

women who are too smart will not be able to find a good husband... julie scoffed as she faced sophia if that's so I'd rather be single, sophia said as she walked away sophia is a young girl with big dreams and an active imagination, being raised in a society where there's domestic violence she decides to be different and she made up her mind to succeed and show those who say as a woman there're certain things you can't do. but making this decision will cost a lot. There's a lot about herself that she's yet to know. will she be able to find love just like she always imagine and how will she deal with the secrets she finds about herself. find out........ ...... hello welcome! it's my first novel and also my first time writing so.... #fighting there will be love In the end but it's gonna be a little bit slow... it's about sophia and her personal and physical growth. she's gonna grow as a person, so the story is gonna be focused on her most of the time. anyway enjoy... and lemme know what you think about it

sugarplums · Urban
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63 Chs

Little friend (2)

20 minutes later

She opened her eyes, stretched and saw little tim still reading. He noticed the sudden movement and turned to look at her.

Why didn't you sleep more?

Nah! My body can't fully rest unless it's comfortable. as long as I'm not at home or in a place that my brain can feel safe or appropriate to rest, I won't be able to sleep successfully.

Oh it's like a machine.

Yh something like that. She sighed! I have to go back there and I'm hungry.

Oh.oh.oh.oh.oh... she tossed and turned. Thinking about going back into the shop made her unhappy.

Uhm.....I know we were told not to collect things from strangers. Well I hear that almost everyday. But emm... I'm not a bad stranger, I have something you can eat Tim said with a blush.

Sophia saw his cute gesture and smiled. So what makes you a good stranger?.

Tim thought for a while, well you slept for few minutes and I didn't make any noise and I didn't touch your things either and I covered up for you.

Sophia laughed hard because he took the question seriously. I'm just kidding tim. I know you're a good boy. It's okay, so what did you bring?

He quickly opened his backpack and brought out a nicely packed sandwich, with juice. There was a lot of snacks inside the bag.

Sophia yelped as she watched what was been placed before her. The appetite to eat was unleashed. She wanted to pounce when she thought of something and suddenly paused.

Tim had been staring at her and he saw her cute reactions, he was so happy that he could be of help to her. But he noticed that she didn't touch anything and just stared at the food.

What's wrong, you don't like it?

Oh no that's not it. Well she turned to him. Where's your mum and dad? Or are you with any guardian?

It's not right for me to eat a little boys lunch, I can't do that.

He suddenly froze, a little sadness could be seen in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

My parents are not around here, but I came with a Nanny and some guards, they are around here.

Really are they going to suspect me as a criminal or something? cuz I've been in here for a while.

Nah don't worry they won't do anything, they are cool.

Tim didn't tell her that as soon as she entered the shop the guards were already at the door but he signaled them to go away.

As for peter, he didn't bother with him. All he had to do was look at him and he bolted.

Are you sure? sophia asked seriously.

Look, I'm not a kid. He paused and looked at himself. Okay I'm a kid but I'm not childish I know what I'm doing okay.

Hurry up and eat, it's okay I still have some in my bag. okay ! Eat.

He urged her still she finally agreed. Thanks a lot tim, you know what; lately I've been meeting a lot of handsome guys, but in all I haven't seen anyone that's at cute and gorgeous as you.

Yh even though you're a kid, you're very mature. You're like a little man.

Tim blushed a lot, coughs..... Go ahead and eat.

Sophia opened the pack, and saw a nicely parked sandwich. It was literally calling out to her.

The bread was toasted with mayonnaise and sardine spread on each side, topped with tomatoes, cabbage and carrots.

Sophia quickly took a bite and exhaled, oh my God! This is incredible. She took a sip of the juice it tasted like pineapple mixed with coconuts. Oh my..

little tim I'll follow you to your house okay.

Tim stared at the girl by his side, she wiggled her legs and hummed as she happily ate the sandwich, she was literally the one acting like a child this time.

He chuckled; okay no problem, when I'm going you can follow me.



Sophia finished eating, cleaned the surrounding and her body. She thanked little tim, waved and then walked out of the bookstore.

She walked to the salon, then she heard footsteps behind her. Little tim walked towards her direction.

Where are you going? She asked him with a confused look on her face.

He didn't reply and just walked past her. Sophia frowned and walked towards the shop.

She saw little tim enter the shop, he stuck his head out and looked at her, as though waiting for her to come.

She got to the shop, as she was about to step in, she felt a little hand slid into her palm, she lowered her head and saw that it belonged to tim.

He motioned her to enter, she entered but was confused, she didn't understand what he was trying to do.

Does he want to see the salon? She thought as she walked into the shop.

Sophia where have you been? we've been looking for you; how can you just disappear? Is this how you're gonna learn?

They all bombarded her with questions, not even giving her a chance to talk.

"She was with me" do you guys have a problem with it? if you do, feel free to complain.

A cute childish voice was heard and everyone kept quiet. They were so focused on sophia that they didn't notice the little figure beside her. They were even holding hands. are they that close?

Of course not young master! She was with you so there's no problem at all. Peter quickly spoke out.

Young master? Since when I did I go by that name huh?

