest." The two figures leave.


The now nameless boy is thrown out the castle gates.

"The king has declared the second prince Iranai banished from this kingdom and stripped of his name." The guard bellows.

The boy finally snaps back to reality and notices the crowd of people in front of him. 'They look... angry... displeased... do they believe in my innocence?'

Before the boy could continue thinking those thoughts a rock hit him in the side of his head. Before he could ask why there was a barrage of stones and rotten fruit flying at him alongside with some insults.

The boy ran. Ran as fast as his legs could carry him until it turned dark.

The boy was near the gates to leave the capital. He was tired. Dead tired. The boy didn't have the will to leave in the dark and exhausted. He had to go to sleep in a secluded area outside.

'At least the wall is warm' the boy thought. Before falling asleep. not knowing what the next day had in store for him.


Alright so that's the first chapter. If you have any good tips drop them here. if there was to many mistakes my bad I'll fix them when I have more time. I was writing this when I had free time during school.

If you don't like this then just drop it or leave your negative comments here. I can take some tips from those for when I write more chapters.

anyways have a good day for all those that could manage to read past this garbage.