
Sorry I meant for this to be a fan-fic

The story starts with the second prince being exiled by his father, the king Orion. The second prince is banished for a crime that he didn't do. While being dragged dragged away while lost in a daze, his brother, the first prince, Jae appears looking condescendly at his brother. This marks the beginning of the journey of the lost king. ----------- This is my first time ever writing something so don't hate it to much. give some helpful tips and I'll try to write this story better. If I continue writing I might re write this one. I hope you all have a good day

ShoninRonin · Fantasie
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10 Chs

No title

(5 years later)

Nix has been in the darkness for a long time. With the time passing he could feel his mana grow. Nix also had the time to think about many things while waiting for his transformation to finish.

Nix had thought about his revenge and concluded that he only has to kill his brother. Everybody else was just a pawn wrapped in his web of lies.

In the darkness nix starts to see cracks of light. With time passing nix felt he was ready to leave the darkness so with just a swing of his arm... the darkness was cut away by a scythe.

'It has been a long time. I have no clue of how long I was in there. I need to find out where I am and find the closest village or city.'

And with these thoughts nix stepped out of the cave. Nix was left speechless for what he saw. Nix was out in an open field surrounded by trees that seemed to be as tall as mountains.

Looking around nix couldn't find the cave he came out of. Leaving the thoughts of how nix picks a random direction and starts his journey through the forest.

----------(6 days later)--------------

Nix has been wondering around the forest trying to find any signs of civilization. He has killed some monsters but they were just to weak to be a challenge.

While casually walking with his scythe resting on his shoulder, nix hears a scream.

Nix quickly runs to where the sound came from before arriving at a weird sight.

There was a ... man?... trying to get the ... horse?... to push the carriage. Nix approaches the person and says." Looks like your having a bit of trouble. If you can give me a free ride I'll get that thing moving and protect you from anything while riding there."

The person pauses before looking at nix. Turning around the person fully reveal themself to nix.

It was a man with a long Grey beard with a balding head. But what was strange was they were wearing a dress and spoke with a high pitched voice." Thank you for the offer young adventure I'll gladly take the offer if you can get this stubborn mule to move."

Without a thought nix sits on the carriage and takes the reigns. The person sits beside him. Nix flicks the reigns but the donkey doesn't move.

" This thing has been stubborn its whole life. I'd be surprised if you actually made it move with the first try." The lady? Man? spoke out.

Nix had a thoughtful look on his face before gaining a confident smirk.

" I believe I'll be able to get it to move if I give it a reason to." And with those words nix extends a rope made of shadows before slamming it down hitting the donkey on its ass.

The donkey startled from being hit neighs and takes off running. The thing? beside nix was startled and nearly fell off the carriage before holding onto its? seat.

" I can't believe you actually did it. I should've known to hit that things ass to make it move. Anyways I don't think I've introduced myself. You can call me poll. I am a traveling merchant selling exotic or strange goods." The now identified merchant says.

" My name is nix. I am going to the closest city to be an adventure. Pleasure to meet you my lady? sir?" Nix replies with confusion in his voice.

Poll stays silent before bursting out laughing." hahahaha! been awhile since I had a good laugh like that. Well can't blame ya. To be successful in being a traveling merchant you have to stand out to attract customers." Nix just absentmindly nods his head.

-------( 2 days later)-------

Nix and poll have been talking getting to know more about each other for the past two days. They have been attacked by a couple monsters every now and again. But nix dealt with it easily.

" So boy you excited to finally arrive to the city?" Poll suddenly ask.

" Yea I am. though I don't think I know which city we're going to." Nix replies.

Poll just smiles showing his teeth before saying" We're going to the most beautiful city of all! The capital of the elves Liveria!"

Nix just snaps his head at Poll and says." But I thought that the elves closed it off from the humans."

" Wow, your out of date boy. Because of the upcoming threat of the demons The elves, humans, and dwarves have made a temporary alliance. We are awaiting the news of the beastmens reply still." Poll says.

In just half a hour they are waiting in a line outside the walls of Liveria.

" Where did all these people come from!? We have been traveling down the same road for days and I didn't see anyone!" Nix says astonished.

Poll just laughs at nix and says" Well that's just how it is boy. from how long the line is I'd say we'd get in around 9 hours later."

Nix just grumbles under his breath about how unfair it is and hands over the reigns to poll and goes in the carriage to sleep while waiting to enter Liveria.

------------(12 hours later)--------------

Nix and Poll are finally the next to enter the city after poll gave the merchant papers to the guards.

" Finally old man that took longer than you said."

" It's not my fault some idiots thought they could force there way in. We're lucky that we even got in."

Nix and poll have finally entered the city. Nix looks at the dark night sky looking at the bright stars above." Well old man I guess this is where we part ways. Goodluck on your sales old man."

Poll looks at nix before smiling ear to ear." We might see each other again in the future. Who knows. You might have to guard my carriage again in the future." Poll says before laughing and parting paths with nix.

'Well... it's dark I should find a place to sleep before signing up for the guild.'

And with that nix finds a inn that isn't full and enters. There are people laughing and smiling. The place is loud with a happy attitude.

Nix approaches the counter and ask for a room.

" The room will be five gold coins including breakfast for the morning." The person at the counter says. Nix hands over the money and heads up to his room. Nix gets comfortable in his bed before thinking about what has happened to him and what he will do in the future.

And with these thoughts nix goes to sleep excited for what the next day will have for him.


Hello my favorite readers when authors say that writing takes a long time


just writing one chapter with less than 1000 words can take hoooouuuuurs


I do enjoy writing. it's really fun actually. especially when I'm just doing nothing and don't feel like playing video games with the bois

hope yall are having a wonderful day and leave your writing tips here