In a realm where magic entwines with conspiracy and tradition challenges power, an unexpected hero arises, not from the illustrious ranks of the Imperion nobility, but from the oft-overlooked Terrans—humans. Welcome to the world of Viktor Dravos, a saga that morphs the traditional fantasy narrative into an exhilarating journey of adventure, cunning, and introspective dilemmas. Viktor Dravos—assassin, wizard, and reluctant gentleman—is your unconventional protagonist, navigating the precarious intricacies of Imperion society. As a member of the House of Vorgan, the secretive underworld of the Kingdom, Viktor is privy to the hidden threads that manipulate the core of Imperion politics.
Being reincarnated in an unfamiliar world isn't as appealing as you may picture. The hardest part for me was the fact that this world where I found myself was incredibly baffling. I only retained indistinct memories from my past life, all of them shrouded in a dense fog. I can recall a new game titled "Terrans" that had just been introduced.
The game was met with a wave of critique as it contained numerous elements that were deemed objectionable by humans.
I don't remember how I died, and there are moments when I question if it was indeed my former life or just a fabricated illusion of my mind.
What could you possibly anticipate from someone who can't even accurately recollect his early childhood? The tales told about being reborn shouldn't be taken at face value; unlike the Imperions who are bestowed with millennia of life, humans are bound by their small brains. It's a biological impossibility for us to store a vast amount of memories. However, that's just my personal take on it.