
Sorcerer Nightfall

A nocturnal taxi driver witnessed a supernatural murder but unforeseen circumstances are delaying his death. Sorcerers that cross over to this side carry a certain charm and add mystery to everyday life. Good or evil, it rarely matters as every time some unforeseen events erase their existence to preserve balance. A taxi driver’s mundane life turns up side down that one night when a young female police officer questions him about a suspicious fare. As they work together to unravel the largest bank robbery in history the officer realizes that this unmotivated taxi driver is oddly shrouded in mysteries.

PluckMyLife · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 8. Backer

I mean who would wait until dark if his doctor wasn't that old bastard Zodiac's son." The old man in the black suit grumbled as he climbed the stairs to Lyle's apartment. "I mean his doctor isn't Zodiac" He reached by the door of Room 104 and rang the bell. The gun in his gloved hand was ready with the chamber loaded.

"Yes?" The doorbell intercom system seemed to have come to life instantly.

"Ah.. I mean good evening. My name is Soren Archer, an associate of Wayward & Archer Group. Perhaps you have answers to questions that are of utmost importance to us."

Lyle heard the name and his head suddenly felt heavy. He approached the front door and opened it without speaking any further through the intercom. The old man, Soren Archer, smiled and pointed a gun at him.

"We have everything on you, Lyle Frost. I mean you should cooperate wholeheartedly if not giving your best." Soren showed his teeth in a menacing way. "Is there anyone inside? I mean I would rather talk to you alone." He looked at the bulky man with the torn sleeves that just arrived.

"No, I live alone," Lyle said. "You are welcome inside."

Soren walked into the apartment. What greeted him was a small hallway. Lyle led him to the living room, which was pretty much empty except for the couch and a small round table. He sat on the couch while still holding the gun.

"Let me get straight to the point. I mean, you lent your taxi-"

"Without knowing that it will be used that way." Lyle interrupted.

"I never said you were involved, I mean you lent something to a friend and everyone knows what he did with it."

"The news said that the thieves used a stolen vehicle-"

"Owned by Neil Honda, yada yada. I mean," Soren's voice suddenly turned serious. "Two of the three thieves were your friends." He tapped the table with his gun. "Now, I know you are clean from the case, but our best hope is you know the third person too."

"I only dropped him at Dreamlight, and the person he wanted to meet happened to work at the restaurant I regularly visit. You don't expect me to 'know' my every taxi fare."

"We hope, Lyle, we 'hope'."

"And, not two, one. I only know Cash."

"That makes you even more dubious."

"He was in school, he was a nobody when I first met him. Living in the same city as him for 13 years doesn't make us friends."

"So, it was when you first moved here." Soren took out his phone and unlocked it to show a sketch to Lyle. "Tell me about this guy."

"I picked him up from the 2nd lane behind Nightward street." Lyle said. "He wanted me to take him to the Antlia Passage. Tipped an awful lot of money, he said the money wasn't much for him. But I was afraid to get involved in anything shady. I refused. He insisted. Luckily, he wanted to meet the waiter for Dreamlight, who I was comfortable enough to lend my taxi to."

"He called himself Blaine, didn't he. Here," Soren swiped his screen multiple times, then showed a photograph. The person in the picture was wearing a gray overcoat. "This is the real Blaine. Wayward, Blaine. The other person is a fucking thief!"

"What happened to the real Blaine?"

Soren slammed his hand on the round table. The glass cracked because of the gun he held. The old face looked at the result and was silent for a while.

"Anything, just name anything you want. Unspendable fortune for the rest of your life can be a start."

"What do I have to do? Find Cash and this thief? Mister Soren, the answer is very clear. I want to help for the reward. Even without any, I can tell you the simple answer. After robbing 103 million, everyone would skip the country."

"Tsk. A misleading price." Soren tapped on his phone again, and as a result, his bodyguard rushed inside the apartment. "I am going to look around the house, keep an eye on him."

Soren left the living room and looked around the tiny hallway. This was his first time in an apartment so small. The hallway walls seemed to close on him. Thus, he quickly fled to the bedroom while holding his breath. The emptiness of this room made him feel normal again. A few black boxes were lying in one corner of the room. The bed was also undone.

"You are leaving this place, I mean look at the packing." Soren strode back to the living room.

"Well, I feel this apartment has brought me bad luck." Lyle suddenly turned to face Soren. "I am moving to where I stayed before, Witchburrows."

"Even though you are relocating in the same city, it seems like fleeing." Soren snorted.

"Recently, I was attacked in the parking lot by your men, I suppose. What I am doing is moving to a safer place. I like my decision even more since I won't be living in Wayward county anymore. Fleeing, I am."


The weather was bright, with the sun lighting every corner of the sky. Charm was standing in front of Lyle's apartment. A girl in a pink tracksuit was standing by her side. She was taller than Charm and had pastel pink hair.

"The apartment in the middle," Charm pointed out.

"He is inside." Cherish kept her hand on Charm's shoulder. "Don't worry, this is different from breaking your oath. How about it? I won't tell you anything after reading his memories."

"It doesn't feel right, Cher."

"What doesn't? It's just me, your elder sister, who is worried about what happened after you fainted. We might also get more information about that scum of a Chronocaster." Cherish gently patted Charm's shoulder, and the sisters started walking.

They reached in front of Lyle's apartment, and suddenly Cherish kicked at it without warning. Her moment was very casual and her foot landed right in the middle of the door. But surprisingly, the lock broke, and the door swung open.

Cherish let go of Charm's shoulder and walked through the hallway, straight into the bedroom. Packed boxes were kept at the side, whereas Lyle was lying on the bed. She looked at her sister and closed her eyes before touching Lyle's forehead.

"He's dead…" a frown emerged on her forehead. She opened her eyes, visually scanned Lyle, and also checked his pulse. "No memories, no heartbeat." She looked at her sister.

Charm tightly gripped her hands behind her back. She was trying to not look at Lyle or her sister. Her eyes turned heavy when she saw Lyle's broken phone on one of the cardboard boxes.

"We should leave now," Cherish patted Charm on the head.


In the same city, Comet Vega was busy with his studies. The chirping of birds and the sound of cicadas travelled inside from the window behind his table. He dipped the pen in ink and continued writing in this serene environment.

A melody rang after a while. He closed his eyes and stood up from his leather seat and strode around the room. After hearing a different melody, he resumed his studies. It was only at lunchtime when he got out of his room. A few attendants were waiting outside.

"Young master, the police reported that your patient, Lyle Frost, has died." An old butler respectfully said.

I like the character names ~

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