Well... Uhm.. that I..uhm.... didn't know what to call you, peter stuttered heavily.

Good as long as you understand.

He pulled sophia forward and stopped in front of a woman, her hair was completely white, she was middle-aged with nice features.

Everyone walked away, so they were alone.

This is my nanny ; nanny this sophia. The nanny was stunned, she stared at sophia without saying a word.

Nanny zo, nanny zo... Tim frowned and called out to her. Nanny zo finally came to her senses.

I'm so sorry, I was just surprised, this is the first time Timothy has introduced someone like you, I mean someone your age before.

Nice to meet you miss sophia. She quickly composed herself. How are you doing?

Oh! I'm fine, nanny zo. It's nice to meet you too.

So where do you work or stay... I'm sorry Timothy dragged you to this place.

I work here nanny zo, I'm an apprentice. So it's okay he didn't drag me here we came together.

Really? She was shocked. Timothy actually made an apprentice his friend. She was about to scrutinize sophia when she felt an angry glare, directed towards her.

Timothy gave her a warning look. She paused but wasn't really scared, she was not like the others, she has been with this little boy since he was born and she understands and care for him the most so she won't let anyone harm him.

No matter how stern he is, Timothy is still a little child so he can't really tell when someone is pretending to be close to him.

She still looked at sophia from head to toe. She checked the quality of her clothes, hairstyle and every else. Her eyes stopped at the hands that were together.

Sophia knew what she was doing, but she still smiled because of little tim. She was already used to people's judgemental gaze.

She remembered when chief called her while styling someone's hair to help him hold a part of the hair while he styled the other part.

As soon as she put her hand on the woman's hair, what she received was a slap. No don't touch my hair. is your hand even clean, do you know how much I invest in my hair. So why would you touch it anyhow.

It was so annoying that she had to wash her hands and the woman still didn't let her rest throughout the entire session.

Even though the woman In front of her was was a nanny, she still wasn't ordinary. She had an air of sophistication around her.

She knew she won't get along with her, so there was no need to try to butter up to her.

She squatted to the little guys level. And went closer to him, she whispered so no one else heard what she said.

Thanks a lot, I'm really grateful, you've helped me out a lot today. Everyone is quiet even after I went out for a while, she giggled.

Thanks so much okay. I wish your nanny would come often so that I can see you. I'm really glad I met you, you're so handsome.

Little tim could feel her hot breath against his ear, which tickled him, his face became like a fresh tomato, so he pulled away.

Sophia noticed this and looked at him, when she saw how his face was so red. She laughed and pinched his chin.

You're so cute little guy, I'm gonna miss you. She stood up smiled and turned to leave. Then she felt a little hand tug her clothes.

Little tim held out his phone, can I get your number?

Sophia was overjoyed, she had a thing for handsome faces and this guy right here, had it all. His blue eyes was what captivated her more.

She turned to nanny zo. Is it okay? Nanny zo was surprised that she asked her. she thought she'd quickly give it to him.

You can give it to him.

Sophia collected the phone and put her number. Tim quickly took the phone and she saw him save her name.

She wanted to see what he saved it as but he hid it from her. She smiled.

Nanny zo only came for manicure and pedicure today so she didn't take much time. Sophia waved as they left the shop.

She was stunned to see some guys, enter the car with them, they were huge and well built. She looked around. how come she didn't see them. with their body structure it was impossible not to see them.

No wonder everyone was scared of him. She didn't even want to imagine what would have happened to her If little tim wasn't friendly.

Wheew.... I'm glad he was.

Little tim didn't stop waving until they drove out of view.

As soon as they were out of view the window closed. His poker face was back. He turned to nanny zo giving her a stern look.

What was that all about? Do you think I don't know what I'm doing? So I'll just pick a random person to introduce to you?

Nanny zo was speechless. She really didn't know what to say. You know very well why I did that timothy; not just anyone can approach you. You know that very well. I didn't do anything compared to what your father and the other family members will do to her.

Tim scoffed! she didn't approach me, I approached her and I know the consequences of my own action. She's not like that and I'll prove it to everyone.

He rested his head; no one should disturb me.

Nanny zo just stared at him, this is the first time, timothy has behaved like this. He has never gone out of his way to protect someone.

He was very obedient and didn't cause any problem. But she knew he was lonely, maybe that's why he was attracted to that girl, she was different from the people in the salon.

Timothy never bothered with them, and they didn't dare approach him. But that there was just something about that girl.

Don't talk about anything that happened today. Allow him to handle this issue.

Yes ma. Everyone in the car, quickly answered, but in hushed voices so they won't disturb the little master.

Nanny zo, massaged her temples, she had a feeling, trouble was on the way.


Back in the shop everyone's eye was on sophia. How come sophia? Trish asked.

What? Sophia asked also.

I mean how do you know that boy? You guys looked so close. No one can even get close to him. He's so mean.

The last time I even tried to go close to him, he treated me like I was a germ.

What! Timothy is not like that, he's very cute and friendly. Sophia was smiling as she spoke.

Trish was about to say something when alex pinched her. Just let her be, if you keep asking questions you won't like the answer you'll get.

They just stared at sophia with jealousy.